Korone and the Mr. Mime Incident of 2025 [SMOK/Hololive]

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Subaru, Mio, Okayu and Korone convene as SMOK to play a bunch of the minigames in Pokemon Stadium 2, and in usual SMOK fashion, things go off the rail extremely quickly.
    【 ポケスタ金銀 】久しぶりのSMOKで遊ぶぞ~~!😸✨【 猫又おかゆ/ホロライブ 】
    • 【 ポケスタ金銀 】久しぶりのSMOKで遊ぶ...
    Thumbnail sources:
    Korone: x.com/yutorise...
    Subaru: www.pixiv.net/...
    Mio: x.com/garashi2...
    #inugamikorone #nekomataokayu #oozorasubaru #ookamimio #hololive #SMOK

Комментарии • 209

  • @ForestOfSleep
    @ForestOfSleep 2 дня назад +894

    "The mister mime shall continue until my score improves"

  • @Mecha_Neko
    @Mecha_Neko 2 дня назад +315

    Local doggo chases ball and goes absolutely feral over it; colorized 2025

  • @Dingalow
    @Dingalow 2 дня назад +390

    I saw this happen live and it had me in hysterics. The way Korone panics and just moves Mr Mime back and forth as well too!

  • @realNoMee
    @realNoMee 2 дня назад +277

    The fact Korone IMMEDIATELY improved after being told she can't win by just going back and forth suggests she legitimately thought that's how you were supposed to play lmao

    • @RogueSceptile
      @RogueSceptile 2 дня назад +57

      Proving you can teach an old DOOG new tricks.

    • @Matty_s4
      @Matty_s4 День назад +5

      or she was setting them all up

  • @foolishlyfoolishfool5747
    @foolishlyfoolishfool5747 2 дня назад +348

    Korone and Subaru’s commentary devolving into a bunch of YEOW like Tom and Jerry nearly had me howling like a hyena at work lmao. I feel for Korone though, I’m also terrible at the Mr. Mime minigame.
    Playing Stadium 2 minigames with my cousins also turned into this but we played the wood cut challenge instead. Good times.

    • @KeksimusMaximus
      @KeksimusMaximus 2 дня назад +7

      Those Tom screams definitely were a notable feat of the stream 😂

    • @Yarumasi
      @Yarumasi День назад +3

      Oh yeah I definitely put the most time into the wood cutting one. I also recall the sentret (furret?) one being popular

  • @DroWarriorOfLight
    @DroWarriorOfLight 2 дня назад +119

    I'm glad I caught this live and the "GAOOH!" screams, a certified 'oh hey Big Zam' moment for me

    • @Pegaleone
      @Pegaleone 2 дня назад +22

      Never thought I'd see a Game Grumps reference in a vtuber clip lmao this is totally a big zam moment

    • @toonzy4027
      @toonzy4027 2 дня назад +6

      What a reference.

    • @DroWarriorOfLight
      @DroWarriorOfLight 2 дня назад +7

      @@Pegaleone 😅 Bro I reference them back and forth all the time in my head, this one is just one I'm confident I can say "ok I'm not reaching that far" lol

    • @montyeggman3075
      @montyeggman3075 2 дня назад +7

      @@DroWarriorOfLight "Oh hey, Mr. Mime!"

  • @MrGrannyPanda
    @MrGrannyPanda 2 дня назад +116

    Only Korone could beat a horse to death, but beat it so hard after it died that it came back to life, only a master of comedy can do magic like that 😂

    • @HoscoFelix
      @HoscoFelix 2 дня назад +16

      If this was EN it would 100% be Gigi doing a bit like this. I can't wait for the days when Korone and Gigi can communicate with each other lol

    • @Yarumasi
      @Yarumasi День назад +8

      ​@@HoscoFelixkorone and gigi would be like a comedy nuke. I dont think they could possibly follow a script or suggestions even if they tried 😂

  • @mbnolasco1
    @mbnolasco1 2 дня назад +163

    SMOK always brings the chaos and fun, thanks for the translation

  • @highestorda
    @highestorda 2 дня назад +195

    Subaru Jackson 😂

    • @jacksonjames6071
      @jacksonjames6071 2 дня назад +6

      Has a nice ring to it doesn't it?

    • @Papa-Corn
      @Papa-Corn День назад +3

      I wish she said “Shamona” once.

  • @_la__al_6667
    @_la__al_6667 2 дня назад +134

    Korone always going for the chaos route in every SM-OK collab XD
    As expected of my Oshi XD

  • @Roronoa2zoro
    @Roronoa2zoro 2 дня назад +138

    Subaru said that with her whole soul, lol

    • @Yarumasi
      @Yarumasi 2 дня назад +8

      I think I cried laughing in bed when I saw this the first time. Korone completely made this stream a slam dunk omg

  • @Mr.Stizblee
    @Mr.Stizblee 2 дня назад +36

    95% of Mr. Mime players quit before they win big.

  • @frutpunchman
    @frutpunchman 2 дня назад +109

    "Subaru, which one do you want to do?"
    "That's very kind of you, this one"
    Korone's mind: Sike, trap card activated!

  • @allaboutthehoshizora
    @allaboutthehoshizora 2 дня назад +24

    I love how Ko'one starts to warp between dimensions when she lost at the end and when she won at last lol

  • @PierceArner
    @PierceArner 2 дня назад +62

    Oh man, Kaiju Korone at 4:00 had me in tears of laughter only ⅓ of the way in. I haven't laughed this hard since the OkaKoro Bomberman incident. TSKR.

  • @XaneKudo
    @XaneKudo 2 дня назад +57

    Korone: I like to do a little trolling, especially at Subaru's expense.

  • @SPFAN67
    @SPFAN67 2 дня назад +35

    Korone is pulling a Big Zam

  • @montyeggman3075
    @montyeggman3075 2 дня назад +43

    Dan from Game Grumps has Big Zam.
    Korone from Hololive has Mr. Mime.

  • @PrushkaB
    @PrushkaB День назад +9

    Man, JShay, thank you so much for clipping this crazy doog all the time. The constant stream of hilarious and precious content is like an IV drip keeping me sane out here

  • @faboo2001
    @faboo2001 2 дня назад +23

    10:35 LOL at Korone's "yadaa~!"

  • @Cloudlegum
    @Cloudlegum 2 дня назад +114

    Big Zam moment.

  • @Yarumasi
    @Yarumasi 2 дня назад +6

    This was one of the funniest things ive ever seen in hololive. That whole stream was insanely funny. I suggest people watch the entire hour because its just pure fun

  • @Reikotsu
    @Reikotsu 2 дня назад +17

    9:50 Subaru not learning makes this all the more funnier😂😂😂

  • @JovialHeretic
    @JovialHeretic День назад +6

    Both Korone's rage at losing and joy at winning caused her to transcend and co-exist as all possible Korones at any point in Koro-space-time.

  • @awkwardbirb5710
    @awkwardbirb5710 День назад +5

    "The delivery one"
    "Deliver pokeballs in Mr Mime, got it."

  • @leodavinci9682
    @leodavinci9682 2 дня назад +10

    'Do you gamers never stop her when she is like this?'
    -'No it's funny so we let it happen'
    Gamers should run hololive

    @TOXICTUNA64 2 дня назад +92

    10:50 Subaru says Biriyardo (Billiards) instead of Bariyardo (Mr Mime) which just goes to show how broken she was.
    I was cry laughing when I watched this live, and I'm cry laughing again. SMOK saikou

  • @RejectHumanityReturn2Monke
    @RejectHumanityReturn2Monke 2 дня назад +6

    The awkward, apprehensive pause from everyone (5:25) as Korone hovers over the Mr Mime game 😂

  • @washim-7867
    @washim-7867 2 дня назад +21

    Korone causing chaos as always 😂

  • @JustChiaki
    @JustChiaki 2 дня назад +56

    Mush like it took Ash decades to finally become champion, it took Korone a long time to finally become a champion at Mr. Mime Ball, all at the low cost of causing Subaru to now have PTSD at the sight of Mr. Mime.

    • @lianaverwood9810
      @lianaverwood9810 2 дня назад +1

      It's alright Subaru, _so_ many Other people are *also* completely Horrified by the sight of Barriaado (Mr. Mime) - _you're simply joining their numbers..._

  • @camerashyguy6446
    @camerashyguy6446 2 дня назад +2

    Am I the only one that gets Danny from Game Grumps choosing Big Zam over and over in that Gundam fighting game vibes?

  • @KoutaToons
    @KoutaToons 2 дня назад +65

    That's a legit Tom scream lmao

  • @modulusshift
    @modulusshift 2 дня назад +4

    I’m so amused at Subaru being like “why doesn’t anyone stop her” and then Okayu being like “why don’t you stop encouraging her”

  • @BlueKnight85
    @BlueKnight85 День назад +3

    Korone: "I yearn for the Mimes."

  • @rm9346
    @rm9346 2 дня назад +2

    "You absolute clown." -Subaru, 2025

  • @lastnamefirstname8655
    @lastnamefirstname8655 2 дня назад +6

    this kind of chaotic shenanigans and tomfoolery is why SMOK and hologamers is so incredible.

  • @星奈美樹
    @星奈美樹 День назад +4


  • @_fishy
    @_fishy 2 дня назад +10

    I love Mio just dying of laughter in the corner the whole time

  • @marcosramos9129
    @marcosramos9129 2 дня назад +4

    Man, Subaru's screams are always top tier lmao

  • @MMrian
    @MMrian День назад +3

    subaru is in the "dormamu, i've come to bargain" moment😂😂😂😂

  • @BakusanDayo
    @BakusanDayo 2 дня назад +5

    Korone could have picked any other games and this collab would have came and gone.
    But no, she committed to her bit, and now we have the Incident of 2025.
    She is a comedic genius 👌

  • @toonzy4027
    @toonzy4027 2 дня назад +27

    Warms my heart to see the Big Zam comments. The Grumps to Korone pipeline is real.

    • @Oh-Ben
      @Oh-Ben 2 дня назад +2

      damn did they fall off tho

    • @dimetrodon2250
      @dimetrodon2250 2 дня назад

      @@Oh-Benthe fact that the clips and animations you still see of them are still from that era before they fell off is telling

    • @prof.laytonfan764
      @prof.laytonfan764 День назад

      @@dimetrodon2250their play through of RAD was pretty funny

  • @va8157
    @va8157 2 дня назад +4

    This shows korone's approach in gaming. Not by being good at them, but by brute forcing her way into victory 😂

  • @KeksimusMaximus
    @KeksimusMaximus 2 дня назад +4

    Korone did a bit of trolling ☺️

  • @lycanthr0py961
    @lycanthr0py961 2 дня назад +5

    The classic "SMOK dying of laughter for 2 hours straight" collabs are still the absolute best

  • @Null_Casual
    @Null_Casual 20 часов назад +1

    this might be another all-timer Korone clip xD

  • @seantan9793
    @seantan9793 2 дня назад +2

    Those "YEOW" got me acting up

  • @matolisk4011
    @matolisk4011 2 дня назад +2

    "korone, you cant win by just going back and forth"
    "oh really?"
    improves massively instantly

  • @MegamegamikeG1
    @MegamegamikeG1 2 дня назад +2

    I still remember Korone vs Luna in air hockey, and the results were similar. Korone panics and it all falls apart. I'm suprised Mio is capable of doing anything laughing the whole way

  • @Following1000
    @Following1000 2 дня назад +2

    They may have gone through Mr. Mime hell, but at least they got to transfer the coins to their Gold and Silver game saves.
    They remembered to bring their cartridges... right?

  • @GGHF
    @GGHF 2 дня назад +3

    Legendary stream. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard from beginning to end.

  • @mikeymaguire
    @mikeymaguire 2 дня назад +2

    I can only imagine how chat was reacting

  • @jxff.00
    @jxff.00 День назад +1

    “Sheer pandemonium” is a hell of an understatement, Okayu 😂😂😂😂

  • @Kyun_dere
    @Kyun_dere 2 дня назад +6

    I was absolutely dying watching this today, thank you for the tl as usual 😂

  • @wolfan20
    @wolfan20 2 дня назад +2

    Ok, THIS is an incident, dear lord.

  • @fosterbennington6405
    @fosterbennington6405 2 дня назад +2

    The terror of seeing "I get it" and then there being 8 more minutes to the video. Game designers did not forsee the terror they would unleash upon the world by not adding a cooldown between minigames.

  • @el_kabong
    @el_kabong 2 дня назад +2

    Little more is guaranteed in this life than SMOK making amazing content.

  • @prof.laytonfan764
    @prof.laytonfan764 День назад +1

    Korone when she plays Gundam Battle Assault 2: “Oh hey, Big Zam!”

  • @HeavyArmsJin
    @HeavyArmsJin 2 дня назад +2

    Subaru I'm here to bargain
    - Dr Korone

  • @rndmdchbg
    @rndmdchbg 2 дня назад +31

    Mio : This is her frustration takes form
    Shuba : Why am i wrapped up in all of that!!????

  • @unoriginalname6604
    @unoriginalname6604 2 дня назад +2

    This is the hardest I've laughed at a Korone moment in *YEARS.*

  • @AngryJones
    @AngryJones 2 дня назад +4

    This stream was great, Korone keep going back to Mr.Mime mini-game till she finally win the final one.

  • @famichiki976
    @famichiki976 2 дня назад +3

    This is the funniest bit i've seen in so long, even though my short-term memory can't tell me what I had for lunch~

  • @Chameleonred5
    @Chameleonred5 2 дня назад +1

    This is like an entire Hero's Journey but just Mr. Mime.

  • @acaffeinefreak1377
    @acaffeinefreak1377 2 дня назад +1

    i was at work watching this and i'm pretty sure my officemates were looking at me wondering if i'd finally lost it...

  • @ChuunyaPH_YT
    @ChuunyaPH_YT 2 дня назад +1

    Remember watching this as a way to relax and fall asleep, ended up not being able to because of laughing so much. SMOK is the best lol

  • @crashtefano
    @crashtefano 2 дня назад +3

    That "YEEOW-OW!" sounded like Tom and Jerry

  • @NVUSAttitude
    @NVUSAttitude День назад +1

    It took like 6 games for korone to realize that she has to improve

  • @rasjay
    @rasjay 2 дня назад +2

    Korone screams are hilarious

  • @Rojiace
    @Rojiace День назад +1

    Real gamer mentality, we keep playing it until I win. Based Koro-san

  • @NecoLumi
    @NecoLumi 2 дня назад +1

    This reminds me of the "Here's looking at you, kid" bit from Achievment Hunter's UNO game
    The commitment to the bit is astounding

  • @Sterosz
    @Sterosz 2 дня назад +10

    Great times with SMOK, awesome video!

  • @crestfallenhussar895
    @crestfallenhussar895 2 дня назад +1

    I love when she loses the last one, she just vibrates until she ends up behind Subaru.

  • @CalciumOxyde
    @CalciumOxyde 2 дня назад +2

    I remember playing these mini games with my younger sisters and letting them win until they went to bed so I could do stadium battles.

  • @SP-ou1ip
    @SP-ou1ip 2 дня назад +3

    Ordinary streamers selecting a minigame: "Uhn... what about this one?" OK... Fine... Give it a try, yeah (playing in silence)
    Korone selecting a minigame: "YAAAAY❤"! AAAAH! (laughs) DON"T! (laughs) WTF?!?! (laughs) OOH, COME ON! "That? or that? this!" NOOO! NOT AGAIN!! (laughs) AEN BIEN!!
    As always, a comedic genius.

  • @Rigter9029
    @Rigter9029 2 дня назад +6

    Man I Love Korone

  • @Slugbunny
    @Slugbunny 2 дня назад +3

    Perfect to watch late in the evening, the hysterical comedy was even more infectious. 😂

  • @buko.biko.
    @buko.biko. 2 дня назад +1

    i was able to see this live, and despite not knowing a lick of japanese their screams were more than enough to let me know what was going on LOL

  • @thebigKM20
    @thebigKM20 2 дня назад +1

    Korone just always know the funniest thing to say or do

  • @Ryan91487
    @Ryan91487 День назад

    Dog feeds cat in the most adorable but brutal way, more at 11.

  • @Fishingsloth
    @Fishingsloth 2 дня назад +1

    Forgot all about this mini game, very nostalgic 🥹

  • @DigitalDeath88
    @DigitalDeath88 2 дня назад +1

    She woke up and chose chaos.

  • @harugo2749
    @harugo2749 2 дня назад +2

    I can feel the Party Crashers vibe through this girls.
    Okayu is Kingofskill, Subaru is Vernias, Korone is TCNick3 and Mio is Shophist

  • @pathos3542
    @pathos3542 2 дня назад +1

    SMOK is the definition of peak. God I love them. Thank you for the translation!!!

  • @bunkerman_who_digs
    @bunkerman_who_digs 2 дня назад +3

    No wonder Mario Party has their minigames randomized.

  • @kingofthelandbaby
    @kingofthelandbaby 2 дня назад +2

    Korone is the biggest M with SMOK, she takes so much damage during these collabs, so does Subaru but that’s just everyday for her

  • @Spartan013nl
    @Spartan013nl 2 дня назад +2

    the Korone win was inevitable but somehow still satisfying.

  • @23Scadu
    @23Scadu 2 дня назад +2

    I can never get enough SMOK chaos.

  • @ColdSnapVA
    @ColdSnapVA 2 дня назад +2

    I think we've found Hololive's version of "Oh hey Big Zam"

  • @KeksimusMaximus
    @KeksimusMaximus 2 дня назад +2

    Fantastic stream. I had fun. You don't even need to know Japanese to watch it, it was just pure emotions, funny noises and a lot of screaming
    I love Korone 🥰

  • @Dazyhead
    @Dazyhead 2 дня назад +2

    so i notice a massive pokemon resurgence in Holocorp.

  • @Mr_1Ballwhale
    @Mr_1Ballwhale 2 дня назад +32

    If they let her win a few she would no longer be in last place www

    • @PierceArner
      @PierceArner 2 дня назад +5

      If they randomized the player placement every time, I bet it would've been a lot more diverse. That clockwise Subaru, Mio, Korone, Okayu was just too reliable.

    • @blazefactor6849
      @blazefactor6849 2 дня назад +2

      @@PierceArner Yeah, Okayu was just kind of farming off those left curve shots on Subaru. Koro-san might get the majority of the attention for losing all the time, but Subaru was playing some truly bad defense lmao

    • @epicfanbattle
      @epicfanbattle 2 дня назад +2

      They are trully GAMERS

  • @mrfmmobile9700
    @mrfmmobile9700 2 дня назад +2

    4:23 Subaru: Finally it over.
    Korone : Nope
    Subaru : Omg, what the f~~~~

  • @MrChris-z1o
    @MrChris-z1o 2 дня назад +1

    Love whenever you do a long video! Thanks for always translating Korone's antics!!

  • @MrSaywutnow
    @MrSaywutnow 9 часов назад

    This is the gaming equivalent of "It goes in the square hole."

  • @Banzaiguy15
    @Banzaiguy15 19 часов назад

    This was a SubaKoro manzai act. Mio and Okayu were just bystanders caught in the chaos.

  • @phengvang3395
    @phengvang3395 2 дня назад +2

    Subaru gave korone the Goku "YOU FOOL!" lol

  • @the6ofdiamonds
    @the6ofdiamonds День назад +1


  • @Vircon212
    @Vircon212 2 дня назад +26

    Okayu may have won the battle but Korone won the war. Subaru in shambles 😂

    • @E4439Qv5
      @E4439Qv5 День назад +1

      Battle of attrition: Duck Hunt Dog laughs.

  • @Kpsquall
    @Kpsquall 2 дня назад +4

    Wow this was one of the funniest hololive moments I've seen in a hot minute. 😂

    • @yummysnacks2486
      @yummysnacks2486 2 дня назад +2

      SMOK is the undisputed goat of legendary game streams