1. What a classy thread title: "SUCK IT CONSERVATIVES!!!"? Really? 
2. It is constitional....as a TAX! So, I guess, there SUCK IT LIBERALS! Now your messiah is responsible for a huge tax increase that will affect everyone single of us, even though he had said: "The last thing we should do is raising taxes on the middle class" and yet the middle class will be affected the most. The very poor got Medicaid, anyone over 65 got Medicare, the very rich can pay hospital visits out of the change in their sofas, people who got a full time job in a big business got health insurance through their company,
but it's going to be the middle class small businesses who are going to suffer the most. I keep hearing libs (Pelosi) saying "it's not a tax, it's a penalty". No, it isn't. The supreme court said it's constitutional but as a tax. So choice A. It's a penalty but unconstitutional or B. It's a tax but constitutional. And the good thing about taxes: congress has the power to cut them, so vote republican, I guess, since the dems give us no other choice.
3. Our Declaration of Independence says that we are: "endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights... [such as] Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". So why is it that you guys don't find anything wrong with a law that now makes liberty and/or life a privilege and no longer a right? I mean, right now to avoid prison all you need to do is AVOID doing bad things (like don't rape, don't kill, don't steal) but you're not required to buy anything to remain free. Now having health insurance is a requirement to remain free? How do you guys who consider yourselves to be smarter than us Neanderthal conservatives are not able to see anything wrong with that? Or is it that you guys just don't care? Any law that puts a requirements like that over your freedom is wrong. Or do you liberals actually believe that life and liberty should be privileges? That would be very scary if that were the case.
4. And no, the "you need car insurance to drive a car" argument does not apply as it's completely different. For starters, if you don't have a car, you don't need to get car insurance and you don't have to pay a penalty or tax because you don't have it. And also, get a manual from your DMV and it will tell you "driving is not a right, it's a privilege", otherwise we wouldn't need driver licenses if driving were a right. But life and liberty are rights so why should we be required to purchase something to remain free? Regardless of how compassionate or good intentioned you believe this "law" to be, it is an evil monstruosity and you guys don't even realize it, just how smart really are you guys? Remember what the road to hell is paved with: good intentions.
5. Now, don't acuse the Re-pubes of not having any ideas. They do have ideas but because they don't involve single payer, you guys are so closed minded to not even consider them. I've heard of some of their proposals (health savings accounts, insurance competition over state lines, personalized insurance policies instead of one-size-fits-all policies, among others) and thing is, some of us conservatives would consider a single payer, but as a last resort. If nothing else works, we can always drop what we're doing and go for single payer. I mean, if you get a cut on your arm and it gets infected, you wouldn't amputate your arm right away, you'd try to heal it, but if it turns gangrenous I guess it might have to go. And just like amputating an arm, single payer is irreversible (or almost irreversible), repub. proposals aren't, plus they are more focused on fixing the only thing that's wrong with our health care system: the cost.
:2 cents: