THE HOTTEST BRAWLER EVER! (Official Music Video)
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- A song of fire and ice... AND METAAAL!! 🔥❄️
Grab Lumi now and unlock:
⚔️ Dark Knight Lumi Skin
🗯️ Lumi's Pin set and Spray
💎 80 Gems
💰 5000 Coins
Lumi will be in the Starr Road on April 3 👊
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0:09 Dynamike playing with his Starpower and dying instantly after touching ground is so real
Art imitates life, ig
Nah i be feelin bad for my opponents cause they always get a friggin jump dyna dying 6 seconds in.
Gotta love to see this in game!
Colette is about to become the MVP against 2 tanks XD
True XD
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Hablá en tu idioma jajjaa XD
@@Rodontesyeah, Draco is
I love how protective Lumi is about Draco.
He’s her little pookie bear.
@Josh-o6i7o dont ever say that again
Nah he's just a bad random and she doesn't want to lose
@@Spike1810in the second round he beat mortis while lumi beat none so you cant say he is bad random its just lumi was better
I know nobody asked but Lumi means snow in Finnish
Everyone: 🤯🤕😠⚔️ FANG: 🍿😋
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Like in the real matches
El primo :🤕😁😁😁
2024: Edgar is a fan of Draco
2025: Draco is a fan of Lumi
2026: Lumi is a fan of Edgar
2026: Lumi is a fan of Janet and Melodie
Draco and Lumi : Together connect
El Primo in their team : *PRIMOOOOOOOOO*
He’s moral support and the team support strength 💪🏽🔥
Ooga booga
Same vibe as: I cant belive that is finally me and you, you and me just us, and your friend *STEVE*
Primo: Best Wingman
I dont want them to complete this trio just keep primo 😭
Mortis in animations 🗿🍷
Mortis in my games 🫠🫠
Mortis in opponent team ⚡️☠️
Death internet theory
Nice profile picture
It fills me with joy to see the sparkle in Draco's eyes when he gazes at Lumi
Weirdo^ 🫠
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@@Caketurtle7 with that big of a ratio, it seems you are the weirdo
botty bot bot bots
Beni üzüyor
I like the fact that each trio that appeared had a random brawler in it.
But considering that Mortis and Dynamike are friends...
Emz and mortis:
Griff is busy with collab profits and Frank is busy jamming with Ollie
@@Zimi_Kiii1 en el lote son amigos? Pero en el juego son el peor counter que pueda haber ☠️
3rd brawler for this trio, EL PRIMOO!!!!
He’s not actually but for this yes
Poco el primo and amber
Same pfp
El primo is the vocalist, he has the voice of an angel, or a luchador, either works
@@agustinval1508 adiosss amigo… FOR PAIN AND FOR GLORYY
showtime 🙂
Another Brawler, Another Rank 50, LET'S GO
Let's 🔥🔥🔥🔥🥶🥶
Bruh I don't even have 1 rank 50
Snake 🐍 op 🐸
Yooo Justin
This is why Griff is forgotten...
I know I just commented that they replaced him for fang
@AngelHuizar-s1k well same with Frank they replaced it with Dynamike
0:41 Mortis aura farming 🗣🔥🔥
@Yannis.Z That's literally what he was doing lol, mortis isnt even that tough or strong, he just did that so we could see the fit😭
@@ramadansaad9478 Fr Chain
I see the fit
Making Piccolo proud
I love how comically large lumi’s drums are, she has to stand on a pedestal to play them.
She's strong as heck
0:41 why did mortis kinda have aura there
he is
+1000 de aura
Mortis always has aura in the animations, just... not the actual game
@@alcremiecutie334especially not the randoms😭
@zioncook6993 yes 💀
I love how Draco's eyes sparkle whenever he looks at Lumi
aw Draco and Lumi are literally made for each other, either as besties or romantically
Día 141 comentando en vídeos gringos hasta conseguir 10k suscriptores
Poor Griff, Edgar and Collette traded him for Fang :(
Griff was busy making tickets for Lumi's concert debut and profiting for the upcoming collab with Janet and Melodie
The same thing happened with Frank, Mortis and Emz changed him for Dynamike
If you notice, everyone who appeared in the video has a random member in their trios (Draco, Lumi... And El Primo. Emz, Mortis... I can't spell the old man's name. Edgar, Colette... And Fang)
I think this is because Draco and Lumi don't have a complete trio yet.
@@BlackFlash157you right
I like how El Primo is just there as the placeholder for the third member of this trio lmao...
Bad random 😂😂
I mean, they did use Fang instead of Griff here
@@C.S.L.DBad random😂😂Chain
@@creamunicorncookie1408Fang instead of Griff here Chain
I don't think people here understand what placeholder means
1:17 two tanks and one controller Vs two assassins and a Collete
So Lumi does have a soft spot for Draco, that's so sweet! It's not just a one-sided crush, but a mutual bond the two have! Which may mean... there is still room for something more... hypothetically :)
Anyways, the fighting scenes here are amazing too!! How the fire aspect is smoothly animated, the transitions between the brawling and Lumi solo-ing the drums, everything!!! Just this last couple of months, we've gotten King of the Starr Park, the grand and exciting return of the Good Randoms and their songs, and now this blazing beat? At this point I don't even know if Brawl is still a game company, because they've been on fire ever since the year started when it comes to music! Let there be an applause to the art and animation team too, who have been putting all of these together. They deserve some MAD respect for their work, and I'll never praise it enough.
0:11 no friends.
@@ДЖЕЙСОНВУРХИЗ-к7пAdmittedly, yeah. And it's not even because she's rude or anything. Ironically, she's a shy person despite her metal influence!
@ComedicNuno ok but they're definitely not a couple yet.
@@ДЖЕЙСОНВУРХИЗ-к7п oh yeah yeah for sure, I didn't mean that they need to be hooked together since the start. They just have that companionship, where one looks out for the other and such. Whether that's something that could build to a relationship, it's honestly a 50/50 chance
It's the other way around
1:14 griff so forgotten he got replaced from his own trio
Respect for Griff 😔✊️
He's trying to do negotiations with Janet and Melodie to do a collab
@@Newcomer_2025wait WHAT?
Rip griff
@@FreddyHarun4907 naquela parte o Griff foi substituído pelo fang no trio dele
Nunca vi tan feliz a Draco 🤩
He has met the right girl
Я только что тебя смотрел
Posiblemente porque finalmente encontró su otra mitad es lo más lógico compadre
Draco te gusta bastante a Lumi
Emz taking photo before freezing fit her personality so well im glad I got to see that scene
Team try hard
New collab ,
Lmaooo i can see it 😭
It makes sense too 😭
Lumi: 🗣️ Nadie toca a mi Dracoooooo!!!!!!
Melodie: ...Okay
@@Newcomer_2025pls, not Melodie
Ella q tiene q ver aquí 😂@@Newcomer_2025
Ya van a empezar 🥺
We got the guitarist and the drummer :3
I wonder what the keyboard/keytarist will be like
CRAZY title 💀🤚
Bro i thought bs was for kids 😭🙏
You guys are both acting like kids.
@@Universal5647 Jacky and Berry
i have it in finnish, whats it in english?
yess... finally i won't see people shipping draco with melody on twitter
I don't think you understand the true powers of shippers, they'll never stop.
now you'll see people shipping draco with yumi on twitter
If you see that kind of stuff on your twitter, you're not using it correctly.
@@thevigilmain6628 why, i have brawl stars mainly on my twitter account
Janet, Melodie and Lumi
Día 141 comentando en vídeos gringos hasta conseguir 10k suscriptores
Draco looking so happy I love it. But it even better because Colette. I really love these animations
Maaaan, Edgar has a final boss aura💀
I’m the final boss 🤫
CEO of Brawlstars for a reason
@@Pedgar-d4k no it’s me
Colette is the real threat
Nobody's talking about how Lumi carry that team!!!👌
I love her personality and design so much, more of her please
1:14 where is Griff? 🤔
Probably got left behind 😭
We will never have a griffpercharge😭
0:10 buena referencia a los dynasaltos de mi equipo
Es Mikeleitor, es real, por favor tomenme una foto... Le revoleannuna silla
@mikeleitor broooo tengo tiempo q no veo tus videoos, me añades? :>
Draco loves Lumi🥰
Primo loves Draco🤨
The aura of Lumi is incredible
0:26 This is so wholesome ^^
We got Mortis aura farming before gta 6 😭🙏
Before gta 6, bro its march 2025
primo casually just chillin with draco and lumi 🙏
He is subbing for Melodie. She is busy writing a song for her and Janet to perform with Lumi
They used him as a place holder for the third member of Draco's trio
this is such a good realase animation holy crap
*You can't teach an old dog new tricks!* 🐶🤟🔥
Você por aqui kkkkkk
You can teach dog drool to throw
0:28 Bro is so happy that I'm happy too❤❤❤❤❤
Hes watching lumi
Bro i reported you for sexual short should be assumed😡
@@Alexanderisverycool4wtf thats pfp
This is crazy!! The work put into the animation is always top tier
No way! This animation is VARY cool! Anime,action and VARY But VARY good FIGHT! GG!
They cooked again with this one... ❤❤❤❤❤❤
0:27 Draco and his feelings for Lumi has me sold on this trio
Their dynamic is so fun and I love it
He's so smitten by her
Ur 14
@AlaoaAlala lmao where'd you get that???
No way girls play this bs
On god, I love how he looks at her, its adorable.
@@ThisAUofRealitythe way you talk obviously lil boy
El primo joining the dragon force trio was the most random thing i saw this day
The fact this has better animation then blue lock season 2
1:08 im draco and el brimo is the other lumi simps
El Primo is just happy around everyone
I like how el primo and drako are conserned giving that the other team has collette
No way brawl stars put El Primo as a placeholder… at least make him a new skin lmao
as if he needed new skins
Dude El Primo has like 6 gazillion skins
I love the way that lumi speaks finnish🤣 "tulta munille" got me
1:14 Ohh Colette ❤😍
Colette ain't even hot
She is cute@@r0BL0XYIzxxnz
She's gonna break the game (literally) Explanation: There is a bug that if a brawler steals here ammo and she has thrown both of her morning stars then she cannot reload and she has no ammo.
@悪魔の天使-q6x I don't understand
Pam gadget, mico 🗿
Mico was prawn ready for this moment
correction, she is ALREADY breaking the game
Ohh collete 😍🔥
Colette: My Singer Trio is complete! Janet, Melodie, and Lumi!
Why's everyone is breaking down bad on a brawlstars character? 💀
They just need 1 more member of the band probably.
Lumi and Draco duo are truly legendary 🥶
De hecho uno es mítico y el otro es legendario ☝️🤓
@diegogog4m3s65 ?
@@diegogog4m3s65 you have a lack of understanding. I think it would be better if you don't surf on RUclips. They will bully you.little timmy🤓☝️
Brawlstars said it themselves, lumi is now cannoncly the hottest brawler
0:17 Poco of Emz's smartphone
That was so hard core 🤟🏽
That dyna was trying to be Toodxy💀🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥
Supercell : our games are family friendly
Meanwhile supercell:
From that book?
I am number 4?
Or something else
@@ATridentGuyfrom an anime
But that book was pretty good though
These animators need a raise, also now I desperately need more Lumi and Draco content
l love how protectice Lumi is about Draco
0:09 the Dynamike of my team 🤣🤣🤣
Lol 🤣
@@Eldelasrecargas777-q3s hablas español jajaja no estoy solo 🗿
@@Elkirbyviajero73 obvio
Dungeons&dragons theme member*
Their name is literally madevil manor
El primo!!!!!
the hottest brawler is the wildest wild of all wilds
1:14 Edgar 💀🔥
The animation goes so hard this is such a banger video🔥🔥🔥
@@Eldelasrecargas777-q3s wtf
@@Kat5022_ U think u can change your words easily after saying it?
No cuz i read ur comment before u edited it🧏
Draco: Mi vieja we
Guys we're simping for a new one
It's not our fault the designers know what they are doing.
Dont bring more shame to your family
Lumi carreando a Draco y al Primo🔥🔥🔥
Edgar looks excited if you ask me
I feel like lumi friendzones Draco
I think I was trying to say that!
draco carrying the bad random 😭
0:47 Set Your Heart A Blaze🗣🔥🔥
Demon Slayer collab?
Metallica and Queen have been very quiet after this 🗣🔥🔥
Although AC/DC 💀
Desde hace un año XD
And El primo
actually the MadEvil Manor
MadEvil Manor Trio
0:44 Bro got the same treatment as Buster 😅😅😅
I like how Edgar and Colette are always together❤
but it's still just as problematic
I tried to read your sentence 5 times and it still doesn't make sense
What is bro yapping about 😂
Draco is down bad💀
0:09 man man man dela dela 🗣️
0:47 I swear the animations get better everytime, this is like- movie quality stuff
0:09 el dyna de mi equipo:
Wtf xd?
Hottest brawler ever 😭🙏💀
Imagine how those armpits smell
This is not bad now draco has a crush 😂😂😂
0:28 Bro is so happy that I'm happy too👍
I believe amber is the hottest brawler, but lumi is a close second
Draco, Lumi, *EL PRIMO* 🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥
Simps are gonna love this one GE-
brawl reflex type comment 😭
@ fr
0:33 😂😂
Draco been drooling in with this one 👀👀
0:27 its so funny how dracos eyes are all sparkly after seeijg Lumi
They knew what they were doing with that title 💀🙏