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Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai hentai doujin [English] : Shounen X Niku X Dorei + Omake, by Dieppe Factory (AKA Alpine)

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 2 comments

Dieppe Factory, a really special drawing style

I’ve downloaded stuff by Dieppe Factory, AKA Alpine, even before I knew the meaning of the word “scanlation”. It’s weird, to find something in English by this artist, at last ^^ Graphically, it’s interesting, the girls have extremely passionate faces, a bit lost from reason – it’s not an ahegao, but there’s a bit of it. And there’s nice oral, vaginal and anal sex – too hairy in my book, though.
Scenario-wise, is the story supposed to have a meaning, for heaven’s sake ?!? I guess I should have read the source to start understanding something about it :roll:
Thanks a lot to Redvodka, Someone1001, Nemesis, Dragonak and Nashrak, from LWB :)

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Ano Natsu Omoide No Umi [English], by Katsura Yoshihiro

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 5 comments
Tags: happy sex

Yummy !

This share is about disillusions and heartbreaks – but hey, please, no, don’t run away, it’s not that bad !

The male hero lusts after his long-forgotten female childhood friend, she’s all “candid great friend” with him. He doesn’t dare make a move on her, until he discovers she has a blooming happy sex life with another boy.

Just like many men, I experienced it, twice. When you’re already glad to be friend with a girl, secretly lusting, only to discover another boy didn’t wait, and you’re shown her sexual side when they snog in public and don’t hide they have sex. Or else, when a woman dumps you after you’ve been going out for a short while, you : being romantic and not rushing things, and her : rushing into having sex with a popular stallion.
It’s tempting to think “if I knew what I know today, I wouldn’t screw up like that, and I’d make advances much faster” – but, hey!, life is all about this, learning from mistakes, and regretting we’re not given more opportunities to NOT screw up again ;)

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Kawase, Me, And That Thing [English], by Ryuta Amazume

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 4 comments
Wow.. This is WEIRD !

This is an interesting work, but, holy cow, it was WEIRD !

Try to imagine, Ryuta Amazume trying his hand at gender-bender style, with an uneasy fantasy note…
Honestly, I’d call that an unfappable release, and yet, it’s sort of interesting…
So, thanks to Wow Scans !

Besides this super-weird thing, I share other considerably more pleasant hentai goodness, take a look !

There’s only one conclusion after you read the ending of this :
Fortunately, there is internet porn ! ” – you’ll understand ;)

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“38”, a figure to my liking :)

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 1 comment
in Categories: Just Talking

I almost never open the “index page” (technically called “dashboard”) of my blog, I’m used to directly opening internal pages, with Firefox’s assistance for loading my most usual internal URLs first.

And yet, my dashboard contains interesting data, for instance these all-time aggregated stats :

I love the figure 38 ;)

I tell you, I love the figure 38 :lol:

Angraecum was updated with one formerly missing English picture

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 4 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

There have been several reports of a missing picture in my previous “OMG IT’S THE COMPLETE ANGRAECUM MANGA WOOT” share, thanks to all of the persons who helped and reported it :)

Lhytiss just finished fixing that one, and I updated the download links on the Angraecum page.

If, for some weird reason, you’re reluctant to downloading once again 109 MB for the sake of just one picture, I also offer you to download this picture here, or there. The picture name should have it placed at the proper position automatically, at the very beginning of chapter 3.

Pack of a Hentai Flash Animation + a hentai doujin (Oshaburi Palace – Blowjob Palace, English), by Frapper Spirits

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 2 comments
Haa, Morrigan !

This doesn’t look like to be very fresh stuff (the Japanese raw was released during my first hentai days, the English translation, from Saha, I do not know), but I just found it nonetheless ;)

Frapper Spirits is a “pure oral action without scenario” artist, and this time, we see, basically, the Capcom Vs SNK heroines doing oral : Morrigan, Chun-Li, Mai Shiranui, Cammy, Athena…

My share contains two elements : a Flash Hentai Movie (the heroines, in color, in motion), and a hentai doujin (the heroines, in grayscale, in English).

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Angraecum [English, 216 pictures, COMPLETE and UNCENSORED], by Otsuka Kotora

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 53 comments
Tags: happy sex

An excellent manga, well drawn, with a great scenario !

There we are, I’m glad, I’m SO very glad to share with everyone, at last, the COMPLETELY TRANSLATED and FINAL version of the Angraecum manga ! :woot:

The drawings are good, very good. Hardcore, powerful, full of energy, with several various girls, good-looking male partners, YUM. And the scenario ? It’s better ! :D
Half of the manga is the “also-called-Angraecum” arc, with a GREAT scenario, allowing for not just sex, but love, emotion, and an ending that will make all vanilla hentai lovers smile very hard, while the rest is very well-made short stories, based on “efficient” and/or highly original humorous ideas. The rest is original and pleasant short stories. It’s 100% happy sex, with mutual affection and/or love :)

My great thanks, and credits, are for Anti-Aging Anon, Fayt, DGB, Orez and Setebos, the late tomodachiguis team, and the RedComet guys. And, for the chapters 1 and 3, Lhytiss (translator) and me (cash flow), I decided to commission these two last chapters so that the manga would be, at last, completely translated :kickass:

Update, 2011-03-29 : the chapters 2 and 4-5 are now in tank scans, this means the WHOLE manga is now in tank scans, good riddance the with poor quality magazine scans there were before ! Pictures will be self-explanatory : one, two, three, and a full-page before/after.

Update, 26th of december 2011 : and now, the manga has been entirely UNCENSORED, thanks to the great work of H9E, great work, man ! :D

(I share TONS of other works by this artist, Cf. The list of ALL his shares)


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