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Jun 17, 2023 9:58 AM

Nov 2011
A New Years based episode with a visit to the shrine. Heh, it's a suitable season finale since it unites Kyoutarou and Anna together again for a chance to make memories. Speaking of memories, upon looking at that book, there were a lot of past and history.

Glad to see a lot of characters appear in the finale as a sort of celebration for this show altogether. To me, this anime was worth the watch for being somewhat unusual but also appeals to the rom-com genre. 8/10.

Season 2 coming January/Winter 2024
Jun 17, 2023 9:58 AM

Jun 2019
Probably the biggest surprises of Spring Season and I'm all here for it.

I never thought I would fall in love with this show so damn much. I'm gonna be very honest as I started this show just for the sake of Kensuke Ushio as he's my favorite composer but I stayed here for this story and its characters. What an amazing journey it has been for me personally. Each episode left me with an Aww and a smile on my face. Their relationship and how it builds up was so damn adorable to watch. It was an amazing treat of a show.

It's the new year and Yamada is waiting for Ichikawa who's there with his family. His sister is super sweet and interesting in a cute way. I like her a lot. The picture book section was very cute as well. I love Kana very much. Amazing big sister. That little section of Ichikawa remembering his friends was very relatable to me, personally. That hit too damn close to home. I felt that. Yamada and Ichikawa are both very special to me. I love them so much.

Can't wait for the next season in Winter 2024.
Jun 17, 2023 9:58 AM

Apr 2016
While i can definitely understand why people would not like this kind of a show, i can also say that it exceeded my (non existent) expectations that i had for it, this was a very fresh rom-com that i have not seen in awhile.

And i think the main reason why, is not only one, but both of the main character shenanigans were very enjoyable to watch every week. I was positively surprised by this.

Does not happen often, + we ended at a positive note too.
Jun 17, 2023 9:58 AM

May 2020
Of course yes a girl that tall and pretty and with that top-notch fashion sense, you would easily notice her atleast from a kilometre away :) Goes without saying as it happened when Ichikawa arrived at the shrine with his parents. They already had plans, but given the sweet coincidence they prayed together, and heck it didn’t even end there, Ichikawa’s sister invited Yamada over to their house after that.

Yamada’s aura even had the big sister acting like her brother lol. Can say it’s pretty much in the blood. Though hey now she already knows there’s definitely a thing between them. Good for her, support them.. though hey not by showing some old albums but by giving them some private space. She did that too of course… and now them being home alone, we just needed THOSE lucky accidents, right?

Those murder books and Yamada’s magazines aside, that got kind of awkward in the end, but Yamada doesn’t mind. Dude doesn’t either, I mean he knows how much Yamada means to him, and how he has considerably started enjoying school just BECAUSE of her. 

Saying it all aloud and to her face was just the kind of ending we needed for this season. Dude has grown and will continue to do so :) And hey who minds a pat from your girl, right? 

This was as enjoyable as I’d hoped. Did the manga justice, and second season is coming too.
Softhenic03Jun 17, 2023 10:02 AM
Jun 17, 2023 9:59 AM

Jul 2017
The New Year's shrine visit, and Ichikawa is supposed to meet Yamada thereafter, but she's early, and if Ichikawa got found out by Kana, that would be the biggest embarrassment he's had. But she just casually comes towards Ichikawa's family...for?

Yamada requesting to tag along with Ichikawa's family for the New Year's prayers, but she is quite the sus character to pray together with Ichikawa, placing her palm together with his, knowing that he's still injured on his right arm. The parting of the family with Yamada, but Kana tags together with her brother to find the latter, only to find her being the usual glutton that she is and inviting her to their house to improve relations. The thing that Kana MUST NOT see is the Akita dog strap matching keychain, though she notices Yamada's large breasts for being a creep. Teasing Ichikawa to tell of Yamada's given name and pressured from both sister and Yamada, and he has a moment before the enthusiastic sister revealing old yearbooks to her. Though Kana is happy that Ichikawa made a friend, Yamada calling her Onee-chan...Kana ascended to another level lols.

Kana leaving both Ichikawa and Yamada at home by themselves, and the latter is trying to stay casual while the former is constantly aware of his surroundings. Looking around to find things of interest, Yamada soon stumbles upon his murder books, which she's intrigued by and questions him. But the model book which she was about to take a glance at, Ichikawa stops her in the awkward bed position, though she got an affinity in-between and left with a promise to show him her yearbook in the future, when he comes over to her place.

For most of Ichikawa's life, he has been strewn into his murderous nightmares from an affinity of bad luck, that the danger does not lie with Yamada, but his own heart. With the new school semester, they're back, and Ichikawa finally tells Yamada of his reasons why he avoids school, along with his interest in the murder mystery stories. But with Yamada's inclusion, he begins to short out, which Yamada comforts him and tells him that it's alright.

Such an enamoring rom-com show for the ages. And Season 2...not long towards Winter/January 2024, let's go!
KANLen09Jun 17, 2023 11:46 AM
Jun 17, 2023 9:59 AM
Aug 2022
Man!!! Really love this anime
Ichikawa-kun push over😏😏 Yamada-san Kawaiiii 💘💗💕.
Moeko-San is the one who realized they are now together Aww Kawaiiii 💘💗.
Ichikawa-kun nee-san a heavy teaser.
Season 2 Announcement Next Winter 2024 just wait for us.
Ricky16Jun 17, 2023 8:58 PM
Jun 17, 2023 10:03 AM

Jun 2017
Man, the show has just been getting better and better!
Seeing Ichikawa's sister and Yamada-san meet was always going to be entertaining, but it was more so than I expected, lol. Kana-san's cringe moments and Ichikawa's commentary on those were gold. And they're already on Onee-chan and Anna-chan basis! More headaches for Ichikawa, xD.
Got to love Yamada-san's random moves, like following him to his room, naming his pet dog and making sure to take snaps of his albums, lmao. Sometimes just retaining the memory of it isn't enough, am I right?
A sneak peek into Ichikawa's past, it's sad that he couldn't get into his preferred high school and that his interests didn't align with those of his new school peers. Her reaction to finding out about his murder chronicles and from there on was just beautiful. Didn't expect to see her rattled though. That's the first in a while? And then that nice little moment in the end there! She's really accepting all of himself, it kind of feels that way, and I love that! Kinda bummed it was just a hug but the emotions were top-notch!

Saw some complaints about the animation but honestly to me, that was never going to be a strong point anyway, so it didn't bother me at all. In the music department, we were treated to what is possible the best Op of the season and an amazing ED (especially the visuals, if you ask me) to boot Best girl confirmed too, it's a win-win!

Solid 9/10 form here. I swear, this show just kept getting better and I can't wait for next season! Thankfully, it's just half a year away. Time to go to Twitter now to see the live reactions while having the Op blast on for company! 
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jun 17, 2023 11:02 AM
Dec 2022
This one is the best episode
Jun 17, 2023 11:26 AM

Dec 2022
definitely would like a season 2 was disappointed though because there was no confession but things are of to a good start
Jun 17, 2023 11:29 AM

Aug 2017
Every episode only seemed to get better and the finale episode was excellent yet again, man this is how you write a good romcom. Ichikawa might be one of my favorite male mc, his awkwardness may sometimes be cringy, but it never bothered me and it was nice to see him progress each episode and wanting to change. And the interactions with Yamada were funny and cute to watch.

9/10, glad second season got announced already, but big chance will read the manga anyway. 
Jun 17, 2023 11:29 AM

Jun 2015
Ah yes the annual first trip to the shrine. Always a fun time. Sweet moment when they prayed together at the shrine. Kyotaro's sis really proved to be quite the wingwomen. It was cute seeing Anna try in her own way to shorten the distance between the two. Graduation is always a doubled edged sword especially when you couldn't get into the school that your friends got into. Overall a brill end to the season and im so glad that we'll be getting a s2 for this as well because the bond between Anna and Kyotaro is just so fun to see.
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Jun 17, 2023 11:30 AM

Sep 2018
Pretty much perfect...

And a season two announcement to put the cherry on top.

Quantum ille canis est in fenestra
Jun 17, 2023 11:33 AM

Nov 2011
As an avid manga reader I can not be happier how fantastic this adaptation is. Everything about this episode honestly exceeded my expectations. Seeing Kyou's struggles and how they carried over to where the series basically started only to be blessed with all those moments with Yamada being played until we reach the point we are at currently. Beautiful Direction.
The ending was my favorite part. I thought the emotion from both Yamada and Kyou were there and the animation was honestly beautiful.

10/10 So glad this show cracked the 8 mark!

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Jun 17, 2023 11:37 AM

Jul 2017
Nice episode to wrap up a surprisingly pleasant season overall. One of the better shows this season for sure, although I think there are a couple of shows I feel that are better personally like Insomniacs After School and Skip and Loafer. Compared to those two shows though, my expectations were very minimal for this so it's nice to be surprised with how well this series was written after the first couple episodes, and it delivered well right till the end of this season. Will see how season 2 turns out to be in 2024, should be hopefully even better than the first one. 8/10 probably for this one.
Jun 17, 2023 11:37 AM
Apr 2022
I really enjoyed this anime, the romance is great, the characters are endearing, the humor is literally perfection. I would need a one hour video to explain how good the anime is and on top of all that the animation is beautiful. I thank Shin-Ei studios for this slap which is surely my favorite anime of the season (I have neither watched oshi no ko nor watched mashle because I have already read the manga)
P.S sorry for the mistakes I am French
Jun 17, 2023 11:38 AM

Jun 2017
Best romance this year hands down (so far). What a sleeper blowout. Looking forward to S2.
Jun 17, 2023 11:40 AM

Mar 2015
This series has been amazing. Ichikawa's development has been spectacular. I loved this anime every week, even watching screenshots of the Japanese broadcast, anyway I've already read the manga. I look forward to the second season, where we will witness very peak moments. Definitely one of my favorite series.
My Candies 2024:

My Bonus Candies 2024:
Jun 17, 2023 11:41 AM

Dec 2016
Truly great finale. The whole family gathering at the shrine, Kanna introducing to Yamada and the whole time alone at home with Ichikawa was truly great and comfy.

If this wasn’t such a stacked season, this one could had been easily my AOTs. Still, second place is just as great.

This was probably the most enjoyable romcom I’ve watched since Tsuki ga Kirei. Most likely the parallels are due to the male lead that in both series are quite charming and fun. Something I get nauseus about in LN adaptations is the mindboring long soliloquies from their MCs. This isn’t the case in this series, Ichikawa’s analysis on himself and his surroundings are really enjoyable and concise.

Yamada was such a treat as the main female lead, her innocence, quirks and chowdog persona were pretty enjoyable, along with her flirting moves once she realizes she likes Ichikawa.

Something that makes it or brakes it for me on highschool anime is the ambiance created by the main leads’ peers. This is something where Bokuyaiba shines above others. Chii-chan’s dialogues are punchy and a bit savage at times, but are filled with a lot of care for Yamada. Moeka’s sassiness and quick thinking was just impeccable. Wished there was a bit more I had to tell about Serina though, but she was an enjoyable straightman of Yamada’s possee.

The romantic highlights (like the chocolate at the library or the bedroom scene) even if they were produced by a B-studio, they were greatly orchestrated in terms of cinematography and great use of music score along with really nice animation.

If someone told me that the same guy that brought us the raunchy title of Mitsudomoe would produce such an amazing romcom, I wouldn’t had believed.

Really hope someday down the line we get a second season. Heck if we're getting Horimiya pieces next season, anything is possible.
KimurahJun 17, 2023 11:59 AM
Jun 17, 2023 11:47 AM
Mar 2021
Kimurah said:
Truly great finale. The whole family gathering at the shrine, Kanna introducing to Yamada and the whole time alone at home with Ichikawa was truly great and comfy.

If this wasn’t such a stacked season, this one could had been easily my AOTs. Still, second place is just as great.

This was probably the most enjoyable romcom I’ve watched since Tsuki ga Kirei. Most likely the parallels are due to the male lead that in both series are quite charming and fun. Something I get nauseus about in LN adaptations is the mindboring long soliloquies from their MCs. This isn’t the case in this series, Ichikawa’s analysis on himself and his surroundings are really enjoyable and consice.

Yamada was such a treat as the main female lead, her innocence, quirks and chowdog persona were pretty enjoyable, along with her flirting moves once she realizes she likes Ichikawa.

Something that makes it or brakes it for me on highschool anime is the ambiance created by the main leads’ peers. This is something where Bokuyaiba shines above others. Chii-chan’s dialogues are punchy and a bit savage at times, but are filled with a lot of care for Yamada. Moeka’s sassiness and quick thinking was just impeccable. Wished there was a bit more I had to tell about Serina though, but she was an enjoyable straightman of Yamada’s possee.

The romantic highlights (like the chocolate at the library or the bedroom scene) even if they were produced by a B-studio, they were greatly orchestrated in terms of cinematography and great use of music score along with really nice animation.

If someone told me that the same guy that brought us the raunchy title of Mitsudomoe would produce such an amazing romcom, I wouldn’t had believed.

Really hope someday down the line we get a second season. Heck if we're getting Horimiya pieces next season, anything is possible.

season 2 was announced today😊
Jun 17, 2023 11:50 AM

Oct 2017
Kana did great inviting Anna to their house and then leaving the two of them together, good job girl. These two have grown a lot closer and they are so cute together. The hug at the end was so sweet. Also Moe with the they did it again lol.

Really enjoyed the anime and glad s2 got announced. Can't wait till winter 2024.
Jun 17, 2023 11:51 AM

Mar 2021
This was a perfect final episode Yamada and Ichikawa are just a sweet couple I cannot wait to watch season 2
Jun 17, 2023 11:53 AM
May 2023
Masterpiece! Beyond the imagination scenes in my brain when I was reading the manga.
Jun 17, 2023 11:54 AM
Mar 2021
This was an incredibly wholesome show despite the initial premise probably turning a lot of people away. I think that sentiment perfectly mirrors our protagonist honestly. As the age old adage goes, "do not judge a book by it's cover." To think that some people may not have given this a fair shot because of the premise alone makes me really sad. Anyways, probably a 9/10 for me and definitely the best romance I've seen this season.

Also, are we really gonna glance over the fact that Yamada just whipped out her phone, took several pictures of his yearbook and ran off? If that isn't a clear indication that a girl reeeaaallly likes you, I don't know what is.
Jun 17, 2023 11:54 AM

Jul 2011
That shot of Anna's solution so Kyoutaro could pray made me have a heart attack. That was very strong.

Kana was top tier wingman.

New Year  began with a great "(ka)beddon".

Great end scene.
Jun 17, 2023 12:00 PM

Apr 2016
KANLen09 said:
For most of Ichikawa's life, he has been strewn into his murderous nightmares from an affinity of bad luck, that the danger does not lie with Yamada, but his own heart. With the new school semester, they're back, and Ichikawa finally tells Yamada of his reasons why he avoids school, along with his interest in the murder mystery stories. But with Yamada's inclusion, he begins to short out, which Yamada comforts him and tells him that it's alright.

Its funny how much people brush this anime beacue "MC a creep and stuff".

The amount of character progression this kid got is absolutely amazing. Ever since he got ostracized from school by others for what he likes, shut himself from the world, he shut himself inside what he likes. People say "creepy fantasy about murdering people", it's so wrong how they perceive it just like that, its a plot metaphor for literally any hobby that im sure many of us were cast aside for in school by others because it was "weird", games, books, being a nerd, anything really.

And then Yamada, the love interest who is also the person who drives the story, drives the main character, completely oblivious to what he's ostracized for, the tandem these two characters have is truly something special, essentially a "best friend who understand you", but in this case a love interest because this is a romance story.

The ending is also the beginning, it's the beginning of Ichikawa's school life. I don't know who wrote this manga, but god damn, the guy had some big brain ideas while working on this. What this show tries to convey will fly over so many people's heads.
Jun 17, 2023 12:05 PM
Feb 2018
Beautiful, now i'm waiting for season 2 <3
Jun 17, 2023 12:08 PM
Apr 2022
best romance anime this year hopefully they make a English dub version and cant wait for the 2nd season
Jun 17, 2023 12:32 PM
Feb 2021
ishinashi326 said:
MomoSinX said:
Best romance this year hands down (so far). What a sleeper blowout. Looking forward to S2.
In your dreams maybe uahahahahah

Wait until you find out that S2 has already been confirmed
Jun 17, 2023 12:37 PM
Jul 2021
Crazy that the score for this show is so low because of people that dropped it due to the first episode
Jun 17, 2023 12:41 PM

Mar 2020
A New Years and home visit episode, a very solid season finale, as Kyoutaro and Anna had more wholesome moments, and we got to see some of Kyoutaro's past experiences, some of which were quite relatable, especially the friends leaving for private school thing. I've really enjoyed every second of Kyoutaro's development, from the edgy kid, to someone awkward, but very kind and endearing. His sister was quite fun to watch too.

Overall, very positively surprised by how much I enjoyed this series, and how well directed it was overall. Looking forward to the next season in Winter next year! 9/10.
Jun 17, 2023 12:41 PM

Nov 2013
Gonna miss not seeing those 2 every Saturday. Glad season 2 is coming.
Sigmar-UnberogenJun 17, 2023 12:47 PM
Jun 17, 2023 12:43 PM
Mar 2021
good episode i loved
Jun 17, 2023 12:48 PM
Feb 2023
The best Good Master
Jun 17, 2023 12:51 PM
Feb 2023
swagxmagician said:
Crazy that the score for this show is so low because of people that dropped it due to the first episode
i think you should check again the score
Jun 17, 2023 12:51 PM

Apr 2009
Touching ending and the best way to end S1! Looking forward for S2! Masterpiece romcom that I've watched 10/10.
Also finished reading up to the latest chapter of the manga and surely S2 would be awesome!
My Candies:
Jun 17, 2023 12:57 PM
Apr 2022
best romance anime this year no wonder it got a season 2 announcement so early 😊
Jun 17, 2023 12:58 PM
Apr 2022
Jun 17, 2023 12:59 PM
Apr 2021
Best RomCom this season. I set minimum expectation at begining. Actually week to week I watched the episodes more interesting and comfortable. Starting from episode 8, the romance is increasingly felt. I'm happy finally Yamada and Kana meets each other. Can't wait season 2 at winter 2024!
rahezJun 17, 2023 1:04 PM
Jun 17, 2023 1:01 PM

Dec 2022
Great final episode! See you all in the next season!
Jun 17, 2023 1:02 PM
Oct 2021
a wonderful journey has come to an end, a journey of 12 weeks, feeling a little bit empty from the inside it has really been a wonderful ride. Happy to hear that a season 2 has been announced.
Jun 17, 2023 1:05 PM
Apr 2021
ishinashi327 said:
rahez said:
Best RomCom this season. I set minimum expectation at begining. Actually week to week I watched the episodes more interesting and comfortable. Starting from episode 8, the romance is increasingly felt. I'm happy finally Yamada and Kama meets each other. Can't wait season 2 at winter 2024!
No it's not. character limit

I dont care your opinion. It's normal have a different opinion
rahezJun 17, 2023 1:09 PM
Jun 17, 2023 1:13 PM
Jul 2021
Genuinely enjoyed watching this. Brought out casual smiles, chuckles and legitimate out loud laughter at times. Always left you feeling good by the time the credits rolled. It didn’t over reach or try to be something it wasn’t and that made it feel more honest. Highlight of the season for me!
Jun 17, 2023 1:20 PM

Nov 2021
Glad it's getting a season 2 so quickly, easily my favorite romance outsoide of Kaguya-sama! Biggest surprise of the season. 
Jun 17, 2023 1:24 PM
Feb 2023
Yamada always makes good moves


RomCom Lovers!
Jun 17, 2023 1:25 PM
Apr 2022
Best Romance anime this year if you disagree its ok it my opinion but atleast say which anime you think is a better romance this year so i can watch it to 😏
Jun 17, 2023 1:28 PM
May 2023
Jun 17, 2023 1:38 PM
Feb 2023
Jun 17, 2023 1:46 PM
Jul 2020
Yamda is much much cute!!
Jun 17, 2023 1:52 PM
Mar 2022
Didn't want it to end, what comes goes away too. had fun wathing this series. Never got bred on any episode. Hope to 2nd season, really liked the show.
Jun 17, 2023 2:01 PM
Sep 2021
ishinashi327 said:
B1GK1NG said:
best romance anime this year no wonder it got a season 2 announcement so early 😊
Not even best romance of the season
any romance that come close to this is insomniac after school, skip and loafer is also up there but it's more like High School life and Sol so definitely there's no contest for this anime for being the best romance this year and if there's better romance than this, please tell me and I'll watch it
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