Glad someone noticed haha. It wasn't for nothing!Im glad to see youve already put thoughts into it with the unclickable locations and job request buttons.
Clothes for Aster will probably go to the regular Shop. A vulgar Tailor might appear too. Blacksmith shop will be a place for buying combat equipment for Hero and probably a place for Aster to work part-time.- Will the possibility of a blacksmith in town mean we might see some different outfits on Aster? Something like tailoring different robes or clothing that may enhance/change some of her reactions?
Nothing counters anything yet! Please don't mind it. It's just an imitation of the future sort of rock-paper-scissors battle system. Aster either heals Hero or damages the enemy with magic spear as long as she has enough mana and the party is not split, no matter what you do.- Following up on that, Ive seen comments about the combat turn orders, and while I dont mind how youve set them up a small tutorial on how combat functions and which moves counter what would be appreciated. Took me forever to realize that Heavy Hits are best countered with thrusts instead of slashing, and that resting didnt heal hp unless Aster was around and had mana (it seems at least)
Thank you!