ASMR | let’s cover you in coziness & relaxation

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • Ahhh I actually could not decide what to call this! “Wrapping you up” felt too much like a Christmas title when it was NOT what the video was supposed to be about LMAO so hopefully it conveys it okay! I basically just had this idea to tuck you in and sort of… well… wrap you up both physically and abstractly in visuals and sounds! I really love the end half of this video with the large shawl draped over you! I’ve never done anything like that really, and would love to do more!
    Sleep well everyone :’)
    Gibi Toaster Coasters, Limited Edition Sweatshirt, and OC Tumbler!
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    My upload schedule:
    ►ASMR RUclips Video every Wednesday at 6pm Eastern
    ►Sponsored ASMR Video Every Saturday at 6pm Eastern
    I donate regularly to The Brain and Behavior Research Foundation. I highly recommend it! They give grants to scientists who do studies to better understand and treat mental illnesses.
    Find me on the internet!
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    Outro graphic by / flashjomm :)
    This video was edited by Shawn , my full-time editor! Give him some love: / mrthevestman
    Gibi Throwback On this day in…
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    2021 • ASMR | Personal Color ...
    2020 • ASMR | Mistletoe the E...
    2019 • ASMR | Plucking, Tweez...
    2018 • [ASMR] Hand Movements ...
    2017 • [ASMR] Secret Santa ❤ ...
    2016 • Christmas ASMR // Trig...
    This video is intended for sleep. #SleepAid
    In November, RUclips has rolled out non-optional end-roll ads on videos. By labeling my video as a sleep aid video, I am hoping to more easily inform the ad system that end-roll ads are not suitable for my videos. If you do receive an end-roll ad on this video, I would be grateful if you would let me know in the comments below, so that I can add it to a report that I am sending to RUclips. Thank you!

Комментарии • 560

  • @nekosaira
    @nekosaira Год назад +864

    here’s a timestamp for all the sleepy people right noww. enjoy!
    0:00 - 2:25 introduction and regular whispers
    2:25 - 3:30 olay mist spray
    3:30 - 5:53 blowing on you with a fan
    5:53 - 6:33 applying certified cozy oil (lol)
    6:33 - 7:24 touching your face with the oil
    7:24 - 9:03 massaging you with a roller
    9:03 - 11:34 squeezing loofah sponges around you
    11:34 - 17:02 using soft cloth and brush on you
    17:02 - 19:34 using puff on a stick on you
    19:34 - 23:23 using soft, protective, cozy, and quite large blanket on you
    23:23 - 24:46 using the soft cloth and brush again
    24:46 - 27:43 squeezing/rubbing the blanket on you with whispers ( 25:30 gets a whole lot darker )
    27:43 - 28:14 thanks for watching!
    oh yeah, and here’s a blank space!
    blank space ehe

    • @808starboys
      @808starboys Год назад +28

      ur the best

    • @AavaSelonen
      @AavaSelonen Год назад +21

      Thx for the timestamps ❤ And true, it feels sooo rewarding to be early to a gibi video

    • @nekosaira
      @nekosaira Год назад +9

      @@808starboys thank you ~ hope you enjoy !

    • @nekosaira
      @nekosaira Год назад +8

      @@AavaSelonen no problem !! ❤

    • @OgLuckyLiar
      @OgLuckyLiar Год назад +20

      Oh, those shower things at 9:03 are called loofah sponges!
      Also, tysm for the blank space ( ̄∇ ̄)💕

  • @silverwox4269
    @silverwox4269 Год назад +202

    Timestamps 🎅🦄🦕🦭🐞
    00:00 Intro
    2:25 a great spray
    3:34 fan
    5:59 cozy oil
    7:25 roller massaging
    9:20 2 puffs

    • @Наташа-х7м
      @Наташа-х7м Год назад +5

      Thank you ❤❤❤

    • @mrsmarfaasmr3259
      @mrsmarfaasmr3259 Год назад +3

      Thank 🫶🫶

    • @Sirene478
      @Sirene478 5 месяцев назад

      4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444333433344444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444rcvtvbbo 😊​@@Наташа-х7м

  • @samschellhase8831
    @samschellhase8831 Год назад +927

    this one is one of the best, the slower, much closer triggers are great. the really close whispers, combined with close and very personal triggers are one of my favorites

    • @GibiASMR
      @GibiASMR  Год назад +218

      thank you so much!!!! ;w;

    • @jacobfreedman3231
      @jacobfreedman3231 Год назад +18

      ​@@GibiASMRyour the best!!!! Merry Christmas

    • @chriswicker8944
      @chriswicker8944 Год назад +12

      Agree, these types are my fav. Literally put me straight to sleep. Thanks Gibi!!!!

    • @Cam454
      @Cam454 Год назад +5


    • @chillygilly
      @chillygilly Год назад +6


  • @doxhansee
    @doxhansee Год назад +167

    0:01 Gibi merch
    0:01 Gibi merch
    0:10 intro (close whispering & hand sounds)
    0:10 intro (close whispering & hand sounds)
    2:25 spray/bottle tapping & spraying
    2:25 spray/bottle tapping & spraying
    3:35 fan blowing & tapping
    3:35 fan blowing & tapping
    5:55 applying oil & hand sounds
    5:55 applying oil & hand sounds
    7:26 roller on camera
    7:26 roller on camera
    9:17 squeezing & rubbing 2 puffs
    9:17 squeezing & rubbing 2 puffs
    11:40 wiping camera with a soft face cloth
    11:40 wiping camera with a soft face cloth
    14:26 brushing camera with a soft giant brush
    14:26 brushing camera with a soft giant brush
    17:02 puff on a stick (scratching & brushing against the camera)
    17:02 puff on a stick (scratching & brushing against the camera)
    19:38 wrapping a blanket around you (fabric scratching & sounds)
    19:38 wrapping a blanket around you (fabric scratching & sounds)
    22:19 brushing the camera
    22:19 brushing the camera
    23:30 wiping the face cloth gently against the camera & brushing
    23:30 wiping the face cloth gently against the camera & brushing
    25:29 dimming the lights & brushing
    25:29 dimming the lights & brushing
    27:41 outro!
    27:41 outro!
    Good night!♡

    • @leemonssi
      @leemonssi Год назад +31

      Ty so much!
      Love when timestamps are done this way, much easier to not misclick °ㅂ°"
      Have a nice time of the day ^'^

    • @AL3X4NDR4_LOVES_U
      @AL3X4NDR4_LOVES_U Год назад +4

      How do you do the heart when you said good night?

    • @crying_23
      @crying_23 Год назад +8

      ​@@AL3X4NDR4_LOVES_Uit's on the symbols part of the keyboard

    • @AL3X4NDR4_LOVES_U
      @AL3X4NDR4_LOVES_U Год назад +3

      @@crying_23 I don’t have it😨

    • @Supernatural_Fan_1964
      @Supernatural_Fan_1964 Год назад +5

      ​@@AL3X4NDR4_LOVES_U try hitting the sybuls button and the the 1/2 button
      Hope this helps ♡

  • @Iyric
    @Iyric Год назад +369

    Thanks for the constant work, Gibi; it's always a pleasure to see, study, and, most of all, experience your videos throughout the year. They really helped me during a time of year that was filled with difficult times for me, but I'm so grateful that you helped me through these times. I wish you a very happy Christmas ❤️🎄

    • @karloditomasso
      @karloditomasso Год назад +17

      super nice of you great holidays to you 🎅🎅

    • @Crabmaster9000-qy8eg
      @Crabmaster9000-qy8eg Год назад +6


    • @Outclaw_shorts
      @Outclaw_shorts Год назад +7

      I really hope Gibi sees and replies to this. its so kind of you!!

    • @ben-san120
      @ben-san120 Год назад +3

      not the easiest of times but not the hardest somewhere in between or was or wasn't or is

    • @GibiASMR
      @GibiASMR  Год назад +71

      thank you so much lyric - you are seriously too sweet, it's an honor to have ya here :')

  • @anaclaudiadelgadovilla1948
    @anaclaudiadelgadovilla1948 Год назад +10

    I love your asmr, It has helped me spend sleepless nights and be able to rest like I couldn't for a long time.

  • @GhostFace6969
    @GhostFace6969 5 месяцев назад +7

    I loved this asmr, the way you whispered "now, you're all so cocooned very cocooned very, very cocooned" was so soothing and felt really comforting, it was like i was actually wrapped up in my own personal little cocoon for sleep

  • @camillechen5064
    @camillechen5064 Год назад +18

    Luv her whispers😢😢it’s soo soothing and not noisy

  • @karenthegrilledcheese
    @karenthegrilledcheese Год назад +115

    A breeze came through my window when you were fanning us and I’ve never felt so immersed 😩😩💖

  • @rushipatel2848
    @rushipatel2848 Год назад +5

    This type is my favorite. I wish you had a whole series on it. Would probably solve my sleep problem for life😂😂

  • @markbotfield3276
    @markbotfield3276 Год назад +55

    I love how I was scrolling, trying to sleep, saw gibi had posted and was like, I shall be asleep within 20 minutes.❤❤❤

  • @ray_isback9116
    @ray_isback9116 Год назад +9

    I absolutely *LOVE* upclose whispering 😅 it knocks me right tf out and its rare to see in a Gibi video ❤

  • @SaturnicusExo
    @SaturnicusExo Год назад +19

    New favorite video, turning on this and closing my black-out curtains to relax after work had me snoring in like 5-10 mins

  • @mitchrope
    @mitchrope 8 месяцев назад +3

    I don't usually get tingles from visual triggers, but that folding fan gave me a surprise. Never doubt ze Gibi. She will find a tingle for you when you need one. Thanks for your continuing dedication to your craft. I am in and out, and I miss a lot on your channel, but you're my OG ASMRtist and I am always grateful for your unique approach.

  • @MrFredstt
    @MrFredstt Год назад +9

    I never wanted the second half of the video to end ngl. Having the blanket wrapped around the mic/camera and doing triggers on it was pure bliss

  • @LavaDemon66
    @LavaDemon66 Год назад +16

    Glad that i can relax with a good Gibi video today. I enjoy these kind of soft and soothing videos. The close up ear whispers always are the easiest trigger to give me tingles and are one of my favorites. Definitely saving this video to my ASMR playlist. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  • @bonnie6866
    @bonnie6866 Год назад +4

    lolol your husband is so sweet to do these little appearances with you! you can tell he is not in his element but it's so sweet that he is willing to do it. i'm so happy for you guys :)

  • @burgerbox101
    @burgerbox101 Год назад +81

    Anyone else get heaps of tingles from her whispers alone

    • @Hopeyplaysroblox
      @Hopeyplaysroblox 9 месяцев назад +2

      Me definitely ❤

    • @burgerbox101
      @burgerbox101 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@Hopeyplaysroblox you should try making asmr you've already got a 16 subscriber head start

    • @Hopeyplaysroblox
      @Hopeyplaysroblox 9 месяцев назад

      @@burgerbox101 omg yes very true

  • @maddyyyyyyg
    @maddyyyyyyg Год назад +3

    I'm going through the after effects of a break-up that happened a few months ago and videos like these help to centralize my focus on the screen and to block out my own thoughts. Thank you, Gibi, for these videos.

  • @aaronfrederick7017
    @aaronfrederick7017 Год назад +13

    The last 3-4 minutes of the video was just…. YES
    It was incredibly relaxing and calming. I hope to see it more often or perhaps a video dedicated just to tingles in the dark (but not too dark lol)

  • @carolineASMR
    @carolineASMR Год назад +6

    Merry Christmas, Gibi, Ben & Satine! Thank you for another year of relaxing and entertaining content! :D❤

    • @GibiASMR
      @GibiASMR  Год назад +3

      bawww Merry Christmas Caroline!!!!!!!!

  • @titogee36
    @titogee36 9 месяцев назад +2

    Gibi is on a class of her own honestly she’s the best at what she does

  • @RenegadeLK
    @RenegadeLK Год назад +17

    Gibi is really the best in the game, her whispers are like no other. She has a way of making you feel so comfortable while sleeping!

  • @CraziestTrebble
    @CraziestTrebble Год назад +2

    The dimming of the lights really was crazy! I haven’t had tingles like that in years 🤩🤩🤩

  • @Summerraindrop
    @Summerraindrop Год назад +35

    The part with the blanket was soo good! It honestly made me cry 😭 I felt so protected and comforted. Made me realize how much I needed that🥲❤️

  • @Z4hL
    @Z4hL Год назад +9

    I can confidently say this has quickly become one of my favourites asmr videos ever

  • @Dryminator
    @Dryminator Год назад +2

    3:55 - The gentle wind noise from the fan might just be my new favorite trigger of 2023 (the part where wind blows directly on the microphone). Gotta look up more of this!
    Thank you for the excellent video and I wish the bestest holidays for you and Ben!

    • @GibiASMR
      @GibiASMR  Год назад +3

      yaaayy I really like that sound too!! Happy holidays!!

  • @thepurpleelephant2789
    @thepurpleelephant2789 Год назад +3

    Gibi seems cool af like I wish I had a Gibi in my life fr

  • @chenorhafizah2581
    @chenorhafizah2581 Год назад +3

    Always love Gibi's whispering. Sounds soo soothing and calming. ❤

  • @jawadomari4196
    @jawadomari4196 Год назад +1

    It’s really hard to believe that just by listening to her videos can put me into another world where it’s so peaceful and nothing can bother me.

  • @kingstoler
    @kingstoler Год назад +62

    Seriously thank you Gibi. This was incredibly relaxing. Happy holidays

    • @ryaziadavis1740
      @ryaziadavis1740 Год назад +1

      I love this asmr video because she is using a fan

  • @hubby78p20
    @hubby78p20 Год назад +1

    Coziness 10/10 relaxation 10/10, mission accomplished Gibi. One of the best videos ever for me.

  • @Joe-bn9vv
    @Joe-bn9vv Год назад +3

    This might be one of the most relaxing videos I have ever watched. Thank You Gibi

  • @freshmilk193
    @freshmilk193 Год назад +1

    Absolutely loved the ending with the no lights…would love a lights out asmr video ❤️

  • @ilovenoodlesoup
    @ilovenoodlesoup Год назад +2

    I love this video. I really like that it’s less bright than the other videos

  • @moedogg311
    @moedogg311 Год назад +3

    This just might be your best video. Seriously. Thank you!

  • @bennelsen9899
    @bennelsen9899 Год назад +6

    No but this is the greatest asmr video of all time. It's a part of my nighttime routine now...

  • @AavaSelonen
    @AavaSelonen Год назад +14

    Thx gibi for making us sleep better right before Christmas🎄❤ Merry Christmas Gibi!

  • @adelineriggle9647
    @adelineriggle9647 Год назад +8

    This has put me to sleep every night since it was uploaded. Genuinely the best asmr video ever. One good sign that it’s a good asmr video is if you don’t remember it. I’ve watched this several times and couldn’t tell you one thing that’s in it other than the merch in the beginning

  • @ziyadasmr6182
    @ziyadasmr6182 Год назад +12

    I’m ready for sleep good night everyone thx Gibi ❤

  • @Hsviss87
    @Hsviss87 11 месяцев назад

    I’ve not seen a hand fan used, but it’s stunning. I love the subtle puffs of air it gives. I wish I could get a whole video of sounds like that!

  • @japenn20
    @japenn20 Год назад +8

    This *shattered* my tingle immunity. Please more of this!

  • @cathybritz7456
    @cathybritz7456 Год назад +4

    This has got to be one of if not the best asmr video i have ever watched,you are amzing and the stuff you do is amazing,i love you and the hard work you put into these videos❤❤❤

  • @Drvader87
    @Drvader87 Год назад

    Applying the oil with that roller was unexpectedly amazing. Would be happy to see that trigger return in the future.

  • @njh18
    @njh18 Год назад +3

    Thank you for 6+ years of ASMR.

  • @808starboys
    @808starboys Год назад +36

    y’all waiting for a rare & ultra specific video as well? 😩
    but anyways holy shit the whispers in this video are so tingly!! 😻 yet another masterpiece from king gibi

  • @lexilacroix6130
    @lexilacroix6130 Год назад +2

    this was extremely relaxing to watch/listen to while last minute crocheting Christmas gifts

  • @mariapires7135
    @mariapires7135 Год назад +1

    Been a while since I've gotten so many tingles from a video! Thank you Gibi for the relaxation and coziness, you are the best :))

  • @srightwean
    @srightwean Год назад +2

    I'm drunk too, this message took sooo long. To formulate. Thx for all you do gibi♥️

  • @rcc3815
    @rcc3815 Год назад +1

    Merry Christmas Gibi, Ben, and Satine! And all of the Gibi crew in general( or Hanukkah or any other celebration you celebrate with). I hope all are doing well and enjoy the rest of this year. ❤❤❤❤❤ All of you are awesome sauce btw🥰

  • @QuietMouseASMR
    @QuietMouseASMR Год назад +3

    This was so comforting and tingly. You’re so good at coming up with new ways to give us tingles! 🥰🥰🥰

  • @jackbentham1926
    @jackbentham1926 Год назад +5

    Never needed an asmr vid more. Got tingles straight away.

    • @darkpotato4515
      @darkpotato4515 Год назад

      ​@@jonathanmarin370dang bruh that sucks :/// I'm sure there's something out there that'll get you. There's sm variety

  • @nenalow
    @nenalow Год назад +5

    very personal and ik no one asked but ..
    gibi has similar breathing to how my dad used to sleep in his chair when i was little. when i still believed in him being a dad. the similarity was quite interesting yet comforting💕 .

  • @luunietoonies
    @luunietoonies Год назад +7

    I needed this. life's been so hard recently ❤

  • @dinadujour
    @dinadujour Год назад

    BEGGING AND PRAYING FOR A CAMERA BRUSHING VID THE WAY YOU DID IT HERE 😩😩🤞🏼🤞🏼💫💫💫 foam covered mic brushing is not really my thing but gentle natural camera brushing is THE best thing, thank you so much for including it here 🥺❤

  • @P3rs0n4l
    @P3rs0n4l Год назад +2

    I was so high I couldn't sleep and stayed up all night, its currently 8:45 AM and I needed this.

  • @viraggabor9359
    @viraggabor9359 Год назад +4

    Wow Gibi, this video is insanely good!! I haven’t been this relaxed for weeks. The close whispers, the slow movements and relaxing sounds were perfect!! Thank you for this experience!❤️

  • @LotusOuest
    @LotusOuest Год назад

    So much wisdom in those eyes, are you from this planet? 😅
    Whispers and hyper sensitive people is a match. Here is all people need in first place : softness, kindness, care, empathy... ASMR is really a sign of a new era. We don't hide the need of being wrapped in love,care.

  • @Ghost_Queen_39
    @Ghost_Queen_39 Год назад

    Thank you so much Gibi for providing us with consistent high quality videos ❤❤❤
    Would be really cool to see all your characters in one video for like a late Christmas party. I bet that would be fun!
    I wish you, Ben and Satine a very merry Christmas!

  • @kimn338
    @kimn338 Год назад +6

    Yay, we need more whisper videos! Also loved the fan trigger, I swear I could feel it. No, it wasn’t just my HVAC system kicking on, Gibi is some sort of ASMR wizard 🤩

  • @allygator3957
    @allygator3957 Год назад +3

    Thankful to Gibi for putting me to sleep and introducing me to the wonderful world of Anime!

  • @shrinkettyasmr
    @shrinkettyasmr Год назад

    Gibi’s Asmr videos literally saved me this year 😩
    Thank you 😊
    Seeing more of you in 2024

  • @Ellie_h8989
    @Ellie_h8989 Год назад +3

    From intro to outro I felt safely wrapped in a cozy warm weighted blanket ❤

  • @Akekeke801
    @Akekeke801 Год назад +1

    It’s been a whileeee since i got tingles from an ASMRtist 😩🫶🏾

  • @asmrgrif
    @asmrgrif Год назад +3

    Your microphone really picked up all the subtle sounds beautifully😊

  • @bigdeuce1127
    @bigdeuce1127 Год назад +15

    Amazing work as always, your ASMR videos are always heavenly, hope you have a great weekend & a wonderful Christmas with your family 😁🎄❤️🎅🎁⛄

  • @abigailroberts7096
    @abigailroberts7096 11 месяцев назад

    I have been watching this over and over again since it came out. I love it so much! Added it to my favorite ASMR videos list immediately

  • @baku.rin.official
    @baku.rin.official Год назад

    Woke up this morning with a crazy headache and Covid symptoms, this video is really needed rn 😭😭

  • @Thelilichannel6907
    @Thelilichannel6907 Год назад +1

    Your makeup is done absolutely perfectly each episode, though I'd really enjoy having you on screen with no makeup, like someone getting ready to go to sleep.

  • @amandagrace1209
    @amandagrace1209 Год назад +2

    Merry Christmas to the GOAT of ASMR!! ❄️🎄⛄️🎁 Your style of ASMR content has made such a difference to my mental health & coping mechanisms, I can’t thank you enough Gibi! 🥹🥰

  • @moedogg311
    @moedogg311 Год назад +2

    AND THANK YOU for the warning (about potential ads at the end of the video):) VERY much appreciated!!! :)

  • @damyenelisalde3082
    @damyenelisalde3082 Год назад +9

    I love how I have been watching her for 6years

  • @artemisiadreamz8816
    @artemisiadreamz8816 Год назад

    this is so comforting, gibi! can't thank you enough.

  • @dropthatashe
    @dropthatashe Год назад +3

    I loveeeee these kind of videos from her. always super tingly 🥰🥰

  • @marthasartx
    @marthasartx Год назад +1

    sooo tingly and relaxing! the whole video felt like a warm blanket 😴💓

  • @Shukovsky
    @Shukovsky Год назад +2

    This is just such a fantastic video, I don't comment normally Gibi but you have really been a safe haven for me over the last 5 years. Ive been made redundant twice, had a tough time, as we all did, during covid, all kinds of stuff has happened over the last few years, but I always know that at the end of the day I can put my headphones in and relax with you and Ben. Thank you so much for all of your hard work.

    • @Shukovsky
      @Shukovsky Год назад

      I also cant wait for another Daisy video, I have every Daisy video in a playlist and I often just hit shuffle on that and play games, and the bts bloopers video where you cut in the swat team meme and Daisy was like ''theyll never take me alive!'' I nearly died laughing 😂

  • @LiannaGraham
    @LiannaGraham 6 месяцев назад +1

    OMG! So good, love the whispers, you are so good!

  • @BrittanyElizabethh
    @BrittanyElizabethh Год назад

    So this was really amazing. So tingly, slow, I loved the dark ambience with the subtly light behind you at the end. 10/10. So relaxing and made me very sleepy. Thank you Gibi! ❤

  • @donnabu
    @donnabu Год назад +1

    Thank you Gibi you are the best ASMRtist. Hope you have a great holidays and new year to come. 🌌

  • @batsybats5591
    @batsybats5591 Год назад +3

    It's currently 6:18am for me and I simply can't fall asleep today. Not sure if this will help, but it will definitely easy my discomfort, considering I'm so tired I feel dizzy and blegh. Tysm for this🙏

  • @valaya.3
    @valaya.3 Год назад +2

    I am sick with some sort of cold that's given me really really awful vertigo and nausea. I really needed this 🥲

    • @scarlettlee6813
      @scarlettlee6813 Год назад +2

      Nooooo! That is a truly horrible feeling 🥴 I hope you feel less alone with the following... I genuinely started feeling really nauseous an hour ago, too. I'm kind of used to having daily vertigo from something that happened 10+ years ago, (as much as you can get used to it) but nausea/vomiting too 💀 Severe nausea puts you out of action, so I hope this feeling leaves you literally now! *clicks fingers* 💚 Lots of healing your way✨️

  • @Lex_en_vrai
    @Lex_en_vrai Год назад +1

    That ending gave me tingles I so very rarely get after all these years being used to asmr

  • @NickT3400
    @NickT3400 Год назад

    A full video with the lighting at the very end of this video would be fantastic

  • @tiffany02020
    @tiffany02020 Год назад +4

    I’m making a spooky horror game and turns out, worst part of making horror stuff is having to actually make scary stuff and listen to it over and over and over and over. Feeling so tired and raw?? Idk haha. This is perfect to finally relax to ❤

    • @FlankoTanko
      @FlankoTanko Год назад

      Ooooh what will the horror game be on?

  • @yuranival
    @yuranival Год назад +1

    This turtleneck color is insane 💚🍃

  • @Ann-gy7gr
    @Ann-gy7gr Год назад +1

    The brush one was heavenly

  • @tamarablumling555
    @tamarablumling555 Год назад

    I've got sleep headphones for Christmas and this was the perfect video to test them! And I'm so happy with them!

  • @melcormier4053
    @melcormier4053 Год назад

    this felt like the biggest hug and i needed it

  • @CathsASMR
    @CathsASMR Год назад +2

    This is OG Gibi quality 💗🩵

  • @K1ngCharles25
    @K1ngCharles25 Год назад +1

    Gonna start telling my friends I am covering them in coziness & relaxation whenever I hug them 🤗

  • @EyeofLamia
    @EyeofLamia Год назад +12

    Close whispers are wonderful

  • @StormTooth13
    @StormTooth13 Год назад +1

    My husband got me toaster coasters for my birthday on the 21st and lemme tell you i am so stoked!! I didn’t order them fast enough the first time they were released and he’s been watching for them to come back in stock ever since! I was so happy to finally get them. I snuck up behind him to tap on them in his ear and he jumped and said that’s the first time he’s ever felt the “tingles” I’ve told him about 😂😄

    • @GibiASMR
      @GibiASMR  Год назад +1

      BAWWWW HAHAH WAIT THAT'S SO CUTE ;W; amazing husband award!!!! Happy birthday!!

  • @LongitivityHD
    @LongitivityHD Год назад +2

    Ive watched this a few times now and havent seem to been able to get to the end without falling asleep 💤

  • @Xena_222
    @Xena_222 Год назад +1

    I’m sick right now so this is perfect. Tysm Gibi.

  • @confusedninjax1816
    @confusedninjax1816 Месяц назад

    I love your Pokeball headphones!! Also, I loved the fan you used. Such wonderful and unique paper sounds with it, but also, the visuals are fantastic. I love the air movements, too, for the scent. I'm so hooked to this video already

  • @lolaaaa3153
    @lolaaaa3153 Год назад

    This is like the 6th time im trying to finish this video
    Its soo good i always fall asleep within the first 10 minutes 🩷

  • @catherinejustcatherine1778
    @catherinejustcatherine1778 Год назад +1

    Excellent work, as always
    I, too, love the slow and cozy.
    Thank you

  • @ThatGreenNugget
    @ThatGreenNugget Год назад +7

    Right when I need some relaxation! Perfect timing

  • @robbdevries7222
    @robbdevries7222 Год назад +1

    It’s time to do another guided relaxation with music. Your one from a couple years ago is the best I’ve ever heard.

  • @86cpd
    @86cpd Год назад +2

    This video is so relaxing and just what was needed. Thank you Gibi.