Toxic Attraction DonSilver #Cuckold 8muses forum


New Member
I feel like Lester has enough ammo to cause a big fight between Dan and Sarah. He knows Sarah hasn't told Dan about Otis, that plus the fact that Lester was back in their home last night, even worse, one of the daughters saw him as well, are all pretty serious issues that will definitely cause a fight.
Lester knows from experience that Sarah is emotionally vulnerable after a fight, which resulted in all the baby talk back in chapter 18. He's probably waiting to swap the pills first, after which he'll "accidentally" let Dan know about everything Sarah's been hiding. Dan will confront Sarah, they'll fight and Lester will be there to pick up the pieces.
  • Thinking Face
Реакции: Navy_Sailor


I thought I read one time Don was keeping the kids out of the story due to the sensitive nature of the material. Their inclusion was to be implied as to give an element of taboo but that was the extent of it. What or who changed Don’s mind? How far will the kids be involved in the plot?
Don already betray many of his "promise" , just to build more chapters to earn more money.

He got influenced by the hard cuck fan patreon who are the main ressource of money

At the beginning he said there gonna be a happy ending but i dont sée how its possible now.
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Реакции: Navy_Sailor
I have read a lot of different genre of erotica but nothing has capitative my attention as Toxic Attraction. Don is a real good writer and even though I’m annoyed by his lack of creativity in pillow talk department his sex scenes are quite entertaining. My thoughts drift on how Toxic Attraction will eventually end. I am less concerned about the fate of each character as much will it fizzle out or will the ending be explosive? We’ve all experienced good and bad endings. How the ending comes out will define Don‘s story writing as it will leave a lasting impression which we can discuss ad nauseum .
Agreed that we've all experienced a great series that just "ended" with no ending. For the most part erotica is stories about sex, what I've found with TA is that it is an intriguing story that has sex in it - and it's why I think it has staying power.
At the beginning he said there gonna be a happy ending but i don't sée how its possible now.
Obviously DS has the power to write a "happy ending" however it wouldn't be a plausible or believable one, based on how the 3 characters have developed thus far. A happy ending would be unearned in my opinion, now if we have 30 more chapters where Sarah has a wild adventure and then she and Dan find a way to redeem themselves in each others eyes, okay that would be earned.

Both of these are plausible endings to me:
Sarah breaks bad, Lester assumes the position of her primary lover and Dan submits to being a full blown cuck.
Sarah leaves Dan and starts a new life as a sexually liberated woman.

Sarah and Dan rebuilding their marriage and repairing the trauma of what Dan did to them is the least likely scenario I can foresee and would be the most unearned ending.
He got influenced by the hard cuck fan patreon who are the main resource of money
I find this concept hard to understand. If a write discovers a market for their craft and an audience to consume it, then why not create a series for that fanbase and keep the original one intact. Or better yet, offer commissioned work that is tailored to that fan and pays well for the writer. Anyone have insights into why this doesn't occur more often?
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  • Thinking Face
Реакции: Dynamite20 и Navy_Sailor


New Member
Obviously DS has the power to write a "happy ending" however it wouldn't be a plausible or believable one, based on how the 3 characters have developed thus far. A happy ending would be unearned in my opinion, now if we have 30 more chapters where Sarah has a wild adventure and then she and Dan find a way to redeem themselves in each others eyes, okay that would be earned.

Both of these are plausible endings to me:
Sarah breaks bad, Lester assumes the position of her primary lover and Dan submits to being a full blown cuck.
Sarah leaves Dan and starts a new life as a sexually liberated woman.

Sarah and Dan rebuilding their marriage and repairing the trauma of what Dan did to them is the least likely scenario I can foresee and would be the most unearned ending.
Perhaps the following: Sarah breaks bad as you describe. Dan eventually discovers the truth about Lester. The evidence convinced Sarah to drop Lester and return to Dan. A month later she finds she is pregnant.
  • Thinking Face
Реакции: Navy_Sailor


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1 146
Perhaps the following: Sarah breaks bad as you describe. Dan eventually discovers the truth about Lester. The evidence convinced Sarah to drop Lester and return to Dan. A month later she finds she is pregnant.
the former couple managed to get out of Lester's clutches. Dan gets his wife back, I also understand that Sarah inevitably has an interracial relationship, she never hears about black people or already has a number of dicks to compare, she ends up with this fantasy!!!! or the husband proposes to leave Lester and keep his wife satisfied.


Perhaps the following: Sarah breaks bad as you describe. Dan eventually discovers the truth about Lester. The evidence convinced Sarah to drop Lester and return to Dan. A month later she finds she is pregnant.
Considering where the story is going it will be Lester takes it all, Sarah pregnant and his slut. I think it’s a trivial conclusion but I suppose this is what DS has been paid for…

In a scenario like you wrote, which is more interesting and more coherent with a dark hotwife story imho, all must lose so if you think Sarah becomes pregnant of Lester I have to disagree, Lester would win in some way.

Sarah must become pregnant, but by someone else
Perhaps the following: Sarah breaks bad as you describe. Dan eventually discovers the truth about Lester. The evidence convinced Sarah to drop Lester and return to Dan. A month later she finds she is pregnant.
Let's examine your idea for a moment. Currently Sarah is suffering from a crisis of psyche; she is awakening to new sexual frontiers bc of Lester which is fueling her addiction, and at the same time she is the victim of naked Stockholm syndrome bc of Lester. I say naked because she is being subjected to all the abuses of a standard SS victim; loss of control over her life, psychological conditioning, dependency on her abuser - with the exception that she is not physically imprisoned.

And Dan will have his own issues to deal with for pushing her down this path. That is a lot of trauma to work thru for Dan and Sarah to recover from. It would take a lot of chapters showing the change and working thru those issues, or one or two chapters dedicated to it to make it feel earned.

What do I mean by earned?
If we, the readers, learn in the last chapters of the series that Lester drops dead from a massive coronary or a related health issue - we wouldn't feel cheated on our investment reading the story. Why, because it's been documented throughout the story that he doesn't take care of his health, bad hygiene, trouble breathing, etc.

Now if we learn in the last chapters that Lester wakes up one day, goes to Dan, apologizes to him and says it was a shitty thing he did to Dan and his family, here take this million dollars and get some therapy and I will never bother your family again. We would be outraged, we spent all this time reading a series that was telling us how the story would end and DS switched it to some fairy tale ending that came out of nowhere.
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Реакции: Logan 999
In a scenario like you wrote, which is more interesting and more coherent with a dark hotwife story imho
The problem with this is Dan isn't a Stag, nor is he a cuck - he oscillates between the two. It's the one flaw that I will be critical about in DS's writing this story. Dan's role should have been more clearly defined. It would be understandable if in the first few chapters, Dan didn't understand what he wanted and was exploring - but by Chapter 6/7 Dan's role should have been solidified - either as a Stag or a Cuck. Currently he gets off on seeing/hearing her being with others and angry/vindictive when she does, which makes him very wishy-washy and unlikable as a character.

I suspect the reason why DS wrote Dan this way was to allow more creative freedom. Once you define something in a story you can't walk it back without enraging or losing the respect of your audience.
the former couple managed to get out of Lester's clutches.
If by former couple you mean Issac and Lizzie, that's not accurate. Issac is unware (at least that's what's inferred from what's written on the topic) of Lizzie's past with Lester and Lizzie is far from being out of his clutches, Lester has the video tapes he used, and may use again, to blackmail her into manipulating Sarah.


The problem with this is Dan isn't a Stag, nor is he a cuck - he oscillates between the two. It's the one flaw that I will be critical about in DS's writing this story. Dan's role should have been more clearly defined. It would be understandable if in the first few chapters, Dan didn't understand what he wanted and was exploring - but by Chapter 6/7 Dan's role should have been solidified - either as a Stag or a Cuck. Currently he gets off on seeing/hearing her being with others and angry/vindictive when she does, which makes him very wishy-washy and unlikable as a character.

I suspect the reason why DS wrote Dan this way was to allow more creative freedom. Once you define something in a story you can't walk it back without enraging or losing the respect of your audience.
Dan is a man excited by seeing his wife having sex with others. Technically a cuck.

It doesn’t mean he wanted to be humiliated nor he wanted to jeopardize his marriage. In his mind it was simply losing some control in the bedroom for a couple of hours once a time.

Clearly his desires have led to a very dangerous point, he has understood (some of) the risks and is trying to take the control back.

Honestly I don’t see a very big incoherence in the character.

Imho, as it is, or Dan finds an ally to beat Lester at its game(with the ally exploiting the situation…) or the only outcome that can be forseen is a complete Lester victory. Lester has been described as superman, Dan cannot win on his own.


Dan will be forced to allow Lester, perhaps influenced by Sarah, to live in his house since he will not be able to pay for an apartment (especially after the price increase) in Chicago on his own, and it does not make sense for Lester to pay for two apartments (I know he does not pay for this apartment).


New Member
JAV with many videos on this subject, where the hot wife leaves the useless weak husband, got pregnant and addicted to the sex from an ugly fat old man. But JAV with more reluctant at first foe the hot wife and slowly sex conquer all. So I guess DS is just copying from JAV here...but still, good story reading with your hand.
Dan is a man excited by seeing his wife having sex with others. Technically a cuck.

It doesn’t mean he wanted to be humiliated nor he wanted to jeopardize his marriage. In his mind it was simply losing some control in the bedroom for a couple of hours once a time.
I guess it really boils down to what your definitions of the terms are.
Cuckold: The dictionary defines a cuckold as “a man with an unfaithful wife.” Traditionally a cuckold was an object of scorn amongst his community and was looked upon as someone; who could not satisfy his wife’s sexual appetite, is submissive to his wife's desires and/or wants to be taunted or humiliated.

Stag: a dominant male partner who encourages his female partner (the vixen) to have sexual encounters with other men. The stag often derives pleasure from watching his partner engage in these encounters and may sometimes join in.

Dan is not dominant, but yes enjoys seeing Sarah with others. He wants control of the situation, but often becomes submissive or easily manipulated by what Sarah wants. So he is neither a Stag or a Cuck. Can Dan be a complicated man with competing and conflicting desires, absolutely - we all have flaws. But in this story it makes for an unlikable character, not because Dan is an unlikable guy who has sexual fantasies, but because his characters' role is so "poorly" defined. Now I reserve the right to change my opinion once the series ends, bc I'm open to the possibility I don't see the bigger picture yet to be revealed.
JAV with many videos on this subject, where the hot wife leaves the useless weak husband, got pregnant and addicted to the sex from an ugly fat old man. But JAV with more reluctant at first foe the hot wife and slowly sex conquer all. So I guess DS is just copying from JAV here...but still, good story reading with your hand.
Apologies, I'm not familiar with the reference - who or what is JAV?