Grizzy REACTS to memes that live in my head rent free

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
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Комментарии • 719

  • @AvaTheTwilightZone
    @AvaTheTwilightZone 3 года назад +1415

    I don't care if it's "original content", I will always watch grizzy react to things

  • @davecrupel2817
    @davecrupel2817 3 года назад +348

    2:05: the relative speed of the other train is so fast, it startled him when that train seemingly *raced* by.
    Same thing happened to me once when i was super young.

    • @N4T1V3-D3M0N
      @N4T1V3-D3M0N 8 месяцев назад

      Ngl grizzly dumb as fuck if he didn't notice till 20 seconds later

    • @NickGore-i7t
      @NickGore-i7t 7 месяцев назад +4

      yeah, i also heard a window tap, so i think the person recording or his friend tapped theirs and scared him too

  • @Chicagololz
    @Chicagololz 3 года назад +112

    What I’ve learnt from watching these videos: The funniest shit happens when Grizzy goes for a drink

  • @LumanosityG59
    @LumanosityG59 3 года назад +256

    Haven’t even watched yet but I know I’m about to enjoy this

  • @sareamitchell4590
    @sareamitchell4590 3 года назад +17

    1:54. “what’d i miss” i remember when i didn’t have a phone i was so focused on the outside and everything thing going by.

  • @ravenarose8817
    @ravenarose8817 3 года назад +138

    Thanks Grizzy! You read my mind and I really needed a laugh right now.

  • @geno7690
    @geno7690 3 года назад +80

    The black instinct triggers when we all hear someone hear someone playing both off beat and off tune is so relatable, whether you’re a musician or not. I feel ya Grizzy

  • @LuiTrully
    @LuiTrully 3 года назад +790

    Grizz: "She looks like the witch that gave the poison apple to sleeping beauty"
    Me:..... Boi that's Snowwhite, get yo Disney princesses facts straight

    • @natanaeltorres6355
      @natanaeltorres6355 3 года назад +18

      😂😂my mans said sleeping beauty

    • @angelredvivar
      @angelredvivar 3 года назад +9

      Really? Wait hold up Whos Snow White and whos Sleeping Beauty

    • @MammalianCreature
      @MammalianCreature 3 года назад +11

      @@angelredvivar Disney princesses

    • @min_says_h3110
      @min_says_h3110 3 года назад +13

      @@angelredvivar Disney princesses. Sleeping beauty is the blonde girl with a pink dress that had a cursed placed on her and went to eternal sleep at 16. I can’t tell you about Snow White because I never really watched that movie to actually know and care other than that I know she had black hair, blue and yellow dress and ate an apple

    • @bmebuzz8718
      @bmebuzz8718 3 года назад +9

      He had me trippin bruh i was like “sleeping beauty?”

  • @CappyJavon
    @CappyJavon 3 года назад +61

    Love his video keep up the work.
    Had a bad day but nothing makes it better than grizzy posting a video 😂😂

  • @Honestly_Idk_Man
    @Honestly_Idk_Man 2 года назад +25

    Grizzy getting jumpscared by the big ass flat fish was funny af😂

    • @dietmilkk
      @dietmilkk 6 месяцев назад

      Its a stingray bruh

  • @gillianlyncostra2561
    @gillianlyncostra2561 3 года назад +25

    I've been stressing over my exam in less than 12 hours, these videos never fail to make me feel better. Thank you Grizzy : )

  • @mrthekingryan
    @mrthekingryan 3 года назад +16

    Did anyone else notice at 10:55 the real time and the fake time line up perfectly, like nice shit Griz.

  • @blue-foxmelody8519
    @blue-foxmelody8519 3 года назад +16

    I love watching grizzy just watching random stuff it's so entertaining

  • @grimmicc
    @grimmicc 3 года назад +25

    Your content always puts a smile on my face. Thanks Grizzy!

  • @devilsknight
    @devilsknight 3 года назад +11

    6:32 Grizzy sacred for his life now. He bout to knocked the f out

  • @TSM_Fire1
    @TSM_Fire1 3 года назад +10

    this man makes my day even more better

  • @sandraaultman7069
    @sandraaultman7069 3 года назад +16

    Grizzy, always stay the big lovable guy that you are. And keep up the awesome videos.

  • @dixierect4687
    @dixierect4687 3 года назад +57

    Grizzy is the embodiment of a snicker

  • @flovered
    @flovered 3 года назад +19

    1:10 could not help myself but laugh 💀

    • @sigmaloki
      @sigmaloki 9 месяцев назад

      It’s been 2 Years since you made this comment, what’s changed?

  • @yazmenrush9718
    @yazmenrush9718 3 года назад +5

    I love the way grizzy also freaks out about intonation in music 😂 I like dem crisp notes

  • @FOXTROT947
    @FOXTROT947 2 месяца назад +1

    Dawg, your laugh is so dang contagious. Each time you laugh, I can't help but do so as well.

  • @gowgamon3883
    @gowgamon3883 3 года назад +7

    Yo man just wanted to say your one of my favourite people to watch no matter what you do, keep up the good work my guy👊❤

  • @GoodVibesbruh
    @GoodVibesbruh 3 года назад +23

    I love how grizzy thinks that the man saying the ABC's weird is a whole other language

    • @Fallen_Family
      @Fallen_Family 2 года назад +1

      Tbf saying the ABC's backwards is very impressive, and it does kind of sound like a made up language until he plays it right

  • @mini3mayhem
    @mini3mayhem 2 года назад +5

    Not even lying, there’s a guy in my town who dresses like the kid at 12:20. EVERY. DAY. I mean he has got the style and the confidence to pull off a bright pink suit, hat included, and stand waiting at the bus stop and he somehow doesn’t look weird. It is fascinating and even though I have never talked to him and only seen him from my car window as I’m driving past, he is one of my favorite people on the planet

  • @toastedtaquito6771
    @toastedtaquito6771 3 года назад +8

    3:50 got me when he looked over at his pc

  • @acidic_pengu8297
    @acidic_pengu8297 3 года назад +13

    10:55 holy shit, this edit was actually so good. I looked at the edit and it matches the time of the actual video

    • @zlEdah
      @zlEdah 3 года назад

      I was looking for this comment. Thank you.

    • @acidic_pengu8297
      @acidic_pengu8297 3 года назад

      @@zlEdah kinda forgot I commented this. No problem my fellow grittie tittie lover.

  • @berserkalpaca8322
    @berserkalpaca8322 3 года назад +9

    Grizzy: redacted Grandma. Redacted.
    Grandma: yeah, you redacted from my will.

  • @2ndOfAKind
    @2ndOfAKind 3 года назад +5

    The fact that the time stamp in the joke matches the actual timestamp in the video is god-tier humor.

  • @mocha3310
    @mocha3310 3 года назад +4

    there was nothing in my life that i needed more then learning that grizzy was a fellow one piece cultist

  • @sutureart2080
    @sutureart2080 3 года назад +1

    8:41 the way you flinched while in mid sentence made me laugh so hard lmfao 😂

  • @smiley.dmcallistor1987
    @smiley.dmcallistor1987 3 года назад +3

    Knowing that Grizzy watches One Piece gives me a sense of Hope

  • @boogeyratt
    @boogeyratt 3 года назад +11

    "I can barely do inverted shit in Mario Party."
    Yo Grizzy, we've seen the videos. No you can't.

  • @thomasgowin2038
    @thomasgowin2038 2 года назад +2

    When it comes to pets, Grizzy always like says 'I want them, never mind.'

  • @KobieTennyson
    @KobieTennyson 3 года назад +3

    2:25 "that was so low res" nah bro you jus slow today its okay🤣❤

  • @DomB0602
    @DomB0602 3 года назад +14

    hey grizzy , hopefuly you are doing good ,thanks for making me laugh and for making me happy trough tough times, much love from Croatia

    • @DomB0602
      @DomB0602 3 года назад

      @@lillian5982 i dont want no virus on my phone

    • @lolipomfp
      @lolipomfp 3 года назад

      @@DomB0602 lmao u still replied to a bot message

  • @DevonMopiedmont1143
    @DevonMopiedmont1143 2 года назад +4

    Can't tell you how many times I have been riding an Amtrak or NJT train in the northeast and had that happen to me like this kid at 2:17 Trains passing each other at a combined speed of 250+mph actually has some force behind it.

  • @brerayon3711
    @brerayon3711 3 года назад +3

    Grizzy's hair looks like it would be so fun to play with tbh

  • @timothyplaine3570
    @timothyplaine3570 3 года назад +2

    I lobe how grizzy acts like the stingray is the craziest most alien thing he has ever seen

  • @flamelordx8612
    @flamelordx8612 2 года назад +1

    “DAMN YOU HAVING 5 BABIES?” Is just freaking hilarious to me

  • @shawnexe7131
    @shawnexe7131 3 года назад +6

    When you're friends with someone who's so musically talented and is so used to listening to him play good shit that when you hear bad ones you just can't take it

  • @pops2744
    @pops2744 3 года назад +2

    i swear grizzy is a type of mood

  • @stealingmemes7293
    @stealingmemes7293 3 года назад +2

    Daily dose of Grizzy made my days 🔥💯

  • @noqula
    @noqula 3 года назад +7

    3:09 idk why but this got me

  • @slimshady2931
    @slimshady2931 3 года назад +3

    5:30 I think only excuse dude has is “sorry camera was wrong way” 🤣🤣🤣

    • @helagrow
      @helagrow 3 года назад +1

      my man was actually trying to snap a pic of that dude on his right with the other side of the camera

  • @Xavierxman
    @Xavierxman 3 года назад +5

    That Zuckerberg clips was golden

  • @snoopy1.040
    @snoopy1.040 3 года назад +1

    Bro some of this stuff is funny as hell I love the work man

  • @KageYeet
    @KageYeet 3 года назад +15

    6:07 smitty dog

  • @ThePistolPerson
    @ThePistolPerson 3 года назад +3

    Brooooo tell me how I’m just sitting here enjoying some grizzy and MY EX’S TIKTOK POPS INTO THE VIDEO AT 3:17. LIKE WHAAAAAAT. How does that coincidence even happen

  • @swordsmancs
    @swordsmancs 3 года назад +7

    5:11 objective: survive

  • @FishAnvil
    @FishAnvil 3 года назад +10

    5:25 that has to be satire. I reduse to believe someone that depraved leaves their flash on

  • @Blearyeater
    @Blearyeater 3 года назад +4

    man KFC good asf

  • @HaydenX
    @HaydenX 3 года назад +2

    That feet pic thing...I can think of one out, because something very similar happened to me. I took a picture of a huge mantis at some picnic tables while a couple were making out and it flew away right after I took the they turn and see the guy holding the phone that just made the nice camera sound pointed (seemingly) at them. They were pissed until I showed them the picture...then the woman got even more pissed because I didn't warn her that a huge bug was right next to her back...I then got to explain to her that mantises literally couldn't care less about people and their scary-looking reaper arms can't really do anything to us.

  • @Turdeous
    @Turdeous 3 года назад +2

    “20 min video reacting to a 3 min video” sounds like the BS we pull trying to get our essays in high school to the correct length to get a decent grade 🤣

  • @blackgoku3868
    @blackgoku3868 3 года назад +1

    8:43 lol grizzy was not expecting that😂

  • @mrlazycrazy
    @mrlazycrazy 3 года назад +1

    I have watched this 3 times now, I just like grizzy’s laugh bro

  • @austinbauer5938
    @austinbauer5938 3 года назад +2

    grizzy got the musician instinct

  • @AidansCars
    @AidansCars 3 года назад +3

    9:22 fun fact. That guy was doing a prank that was dressing up a mannequin to be his son and get free candy. His bluff was "he's deaf and shy, so he doesn't really move or talk"
    Anyways, that old guy actually signed *"Are you okay?"* Because he was scared that the kid was being kidnapped or something. Idk the whole thing felt fake so idk

  • @atomicsloth1239
    @atomicsloth1239 3 года назад +3

    11:00 it’s like an English teacher writing a 3 page essay of a 2 word sentence

  • @Haven_Wytch
    @Haven_Wytch 3 года назад +10

    3:03 did he mix two Disney movies??

  • @mehdoespixel388
    @mehdoespixel388 3 года назад +1

    Grizzy is just vibin in his room and makin Money at the same time this man just found the gta inf money glitch

  • @whimsiclethefirefly
    @whimsiclethefirefly 3 года назад +6

    now that’s a talent at 7:58

  • @DisgruntledHippo
    @DisgruntledHippo 3 года назад +2

    "There's no edge". Grizzy, have you been talking to Hank Green about the ever expanding universe? Lol

  • @XzaybandoX
    @XzaybandoX Год назад +2

    1:48 WHAT WAS IT IM STILL CONFUSED!!?!?!?!?!??!?!?😂

  • @whimsiclethefirefly
    @whimsiclethefirefly 3 года назад +5

    i needed a good laugh today

  • @headshottrebor8652
    @headshottrebor8652 8 месяцев назад +1

    2:09 yo, this grizzy guy can't even hear that something hit the train

  • @Wherearemyfingers
    @Wherearemyfingers 3 года назад +2

    Seeing black people react to magic tricks really brightens up my day 😂

  • @wuftchan8299
    @wuftchan8299 3 года назад +3

    11:05 meanwhile Grizzy:
    14 min video
    12 min video

  • @bunnylegion3969
    @bunnylegion3969 3 года назад +1

    SPOILER For those who want an explanation for the magic trick,
    The baby arm is attached to his left pinky. The video is very well shot, so it’s almost impossible to catch. The trick is all about sleight of hand. It’s pretty easy when you get the right resources. All you need is a baby arm (I think you can but them on Amazon) and something to attach it to your pinky.

  • @carriejames6818
    @carriejames6818 Год назад +4

    6:52 kryoz would love this

  • @aidanhutchinson2981
    @aidanhutchinson2981 3 года назад +3

    Grizzy: Black people are so amazed by magic.
    Me: Lucky for you I'm a grand wizard...

  • @chaoticrey5109
    @chaoticrey5109 3 года назад +8

    For the coin trick I was sitting here saying "middle finger" as grizzy was trying to figure out where it came from. mans be so delayed sometimes it fucking kills me

  • @Wok777
    @Wok777 3 года назад +1

    Damn bro, that old McDonald solo do be sounding pretty fire

  • @simonkilabuk7206
    @simonkilabuk7206 3 года назад +1

    "Damn you getting 5 baby's" made me laugh

  • @rebeckabarton8545
    @rebeckabarton8545 3 года назад +1

    Its the reaction to the perfect transition between two videos

  • @cameronsnodgrass3653
    @cameronsnodgrass3653 3 года назад +7

    The part at 9:31 sounded like nails on a chalkboard

    • @Game_Hunter47
      @Game_Hunter47 2 года назад

      No even nails on a chalkboard sound better than that

  • @matthewmobley2626
    @matthewmobley2626 3 года назад


  • @pi42069
    @pi42069 2 года назад +1

    11:01 grizz was talking about turning a 3 min vid into a 26 min vid... Then turned a 14 min into 12 lmao

  • @SFAused2Bcookiecat
    @SFAused2Bcookiecat 3 года назад

    Ngl, whenever I hear Your outro music, I dance in my chair, even if my cat sits with me - we're just vibin' together XD

  • @whimsiclethefirefly
    @whimsiclethefirefly 3 года назад +1

    why are all of these so relatable

  • @bruhmoment6079
    @bruhmoment6079 3 года назад +3

    12:25 little grizzy going to church

  • @Gogziller
    @Gogziller 3 года назад +4

    6:23 absolutely killed me

  • @dragonyeeter4202
    @dragonyeeter4202 3 года назад +1

    How you get out of that situation of snapping some feet say: damit had the camera backwards

  • @AkcisIngram
    @AkcisIngram 4 месяца назад +1

    the girl said if you do this for me you'll get lucky tonight and bro said bet

  • @matarikingatuere3051
    @matarikingatuere3051 3 года назад +5

    2:00 he tried to dodge the train

  • @lorenzoandriesse3971
    @lorenzoandriesse3971 3 года назад +1

    Grizzy looks like would fold John Xena in half

  • @BlocksandBudz
    @BlocksandBudz 3 года назад +2

    Homie really risked it all for a foot pic

  • @BearsCanSnipe04
    @BearsCanSnipe04 3 года назад +1

    Grizzy out here making RUclips videos that are shorter than the original videos that he watches

  • @SeaBunni0
    @SeaBunni0 3 года назад +1

    Grizzy's wheeze gives me life

  • @crowxcrazyhead2917
    @crowxcrazyhead2917 3 года назад

    Aye Grizzy Make that kids suit your 2022 goal "GUYS LETS SAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO LOOK DANK!"

  • @davecrupel2817
    @davecrupel2817 7 месяцев назад

    Bro has 4 eyes, and it took him that long to see the other train. ☠️

  • @corporalace3557
    @corporalace3557 3 года назад

    Not Grizzy re-writing the Disney Princess stories XD

  • @CarolineContradiction
    @CarolineContradiction 3 года назад +1

    y'all... i put the video on .25 for a moment and hearing grizzy say "what am i missing??" in slow mo is the funniest shit

  • @killarilez6710
    @killarilez6710 3 года назад +7

    9:00 made me laugh so hard

  • @rebelpatriot_nc_9156
    @rebelpatriot_nc_9156 3 года назад


  • @tomm2483
    @tomm2483 3 года назад

    The content 8/10
    The music at the end 11/10

  • @SSJFollyender
    @SSJFollyender Год назад

    Grizzy-“A three minute video into a twenty-six minute video”
    Matpat-“alright after one hour and thirty minutes we finished analyzing this two minute video”

  • @eclipse2915
    @eclipse2915 3 года назад

    Grizzy's brain: *Press SHIFT to run*

  • @Velvex_Vancreed
    @Velvex_Vancreed 3 года назад

    2:15 the Shockwave hitting the window from the other train passing scared the kid

  • @pokemanikangie
    @pokemanikangie 3 года назад +4

    8:48 that grizzy is a fresh water stingray they get pretty big

  • @Avauladre
    @Avauladre Год назад

    3:05 Ah yes, as much known as Snow-white stinging herself 😂