Gun Hoo's Special Clip 😂 How Frustrating It Is Not Being Able to Talk.. [The Return of Superman]
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
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Gunho getting angry is literally my favourite moment out of the whole program. Literally I have replayed this at least 20 times. He’s so funny angry I just can’t help it.
Same.and that edit of his appa and Naeun shruggin.fav moments 😂
Me too 🤣 everytime I see a clip of it from a new uploader I still watch it.
Same. Hahahaha
Yeess mee too
Angry Gunhoo is iconic 😂
His anger hand needs to be a meme 😂
@@sadiaadil6423 😂
He's becoming the most popular out of this batch because of that 'gentle Gunhoo revolt'
Maria Corazon Ternura it’s so cute he still does the “talk to the hand” gesture
A Gunhoo special is like watching a living meme you can never get bored with. Seriously I thought his chill poker face baby but he’s expressiveness is off the charts for a 1 yr old baby✨💕
Angry Gunhoo is my favorite! How frustrating must it be for him to not be able to talk yet 😂
The meme "talk to my hand"...the best thing😂😂😂😂
You don't even want to know how many times I watch the angry section. That part was addictive lmao
Okay, but anybody else find it adorable how Naeun and her Dad both shrugged at the same time? xD
ikr they looked so cute aaAAAA
I find it funny and cute at the same time 😂
Can’t get enough of 5:39 😂😂
Having menstrual cramps be like.. hahaha!
Lol, his screams made my day
SO ADORABLE 💜 His little hand made my day😭😂😂
Sometimes you need to explodes just to feel better and Gunhoo proved that. 😂😂😂
*God created Gunhoo
"Opps-" *spil a bucket of angry ahjussi effect
While bentley is living doll, gunhoo is living meme
He lives through the saying "Actions speak louder than words." 😂 HAHAHAHHAHA
I've watched this a couple time but never got bored hahahaha I love gun hoo he is really cute and meme walking 😂😂
missing babbling Aciel now he's a grown up boy and a loving Hyung to his baby brother Jinwoo
I'm certain!!! Gunhoo is my spirit animal. Lmao
He's the most adorable when he's mad. Haha.
So I'm kinda hoping that they make him so angry for the next episodes. Lol. Mianhae Gunhoo-yah. You're just too cute I wanna keep you and make you so mad all the dang time. Haha. 😍😍😍💞💞💞
Gunhoo is so lovely thats why many people love him like me😘😘💞💞
He Is such a cutie pie😍😍😍
It's 2021 and I still can't move on from gunhoo angry moment😂😂
I could watch this a hundred times - Gunhoo is so adorable - he's the real star of this family!
Aciel is my spirit baby, very memeable
*eats lemon*
expectations: BENTLEY
reality: GUNHOO
Coming back here after watching their new teasers. I can't believe Gunho can talk now. While on this video he's still a tiny baby
Angry Gunhoo and babbling Gunhoo are the best ones ever. I tune into them everyday. Now, I really do miss the babbling Gunhoo but now he is turning into a handsome young boy with his own charm and kind heart.
0:39 Sour face Gunhoo is a mood😂
Gunhoo is really such a mood like all the time😁😍😂
Gunhoo’s anger plus his iconic hand gestures is the best part and still my favorite up to this date hahahahahaha! I miss the babbling Gunhoo huhu 🤧
I think is the very funny is when he is angry!!!!😂😂
I never get bored of Gunhoo's angry scene. That's the best one literally🤣🤣🤣
He's such a cutie ❤
Who doesn't love him and his sister... they are so loveable 😍😙
omg gunhoo yaa so cute like your sister.😍💞
3:52 had me dying 😭then the way he fell in
This is the one of most iconic geonhoo ep ...The angry one is the best and now he is so big now...
I've been waiting for a compilation of clips with Gunhoo only. Thanks for this! 😍💓 Will you please upload more of this? 😂
He mybe cant talk now but watch out when he starts to talk, bcause he probably gonna speaks at least like 4 different languages😂
Gunhoo being angry was the funniest thing 💜😂😂😂😂💜💜💜
2:53 Gunhoo: **looks at camera like in The Office**
I can't wait for him to start talking 😍😍😍😍😍 I love him he's a cute baby 😣
I can
watch Gunhoo for hours and still feel it's not enough. He's so adorable.... ❤
Who is Malaysian . Like if you agree me . The way gunhoo annoyed with his sister look like viral "DEYY" video 😂
hamid hamid weyhh😂😂lawak weyhh aku baru perasan😂😂😂
true hahahhahahah
4:50 his angry "hand gesture" is the cutest
I want to see more interactions between Gunhoo and Bentley. These two FOOD FIGHTER are so adorable. 😍
Tal_Tal Kim Bantley is the most precious baby. He’s a living doll ❤️
Gunhoo getting angry is still adorable part for me 😆😆😆 he's seriously cute, i'm falling for his adorable charm 😍
Every scene has Gunhoo in it sure worth watching
6:45 you can't teach this level of cuteness. she's natural
GUNHOO IS SOO ADORABLE he's my favorite
That *Gentle Gunhoo Revolt* is mha fave special that background music they put whenever gunhoo get's angry😂
Yeah! I really want to know the title. Can't get music out of my brain!
Gunhoo is my happy pill ❤❤❤ I love you bby Gunhoo don't grow too fast huhu
coming back here coz i always miss little Gunhoo! I feel like a proud aunt because of Gunhoo hyung🥺
the difference between Gunhoo here & now time flies really so fast, just also got shock when I almost forgot Naeun friends I miss them so much I remember the episode of them together it's just so funny wanna have some new reunion of them together
Min 6:45 gunhoo already learning SM Ent no 1 fav dance move 😂
Like every single group in sm have that kinda dance in their songs hahahahaa
Gunhoo really adorable. He can pull so many expression and return to his poker face in seconds. And his angry expression are my favourite
Why do everytime gunhoo angry naeun and their dad are clueless 😂😂😂
0:52 was it Gunhoo who did the snorting sound??? Waahhh cute!!! 😍😍😍
2:40 he wasn't expecting that HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH
I miss those days.. My Gunhoo is so grown up😍😍 I still love him from the beginning ❤️❤️❤️ from Mizoram
My most favorite clip ever!! Thank u for compiling, I just realized that Gunhoo is really my bias huhu eotteoke
Gunho telling his sister off and giving his dad the hand to stay away...I can't 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Before I was so fond of the triplets; now I'm addicted to super cute Gunhoo!
Damn I love this baby, He's so cute.
I needed this 😍 I love watching this boy especially his big round eyes 😍😍
This gotta be my fav video of all timesssss. Gunho so cute!!!
Gunhoo is so me when angry lol love this kidd so muchhhh!!
gunhoo is so cute and adorable
Legendary Gunhoo 😍🤣
I really love Gunhoo angry moments
Hell hath no fury as Gentle Gunhoo! 😂
Gunhoo getting angry is just the cutest HAHHAHAHHAH
So cute gunhoo and bentley😍😚😘😙
At first I only notice naeun because of her beauty and being caring to everyone but when I saw the “gentle gunhoo revolt” I was like OMG he’s so cute and adorable, I’m really addicted to his angry face he really is a living meme😍😍😍
I want some gunho in my life!!😍😍 So adorable
I feel so related to this baby's personality 🥰🥰
He really liles dancing hes soo adorable
Aaaaaw😍😍.. Gunhoo reminds me of my brother when we were little.. he looks like Gunhoo💕
I just so like this cutie little boy named Gunhoo because he reminds me of my late nephew who passed away early this year. They had the same gestures somehow.. Gunhoo fighting!!👍😊💪
Bentley and Gunhoo, my favourite baby actor forever 😂😂😂
He's so cuteeeee😭 protect him at all cost! Uwusssss
FINALLY thankyou for making compilation of meme aciel😂😂
I love that family so much!!!♥️♥️💜
Gunhoo is such a cutie 💘
over a million views!!! wow love how they made a special clip i hope you eould make another special clips of gunhoo 😂🤣
Gosh! I'm so addicted to Gun Hoo nowadays.
gunhoo’s face is like always on the verge of crying ang exhaustion and has cold
Gunhoo is really cute! I can’t wait until he can talk!
Angry Gun Hoo is lit! Bwahaha!
I like the ANGRY GUNHOO the Most❤️
In last clip gunhoo is like "Talk to my hand"
"Stop it i don't want to listen your lame excuses"
So much love Gunhoo 💓💓💓
Their faces!! Love the lemon prank always
my eye bags are returning because of these vids but why am i not upset?
kid vs lemons are the bests😂
Love this kid so much 😍😍😍
He is so cute❤❤❤❤😍😍😘