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Chi. Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite
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Mar 24, 4:34 AM
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Mar 24, 4:35 AM
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Kunii Apr 20, 2024 12:45 AM
Happy Birthday!
Price1729 Apr 20, 2024 12:15 AM
Many Happy Returns
gaklimited Apr 20, 2023 9:34 AM
You return!
Price1729 Apr 20, 2023 9:30 AM
Many Happy Returns
Price1729 Apr 20, 2022 10:21 PM
Many Happy Returns
Vyorin Aug 16, 2021 2:52 AM
A year and a half later: (sorry for the late reply)

Sorry I just find this hilarious, so how's it going
gaklimited Apr 19, 2021 4:33 PM
it's 4/20 2021. I'm 18... responsibilities await.
ChetN Mar 3, 2021 7:05 AM
ChetN Apr 8, 2020 11:30 AM
I need to update my page alot
Vyorin Feb 20, 2020 9:31 AM
Ah I see. Well, allow me to meticulously explain my username as well, as social protocol dictates.

The word "Harem" which I use to start off my username has ancient origins dating back to the pre-islamic times. The intended definition is a group of females that I own as an entourage or, a less appropriate term, 'gang o' gals'. The impression that this word leaves on viewers suggests that I may be into the "ecchi" or more obviously "harem" anime genre, which is exactly what I intend. This indication would give viewers a taste... of my taste as they will not be forced to scroll and scroll and scroll throguh my entire list, as my username says it al.

According to online sources (“Harem.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 18 Feb. 2020, MLA8

"The word has been recorded in the English language since early 17th century. It comes from the Arabic ḥarīm, which can mean "a sacred inviolable place", "harem" or "female members of the family". In English the term harem can mean also "the wives (or concubines) of a polygamous man." The triliteral Ḥ-R-M appears in other terms related to the notion of interdiction such as haram (forbidden), mahram (unmarriageable relative), ihram (a pilgrim's state of ritual consecration during the Hajj) and al-Ḥaram al-Šarīf ("the noble sanctuary", which can refer to the Temple Mount or the sanctuary of Mecca).

In Turkish of the Ottoman era, the harem, i.e., the part of the house reserved for women was called haremlık, while the space open for men was known as selamlık.

The practice of female seclusion is not exclusive to Islam, but the English word harem usually denotes the domestic space reserved for women in Muslim households. Some scholars have used the term to refer to polygynous royal households throughout history."

This very brief statement from a wikipedia site stats the origins and terminology of the word, in short of course. The word has its origins strung to many continents and its usage was not limited to only Asia, though it was probably most prominent there.

On the other hand, the second part of my username is "Overlord", would indicate a implication of authority or dictatorship over something, such as a harem perhaps. My intention behind adding 'overlord' to my username was so that viewers passing by would know who the Alpha Male is, and would back off from my waifus.

According to online sources (“Overlord.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Nov. 2019, MLA8

An overlord in the English feudal system was a lord of a manor who had subinfeudated a particular manor, estate or fee, to a tenant. The tenant thenceforth owed to the overlord one of a variety of services, usually military service or serjeanty, depending on which form of tenure (i.e. feudal tenancy contract) the estate was held under. The highest overlord of all, or paramount lord, was the monarch, who due to his ancestor William the Conqueror's personal conquest of the Kingdom of England, owned by inheritance from him all the land in England under allodial title and had no superior overlord, "holding from God and his sword", although certain monarchs, notably King John (1199-1216) purported to grant the Kingdom of England to Pope Innocent III, who would thus have become overlord to English monarchs.

A paramount lord may then be seen to occupy the apex of the feudal pyramid, or the root of the feudal tree, and such allodial title is also termed "radical title" (from Latin radix, root), "ultimate title" and "final title". William the Conqueror immediately set about granting tenancies on his newly won lands, in accordance with feudal principles. The monarch's immediate tenants were the tenants-in-chief, usually military magnates, who held the highest status in feudal society below the monarch. The tenants-in-chief usually held multiple manors or other estates from the monarch, often as feudal barons (or "barons by tenure") who owed their royal overlord an enhanced and onerous form of military service, and subinfeudated most to tenants, generally their own knights or military followers, keeping only a few in demesne. This created a mesne lord - tenant relationship. The knights in turn subinfeudated to their own tenants, creating a further subsidiary mesne lord - tenant relationship. Over the centuries for any single estate the process was in practice repeated numerous times.

In early times, following the Norman Conquest of England of 1066 and the establishment of feudalism, land was usually transferred by subinfeudation, rarely by alienation (i.e. sale), which latter in the case of tenants-in-chief required royal licence, and the holder of an estate at any particular time, in order to gain secure tenure, and if challenged by another claimant, needed to prove "devolution of title" evidenced by legal deeds or muniments back up the chain of subinfeudations to a holder whose title was beyond doubt, for example one who had received the estate as a grant by royal charter witnessed and sealed by substantial persons. Although feudal land tenure in England was abolished by the Tenures Abolition Act 1660, in modern English conveyancing law the need to prove devolution of title persisted until recent times, due to a "legal fiction" (grounded in reality) that all land titles were held by the monarch's subjects as a result of a royal grant. Proving devolution of title is no longer necessary since the creation of the land registry. There is a requirement to compulsorily register all land transactions on this governmental record, which registration provides a virtually unchallengeable and perfectly secure title of ownership."

As the statement from a wikipedia page above suggests, it has a slightly different meaning as well. A definition that refers to government systems and legislation.

In conclusion, the words "Harem" and "Overlord" come together to make "HaremOverlord", meaning that I am the Overlord of every harem every existing, and that anyone and everyone is part of my harem... except for Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders isn't cool enough.
Vyorin Dec 18, 2019 5:45 AM
what does your name mean
Kunii Nov 16, 2019 12:04 PM
There's nothing to remember cuz we've never talked much if u look at at our convo
Kunii Nov 15, 2019 11:59 PM
hi hahaha
Yorozuya-no-Yume Apr 7, 2018 2:27 PM
Glad to hear that and it's okay :)
ONYXL3AF Apr 6, 2018 11:30 PM
Just an anime loving fan my friend
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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