
Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Cheeky team,

First, spare me please with all this IRL Vs Porn thing. I doubt that anyone who watches/have watched porn
dont care for the cum scene. Also i dont know what do you mean when saying that cumming is not the case with sex, i assume you wanted to say something else since this makes no sense. Cumming signals the end of the sexual intercourse if i recall or dont ? ? ?? ?
Second, i also have a pregnancy fetish among others, but this has nothing to do with the fact that cum should have at least be visualised at least in the vagina entrance.
Third, c'mon.. "Not all women actually like it when a guy cums on their face and the girls in this game are no different " in which part did i mixed any RL scenarions with the game? It would be at least disturbing to do so. Any argument made especially by me is strictly targetted to this and any other visual novel, not IRL.

It is evident that you dont want cum to be visualized in your game too often, i understand it NOW and i respect it. But i am not on board with that, it is my personal taste. So, dont take it too personal because i have a feeling that you took it.

Anywayz, enough with that.

PS : I also have never seen any wet surface/liquid residue on any of the charactes sexual parts, meaning precum for men and vaginal liquids for women, is this also your team's personal taste outcome or there are no assets or way to incorporate them ingame ?
Yes, yes. I cannot deny it. There are no assets for anything that you suggest. I've searched high and low and unfortunately what you're looking for is impossible. I have emailed the good people at DAZ3D and demanded answers as to why they cannot provide the assets for the sheen that you desperately desire. I've even emailed them sample pictures of my cock and my girlfriends glistening vulva but instead of providing said assets they had the gall to ask me to stop contacting them. So my friend ...we must live with achingly dry images... for now. However a temporary solution that I have tried and can guarantee it works is....
1. Get a pair of old 3D glasses (I stole mine when I went to see Avatar many moons ago)
2. Spray a fine mist on them before playing. The mist should be a solution containing ( 40% olive oil, 10% gypsy tears, 15% pixie dust, 35% baboon sweat)
3. Once you apply this liquid you need to wait until the right natural light to play the game (in your location it's between 9:45pm and 9:52pm)
4: And once all these conditions are met if you squint at the right time..... BAM... like magic all of the cock pictures in the game will glisten magically ....


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2017
Yes, that's exactly it. You have rumbled me / found me out / exposed me for the charlatan that I am. I'm terrified of the effect it will have on Patreon. It keeps me awake at night. I was hoping to drag it out until I get my kids through college. (BTW I don't have any kids yet so the clock on that one hasn't even started) but your powers of deduction have out-smarted me, you diabolical genius. Dammit. Next episode... Full sex with Monica. And the world will have you to thank. Hopefully my future kids will have other skills and don't need academia.
and to think I almost got away with it.... if it wasn't for you pesky kids.
Great now I'm expecting some wish from cursed monkey paw with the whining being answered with that full sex being Monica fucking the MC with a strap on, maybe getting rotisseried by her and Zarah after it's discovered he's been messing with both of her daughters.
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Apr 2, 2019
I love this game but the way monica keeps pushing off getting into actual sex is getting a little ridiculous. At this point it almost feels like it happened yet because the Dev is worried people will stop supporting him on patreon once they got to dick monica.
What ? !°!! Seriously ? You can keep "pushing" Katie , that was her fault. 5 minutes (just assuming) later and Elaine would be the last "target" :unsure::D
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