Shocking Goodwill Bins Thrift & Flip

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • Here is my shop facebook page: www.facebook.c...
    It is located at 1153 Kingwood Drive in Kingwood, TX
    My space is called "Historia" in booth M4
    Open Daily 10-8
    For products I used in this video please visit my amazon store-
    Amazon store:
    For fusion wax visit Vonda's Shop :
    Where I buy used clothing for cheap:
    (Hack: set your sizes then search by brand name. Hit the price low to high button and find some awesome super low priced pieces)
    Have questions?
    Some of the links above are affiliate links, however, all opinions are my own. I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and surf prep affiliate program, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and other affiliated sites.
  • ХоббиХобби

Комментарии • 625

  • @lovethegrandkids3732
    @lovethegrandkids3732 Год назад +24

    You're becoming one of my new favourites. I like your format where you thrift and then upcycle and your winsome down to earth way is so refreshing...not over the top just nice to listen to.

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад

      Wow, thank you! I am honored

  • @Imthebrownunicorn
    @Imthebrownunicorn Год назад +32

    What you did with that tray is GENIUS!

  • @annstephens4518
    @annstephens4518 Год назад +10

    OMG, what you did to that silver tray was beautiful. I loved it.
    What a good Mom.

  • @raquelkutsch5600
    @raquelkutsch5600 Год назад +6

    Absolutely love the lamp! And how you and your husband lovingly save these beauties! And save our Earth while doing so!

  • @NanaElainesChannel
    @NanaElainesChannel Год назад +7

    Love watching you diy each product you purchase. The tray turned out beautifully! Such talent God has blessed you with. ❤

  • @DonnaFrye-ye4kb
    @DonnaFrye-ye4kb 10 месяцев назад +4

    Love how you wove the floral details rather than just create a center floral arrangement. Good economical use of florals

  • @charlotted6247
    @charlotted6247 Год назад +30

    I appreciate that you price your items affordably. It's best to move items quickly and not hold onto them a long time. I saw a lady on RUclips refinishing set of candleholders. She painted and waxed them. Later I saw them on Mercari for 125.00. I'd say she may still have them. Always love your projects.

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад +4

      Holy moly! Yes I'd rather my items move quickly too.

    • @sueheiney8566
      @sueheiney8566 Год назад +4

      I think you should raise prices a bit. Pay yourself a living wage.

  • @cherylgoff8955
    @cherylgoff8955 Год назад +10

    I really enjoy watching you put together your vignettes each video

  • @Leslie-wb8cb
    @Leslie-wb8cb Год назад +11

    Your videos just keep getting better and better! I can tell you are getting better with editing and filming. All your hard work shows! Also, your hair and blouse combo looks really pretty, and also professional and stylish. Cute!

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад +3

      Thank you so much Leslie. Editing is the worst part of doing youtube haha. I appreciate you noticing that. Also all my clothes I get second hand on thredup. I put a referral link in the description box. It might give you a discount but honestly they always have really good discount codes on their home page when you go on their website anyway. I'm not sponsored I just really like to get my clothes there because I know which clothing brands fit me well like American eagle high rise jeans but I can't afford them new haha. And the shirts I buy are usually like 5 or 6 bucks. I just set the sizd and colors I want and then change it to show me prices low to high and buy the cheap stuff. It's name brand stuff

    • @Leslie-wb8cb
      @Leslie-wb8cb Год назад

      I might have to check them out again. I've looked in the past, but I'm a size 18/20 and didn't find much.

  • @ritarea211
    @ritarea211 Год назад +24

    I love little chubby hands helping.

  • @gatheringmoss5726
    @gatheringmoss5726 Год назад +4

    It's wonderful that you encouraged your daughter's enthusiasm. You could tell by the way she attacked the tray with that polish. that she was excited to transform it. LOL
    I have collected tarnished silver trays and platters for about 40 years. They go in and out of style, but not for me. I use them all over my house and give them a light polish sometimes, but always try to keep the patina intact as much as possible. So, you can guess where I'm headed here... I wanted you to keep it tarnished, but then I saw what you did to it, and WOW! I think you really upped the chic factor. I love the paint and I didn't think I would. I wonder how it might look if you did a coat of antiquing wax to bring out the carved details.

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад

      I'm so glad you liked it. Great idea

  • @Samantha-ci1fi
    @Samantha-ci1fi 11 месяцев назад +4

    I rec'vd the set of Disney books as a child @ Christmas. It was actually a Boxed Set & there is a 4th book to complete your set called "Stories From Other Lands" . It has the same deep green cover with a bright yellow spine and bag pipes as a symbol. The Box itself is the same deep green with a label.

  • @janhaley1212
    @janhaley1212 Год назад +10

    Every Texas home needs a Bluebonnet picture! Love it!

  • @arlenekerr1198
    @arlenekerr1198 Год назад +2

    Love the frame you made for the lavender print! Thanks again for another enjoyable video Cory!

  • @paulavanduynhoven8951
    @paulavanduynhoven8951 Год назад +3

    I absolutely love your flips and I think it’s wonderful that your daughter enjoys vintage items❤. That lamp is stunning and I have no doubt you will get it figured out❤

  • @conniemorgan8402
    @conniemorgan8402 Год назад +2

    Books !! I had to store all of my books at my brothers, just got them back, today.. 10 boxes with 6 to go.. I am so excited to have them back.. I do so much, with them.. risers, backdrops etc. I always read to my children.. just got through reading a book to my 52 yr old daughter. It usually starts with me laughing out loud and being asked, what’s so funny? Next thing you know, we’re a chapter in and she’s hooked 😉My daughter lives two doors down, and will come over before bedtime for our story time.. I love it ❤️

  • @SC-lt5vt
    @SC-lt5vt Год назад +3

    I love to pick up patina'd silver. I use it as is everywhere. It's a specially great in fall but I just love the moodiness that it gives

  • @karenhubler2792
    @karenhubler2792 Год назад +13

    I am so sorry you painted it.The cleaning of this tray was awesome. I cleaned over 1,000 rings that my mother and I bought at an estate sale, I like your daughter found it so enjoyable. I am so sad that you could not see the imperfection as part of the tray's history and the life cycle it has gone through. To me the polish with the damage was BEAUTIFUL. It's your project, not mine

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад +6

      If it were for me to keep I would feel that way as well. Since I was not keeping it, it would take forever to sell with those imperfections or not sell at all. At the end of the day I have to do what's best for the piece to find its new home.

    • @denisebiddick8877
      @denisebiddick8877 Год назад

      My daughter also liked cleaning trays. I used black chalkpaint it could used for seasonal signs with white chalk. Like happy birthday etc

    • @treshamassey804
      @treshamassey804 Год назад +1

      I would have bought it polished or not. But, never would I buy silver painted. I think that was trending a few years ago. To each his own preference, but not mine.

    • @annecoinerharrison
      @annecoinerharrison Год назад +2

      I thought the sticker/tag said silver plate.

  • @dah-lv1hm
    @dah-lv1hm Год назад +10

    I like the idea of sealing the moss with ultra hold hairspray

    • @Mountain-Momma
      @Mountain-Momma 7 месяцев назад

      I wonder if you could use spray shellac to hold the moss together?

  • @bearzhere
    @bearzhere Год назад +3

    Putting that frame on that canvas really made the colors pop! Great redos!

  • @diannahartin8394
    @diannahartin8394 Год назад +4

    Loved all the flips, but the canvas you framed and the silver tray are my favorites.

  • @revajobeattie1839
    @revajobeattie1839 Год назад +3

    I never would have thought of using baking soda to make a rough finish. Love that idea!

  • @lydialangfordjoiner765
    @lydialangfordjoiner765 Год назад +2

    I love old story books- it comes from my Granny reading to me.♥️ I miss her all the time.
    Thank you for rescuing those. Love your outtakes!

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад

      Thank you. I can relate. My granny was the same for me too

  • @karenloewenthal1824
    @karenloewenthal1824 Год назад +1

    I always did the silver for my mom, I still love it

  • @RustAndStardustDesigns
    @RustAndStardustDesigns Год назад +2

    That lamp! I seriously gasped. It’s so gorgeous 😍 Even though I can tell it’s unique and not a common find, it still broke my heart a little when you said it and confirmed that 😂 I’m sad that I’ll likely never find one similar to yours.

  • @julierodriguez2586
    @julierodriguez2586 Год назад +5

    The lamp is fabulous even without the glass! Loved everything❤

  • @angesews8110
    @angesews8110 Год назад +2

    Hi Cory it's Ange from England. Love the items you upcycled today. The colour is amazing. I did like the lamp shame the glass was missing. How I wish I lived over there as I certainly would shop in your booth. .Love to you and the family. Take care catch you next time. Xx

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад

      Thanks so much! 😊 if I ever get to visit England I'll bring you some goodies haha

  • @paulineconley9076
    @paulineconley9076 Год назад +6

    It’s wonderful that your husband helps you!!!😊

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад

      Thank you Pauline. He is great

  • @Jennifer_Cruz
    @Jennifer_Cruz Год назад +5

    I'm so loving these videos! I've been missing the premiers because of church but I always catch the replays! Keep doing these! 💕

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад +1

      Thank you Jennifer! That is ok!

  • @CynthiaCindyBeach
    @CynthiaCindyBeach 5 месяцев назад

    The silver tray at the beginning is awesome!! Can't wait to do this for myself! So pretty!!

  • @cherylstrader1538
    @cherylstrader1538 Год назад +2

    Love your ideas. Beautiful pieces. Just a tip, pour your paint into separate container when using additives ie., baking soda, etc. Dipping brush into container may contaminate all your paint. ❤

  • @thesentimentalsoul3683
    @thesentimentalsoul3683 Год назад +3

    When i find those silver plated pieces, i always paint them.

  • @Blessedgirl1955
    @Blessedgirl1955 Год назад

    That lamp is simply amazing! I need to live where you do because I never find as good of thrifted items as you do and you do a great job giving them new life.

  • @lindagonzalez9774
    @lindagonzalez9774 7 месяцев назад

    The coffee pot is adorable. You could also put flowers around the bottom and set a small moss filled dish with a candle on it on the top. You gave me so many ideas by putting these two pieces together.

  • @queencityminis
    @queencityminis Год назад +1

    Spray the moss with rubbing alcohol to break the surface tension. Then spray with watered down white glue or Mod Podge. It'll hold forever. I do about 3 parts water to 1 part white glue.

  • @diannameyers8163
    @diannameyers8163 Год назад +6

    Have you ever watched Jami Ray and Zeb? They have a shop and they shop at the Bins and thrift stores. They also have paper and paint etc. on their website. I'm so sorry for your bad day you were having. But so glad that you had a viewer that cheered you up.🎉We love you Corey, take time for yourself sweet lady🎉😂❤

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад

      Thank you so much Dianna! I have watched them. I wish I had more time to watch more

    • @sharonmcbride7201
      @sharonmcbride7201 Год назад

      And, Jami and Zeb curated the Cottage Colors. Crockery that you used was created to mimic actual crocks. They have new colors coming out soon. They are amazing.

  • @melissaspurlock2321
    @melissaspurlock2321 Год назад +2

    Omg I would have never thought to paint that tray. It looks beautiful!!!

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад

      Thank you Melissa

    • @ritastutler1470
      @ritastutler1470 Год назад +1

      I think younger viewers and younger people will love the painted tray..I am older but I love it painted..u did a great job.

  • @ecbrent2
    @ecbrent2 Год назад +1

    Loved this video. Lots of interesting finds! Dont forget about the rechargeable light bulbs in case you do run across a lamp thats not fixable. I love them when i dont have a plug in close to where i want my lamp too!

  • @lindabunce5133
    @lindabunce5133 Год назад +3

    Love the finds...the tray is beautiful, but the lavender canvas print is gorgeous!

  • @marycoffee7366
    @marycoffee7366 Год назад +1

    I love tarnished silver-so much variety in the resulting patina👍

  • @sharonkorth8759
    @sharonkorth8759 Год назад

    I absolutely love that lamp!! The big picture looked amazing with just adding that frame, it was a beautiful print too.

  • @ginahernandez3219
    @ginahernandez3219 Год назад +1

    Great haul, again! I just love the way you flip them and set them together. Thanks for sharing your ideas, Cory ❤

  • @lindasoderberg9477
    @lindasoderberg9477 Год назад +1

    Wm Rogers tray is gorgeous, I'm the odd duck who loves silver polished! I'd use it as a "riser" and place items over the bad spots.

  • @cindyhester9823
    @cindyhester9823 Год назад +1

    My advise… I’ve been thinking about this on pretty much every video. I truly hope with all the great books on things that you find, you are keeping back the best (or special) ones for yourself. Even when your kids outgrow them because when they have kids of their own, they will love that you kept that. My grands love the things that I kept from my kids (their parents,lol) and they also have toys that my mama kept that were mine!! Tell me they didn’t make toys that could stand the test of time!! Lol… Toy, books, ornaments anything that would have made a memory. You won’t regret it!! Even if you’re tempted to throw them out because you have moved or wagged that tote a million times and it’s in your way….the moment you see your grand babies playing with them, this flood of wonderful memories come flooding back and your heart is filled and overflowing…❤❤❤

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад +2

      That's wonderful advice

  • @conniemorgan8402
    @conniemorgan8402 Год назад +1

    I like silver platters stacked, very impactful

  • @chanaheszter168
    @chanaheszter168 Год назад +1

    I have a few silver-plated items. Always polish plate less frequently than sterling, because ultimately the plating will wear off from polishing. Also try simmering with baking soda in an aluminum pan, or with aluminum foil in a regular pot. No scrubbing!

  • @emmavik-fredriksson640
    @emmavik-fredriksson640 Год назад +2

    Love the books you found, wow! The mammals bok is amazing. Nice vignette, looked very nice!

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much Emma

  • @amybucher5439
    @amybucher5439 Год назад +1

    I’m with your daughter. Polishing silver is fun!

  • @cinmiller1262
    @cinmiller1262 Год назад +5

    As always everything turned out beautiful ❤

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much Cin!

  • @vickidunkle3698
    @vickidunkle3698 11 месяцев назад

    Wow I love the finish on the tray❤ I am so enjoying how you choose your items to complete a vingnet!

  • @sonniecampbell1788
    @sonniecampbell1788 Год назад +1

    Hi Cory! omg I love that lamp! I’ve never seen anything like it! 💕 Fantastic find!
    Love the framed blue flowers print too - SO pretty.
    All great finds and pretty vignette as usual!

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much Sonnie

  • @antiquesrestoration3874
    @antiquesrestoration3874 Год назад +1

    Creative and clever projects. Side note: You can actually remove the extra louvers from the stack at the bottom of your window blinds where you staged your projects. It will give your blinds a more custom look.

  • @lmurphy1219
    @lmurphy1219 2 месяца назад

    Yes!! Super hold hairspray works wonders for moss!!!

  • @heathercraven-sw6is
    @heathercraven-sw6is Год назад +1

    Oh my! I had the set of those Disney books! My brother and I used to read those over and over! I’ll have to ask my mom if she saved them! So great you found 3/4 of them. There may have been more but we had 4 in a holder that held the 4 together! Such a great memory! So glad you found those to hopefully share with other kids/adults!!! ❤

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад +3

      how cool!!!! They sold in my booth today for 9.95 each

    • @heathercraven-sw6is
      @heathercraven-sw6is Год назад

      Congratulations! That’s such a great price!

  • @hollyemery6719
    @hollyemery6719 Год назад +1

    Hello! I have to admit when you started painting the tray after all the hard work of getting it so beautifully shiny, I was thinking “NO! DON’T PAINT IT!!!” But then when you were finished I was like “ That’s Gorgeous!!” Lol That lamp is beautiful. You did a good job on all of these. Thank you for sharing

  • @grannygrunt5211
    @grannygrunt5211 11 месяцев назад +6

    I loved the tray after you and your daughter polished it

  • @thesentimentalsoul3683
    @thesentimentalsoul3683 Год назад +1

    WOW !!! The frame made a HUGE difference

  • @DonnaFrye-ye4kb
    @DonnaFrye-ye4kb 10 месяцев назад

    My mom has so many paper back books with ideas for painting your own projects but they are all out of print so I'm anticipating using the black & white prints as well as the colored examples for multiple projects

  • @marvineblackburn7846
    @marvineblackburn7846 Год назад +1

    Love all the pieces! The lamp is beautiful!! ❤

  • @judiruckstuhl8650
    @judiruckstuhl8650 7 месяцев назад

    That’s a great lamp. It looks like a Tiffany knock off. I think you could get a good price for it. The rewrite did the trick. 💕💕 Your husband is a keeper. He seems to be able to turn his hand to anything.

  • @shannoneck9449
    @shannoneck9449 Год назад +1

    Rogers is usually silver plated. My grandmother's wedding registry was Rogers silver. She said that they were not able to get 100% silver after WWI.

  • @diannaineson4804
    @diannaineson4804 11 месяцев назад +1

    Just a FYI. If you mist the back of the canvas with water it will tighten the canvas and won't be so floppy

  • @carolinedubose5136
    @carolinedubose5136 Год назад +1

    Great haul on books!! The lantern looks so pretty!! Wonderful print that you found too!!

  • @julienichols2445
    @julienichols2445 Год назад +2

    I love the cottage colors from DIY. Just so you know, the cottage colors have a built in sealer. You don't have to seal it with wax. The regular clay based DIY paint needs to be sealed! Great job on all your flips!

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад

      Thank you for letting me know!

  • @gloriagillespie2422
    @gloriagillespie2422 Год назад +1

    You have such a beautiful way of putting things together that look soo pretty

  • @_JanetLouise
    @_JanetLouise Год назад +1

    so clever and creative

  • @Thatsinteresting363
    @Thatsinteresting363 Месяц назад

    The silver tray upcycle is stunning! ❤❤

  • @robinangell226
    @robinangell226 Год назад +1

    Silver tray would look beautiful with a mirror added to it also ... Loved your video ... Thank you ... ❤

  • @NanaGigi2025
    @NanaGigi2025 Год назад +1

    Love the color you did in your projects today. Awesome books you lucked up on in the bins. Thank you for your uptake on paint brand. I've always wanted to try that one but hadn't yet. Have a Blessed week.

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much Georgie

  • @maryoconnell3857
    @maryoconnell3857 Год назад +4

    I had those Disney books growing up!! So, 1965 was the year my younger brother was born and I believe he still has them.

    • @sandrasanders9290
      @sandrasanders9290 Год назад +1

      I also had that book set in the early 60s. I still have a couple of them, although they have been well loved.

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад

      how awesome!

    • @dgermaine8408
      @dgermaine8408 Год назад

      We loved them also. They are a set of 4.

  • @SharonNickson
    @SharonNickson 11 месяцев назад

    You are so wise to be open to learning from others!

  • @cheryldim1843
    @cheryldim1843 7 месяцев назад

    I have a platter just like that. I display my antique liquor bottles. I thought your platters tag said silver plate, that's why it pitted. I love the aged look. I agree with the hairspray. Love your style.

  • @debeckersley3850
    @debeckersley3850 Год назад +1

    I'm almost all the way through watching this video. When you brought the books out, especially the one with the $1.99 Goodwill sticker, I could just imagine an older lady in an upscale neighborhood of Houston calling a colleague and saying, "Helen, there's a girl on RUclips going through our free bins and pulling out very valuable stuff. She pulled out a silver tray, for cryin' out loud. Yes, a 92 mark silver tray. Who is going through our stores and saying "OK" to this stuff? We're losing money HELEN!"
    OMG, I'm laughing with tears running down my face.

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад

      Haha that would be funny

  • @deborahsayers5101
    @deborahsayers5101 9 месяцев назад

    It looks gorgeous you and your daughter did a great job.

  • @gailbrown8710
    @gailbrown8710 Год назад +1

    The tray is William & Roger's, which is silver plated, and the yellow flowers are called Yellow Bells, that bloom on bushes. I have huge bushes of them blooming in my yard right now! Great upcycling!

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад

      Thanks for the info!

    • @cherylstrader1538
      @cherylstrader1538 Год назад +1

      In ky we call the yellow flower, forsynthia. They grow on bushes. I have several in my yard as a natural fence. ❤

    • @janmcguire5268
      @janmcguire5268 Год назад +1

      I’ve never heard them called yellow bells. We call the Forsythia in Georgia, too.

  • @tarafoley6030
    @tarafoley6030 7 месяцев назад

    Just a bit of info that you might find helpful, if that's o.k. ...
    Rogers is always just silver plate, so the older the piece is, the thinner the plate has become. Many years of industrious polishing takes the silver away.
    I do love your videos ... Especially the furniture flip challenges ...
    Thanks so much for sharing your talent & hard work with us!

  • @julieschwartz2135
    @julieschwartz2135 Год назад +1

    Hi Cory, I’m sorry I missed your live today, but I was forced to spend the day with my two delicious grandchildren🤣❤️. All I can say about the Art Nouveau lamp is WOW. I collect Art Nouveau jewelry, items for the home, art work…basically anything from the era. That lamp is worth a lot of money even without the glass, which someone can have cut for the shade if they really think it’s necessary. Adding the frame to that print really enhanced it’s value. I always too forward to your videos…..I love your formate of thrifting followed by the DIY. Hope you have a good few days, and I’ll try to catch you on Wednesday. 🥰

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much Julie! Kids are always more important than anything else. Glad you spent quality time with them.

    • @gary-rr7jp
      @gary-rr7jp Год назад

      The problem with replacing the glass on a lamp like this is that it needs to be curved to follow the contour of the shade. Then the accomodations screw onto each panel to hold them in. The glass is probably the most expensive part of the lamp, depending on the colors you choose.

  • @nancyreeves964
    @nancyreeves964 Год назад

    Yes, use hairspray to keep the moss from shedding. Works every time for me. Just spray shake it and spray a final time. Love your DIY’s.

  • @Royal-Junk
    @Royal-Junk Год назад

    I LOVE DIY paint. It’s my favorite. OMG, that lamp is perfection!

  • @kellyk5513
    @kellyk5513 Год назад +1

    So many beautiful projects! I think a decoupaged botanical would be pretty on the silver tray. (Like John Derian) I was sorry about what happened with the lamp after you worked so hard to rewire it.
    I really enjoy the projects and the shopping that inspires the pieces.

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад

      Thank you Kelly. Great idea

  • @tinamiller8574
    @tinamiller8574 Год назад

    The tray turned out beautifully. The best part was letting your daughter try her hand at restoration. She may follow in your footsteps if only as a hobbiest.

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад

      Thank you Tina! Maybe one day

  • @LadyJFord
    @LadyJFord Год назад +1

    Hi, I just found you & will add to your subscribers. You have great ideas & are very creative. As for the Disney books, I still have my original set I was given back in the 60s. I was born in '62 & received them for my 5th birthday. There are 4 to the set and each spine was a primary color.

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад

      Hi there! I'm so happy you are here. My mom was born in 62 as well

  • @janelaw8486
    @janelaw8486 11 месяцев назад

    Good job on the lamp & I think the crisp new shade & its style is pretty for the lamp. I don't care for that finish on the brackets, plain white would be prettier to display a lovely plate or vase , etc. on, or a burnished wood look would be very versatily as well. I like the planter, bird & vine table candle holders r very cute. The pics with Frames turned out nicely as well, love the gold flecked vase with the boxwood ball is really cute! Good ideas!

  • @janmcguire5268
    @janmcguire5268 Год назад +2

    Nice floral print. I like the frame you put around it.

  • @freidabaker4919
    @freidabaker4919 Год назад

    You bring delight to your viewers friend. This week especially loved painted tray.

  • @susancharlton9368
    @susancharlton9368 Год назад

    Just stunning work, love these videos!

  • @thekraftycreech
    @thekraftycreech Год назад

    I absolutely love the teapot and candlestick upcycle Cory!! Great finds and i cant believe you got all that in 15 minutes of shopping. Also sadly i do not have bin sales at our local goodwills.

  • @robinjackson5035
    @robinjackson5035 Год назад +1

    Hi, I'm new to your channel and I absolutely love what you did with that tray! I think they all came out beautiful. Thanks for sharing!! ❤

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад

      Thanks so much! 😊 I am happy you are here!

  • @arlenekerr1198
    @arlenekerr1198 Год назад

    Ohh wow,we had those Disney books back in the sixties when we were kids! Also I have the " Cottage style "book in my collection, you find some real treasures at your Goodwill!

  • @maryarwood8942
    @maryarwood8942 Год назад

    Gorgeous re dos. I really liked the container you put the yellow blooming branches in with the moss. Beautiful job.

  • @sac1303
    @sac1303 Год назад

    Great work, Corey. Well done, and thanks for sharing.

  • @lovingmayberry307
    @lovingmayberry307 Год назад +2

    Oh hon, wash the silver sponge out after every polish, you're just smearing the black tarnish around. 🫶
    The tray turned out beautifully! 💞

    • @DesertDIY
      @DesertDIY  Год назад

      When I get the sponge wet it doesn't work as well. that is why I use a rag to wipe off the black right away.

  • @Dianna-r2w
    @Dianna-r2w 5 месяцев назад

    As a child the Walt Disney books were the first books I learned to read, there are 4, the one you are missing is the yellow book and the case the books came in. My favorite was briar rabbit.

  • @lesliegooch7565
    @lesliegooch7565 Год назад

    We had that Walt Disney book set when I was a kid. I'm sure they're still at my parents' house. Thanks for the flashback!

  • @carocroswell
    @carocroswell Год назад

    I would not have thought to do that to the teapot. It looks great!

  • @sherriwalker8019
    @sherriwalker8019 Год назад +1

    I just love your projects. I really wish you would list some of them for sale to your subscribers. I've seen so many things that I would like to buy. You're awesome!

  • @robincivis9501
    @robincivis9501 Год назад

    Beautifully cohesive vignette!! And what a worthwhile trip to the bins!!!

  • @sharonwaldie9737
    @sharonwaldie9737 4 месяца назад

    I loved polishing mom's silver when I was a teen.
    If you find you don't like it when it's finished, you can retarnish it by spreading mayonnaise on it and leave it for a few days.

  • @margosnyder5311
    @margosnyder5311 11 месяцев назад

    I love the vignettes that you create!

  • @redlindsaym39
    @redlindsaym39 Год назад +1

    That lamp is so beautiful