I Just saw SPIDERMAN 2 and....

I just watched what could be the best comic book movie so far ( besting X-MEN 2) and.....

Did anyone spotted Stan Lee?

I think J. Jonah Jameson stole the movie that guy is evil!
Hat off to Alfred Molina ( Doc Oc) very cool villain.
Spidey and New York were so close to the comic book.

Now I can wonder...but who could be the villain in Spiderman 3?

1. Vulture?
2. Electro?
3. Sandman?
6. Sinister Six?
7. Hobgoblin/ Green Goblin (Norm's boy version)
8. Carnage and Venom?
9.Spiderman clone?
10. Punisher?/kingpin/daredevil/rose ( ala gangwar?)

What is your thinking of this spiderfriends? nuff said...
It's the green goblin
It has to be Venom. I mean that's was always the most compelling storyline in the comics. The outer Space part might be hard to work into the mainstream movie goer's, but if told right it could make for some great action.

Green Goblin is a certain.....

If you like the movie you'll love the new game that just came out last week. It's pretty fun if your into games. Swing around Manhatten is so damn sweet. Just running up the Empire State Building, then jumping off the top only to swing away right before hitting the street never gets old.......Check it out.
I totally agree it is the best comic book movie so far...until Pamela Anderson decides to star as Striperella and make it into a movie....LMAO
Sam Rami has stated that Venom is most likley the next villian to take on ol Web-head !!
The Venom storyline probably just might be changed to something J.J.'s son brought from one of his space missions or a meteorite landing on the earth...now we all know Green Goblin's comeback, ....could it be twicw the menace??...well until X-MEN 3 comes out SPIDERMAN RULES!
some spidey pics:


  • alfred_molina17.jpg
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one more....


  • spiderman.jpg
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and the last one for now....

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I'm tempted to ask what happens plotwise...
Oh go on..
Sounds exciting but I think they say that to distract the folks from the real villain. There's not even a Superman movie around... I think it would be Venom and Green Goblin in an all out three way battle royale, with maybe goblin and spidey joining forces to take venom out? By the way did you all recognized the Lizard in Spidey 2? Spiderman 4 "Maximun Carnage"?...it is a good time to start the rumors...lets hear them..hehehehe
Hey I think that Marvel should start and surprise us all with a Secret Wars Movie! That would be a mega super blockbuster if done like the spidey,x-men, blade movies! How about for spidey 3 introducing briefly Captain America, or how about making give the Captain his own film? We need a heroe like him in this ongoing war on terrorism theme! I am gonna email Marvel like maybe thousands of other have done already see what they think..
Laibach said:
Sam Rami has stated that Venom is most likley the next villian to take on ol Web-head !!

I think you read that wrong. Sam Raimi hates Venom. With a passion. That's why he threw out the treatment for Spider-Man 2 where John ends up going back out to space after the wedding. I'd guess it'd be Green Goblin with the Lizard since Prof. Connors was so prominent in 2.
I hope they don't have the green goblin again. I want to see them change the outfit a bit and have him be the Hobgoblin.

Also, Shoqing Venom with todays graphic abilities would just kick so much ass i couldn't stand it. I hope they make it a bit darker too. Especially because of the way Venom formed over Eddie Brock. Fricken mouth forms around Eddie's head, Venom's teeth and all. But honostly, i can't see Venom being in the next. Maybe if they added some after story like they did with the second, perhaps he could be introduced in the 4th. Black spidey suit and all.
Venom and Carnage are just to awesome to leave out...they should look at the amount of issues they sold compare to the other villains. I also think it would be the Lizard and green or hob goblin. keep an eye out for Blade trinity coming out soon!
I have'nt seen spidey 2 yet but as much as i'd LOVE to see venom in spidey 3 it'll probaly be the lizard. YAWN.

The Lurker
what about the sinister six?