Hey bro, there are no options. Please read the cheat mod
feature list,
bypass section, it has what the party bypass entails. But to expand on it, in case you read it already: When the feature notes posted says, to start at top floor, that means to talk to everyone on top (which is one person), then when you move on to second floor (talk to everyone) and so forth. But take note that some characters scenes are
only available if you did their side stories before party. As their scenes at party are dependent on their relationship points, which are gain during side-stories. This wasn't change in order to stay consistent with the story-line and is left
default as the game intended it to be.
The game does not allow you to see all scenes before the party finishes, regardless of relationship points. If memory serves right, the game only allows you to see 3 or 4 scenes MAX before party automatically ends. All the mod does is allow you to see all the 9 scenes before the party ends. But as I mentioned, the girls side stories must be completed up until that point in order to raise their relationship points (default game mechanics).
Hope this clears it up

In upcoming mod update, I will have all the bypasses and tweaks as optional just like the current cheats.