
Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2017
But this is the problem.

We get many forum members who come on here whining on and on about no sex so far in this porn game, and why the developer has nt addressed their very specific kink, and COMPLAIN FOR WHAT IT IS NOT!

Whereas there are others amongst us who realise that this is an erotic Visual Novel, and ENJOY IT FOR WHAT IT IS!

Don't get me wrong - I love the excellently creative fan-art that has sprung up for AWAM, and I can enjoy a fap to Sophia getting a DP drilling. But in part that is building up on the feelings for Sophia from playing the original.

And I have previously reeled off the top of my head at least 10 characters I would like to see Sophia eventually have sex with in or more of the various endings- not all 10 may happen and many will happen on different routes.

But many people who in the main are not contributing to L&P Patreon feel it is their right to come on to the forum and continuously post the same whinges about milking and blue balls, and why is nt Sophia being gangbanged on a daily basis by now and.....
Believe me, this thread has about 2,000 pages where I pretty much guarantee you find a complaint about lack of sex scenes or lack of updates which is really a complaint about lack of sex scenes.

It will never end, its "the circle of AWAM"


Mar 26, 2017
But this is the problem.

We get many forum members who come on here whining on and on about no sex so far in this porn game, and why the developer has nt addressed their very specific kink, and COMPLAIN FOR WHAT IT IS NOT!

Whereas there are others amongst us who realise that this is an erotic Visual Novel, and ENJOY IT FOR WHAT IT IS!

Don't get me wrong - I love the excellently creative fan-art that has sprung up for AWAM, and I can enjoy a fap to Sophia getting a DP drilling. But in part that is building up on the feelings for Sophia from playing the original.

And I have previously reeled off the top of my head at least 10 characters I would like to see Sophia eventually have sex with in or more of the various endings- not all 10 may happen and many will happen on different routes.

But many people who in the main are not contributing to L&P Patreon feel it is their right to come on to the forum and continuously post the same whinges about milking and blue balls, and why is nt Sophia being gangbanged on a daily basis by now and.....
The problem is that there are various possible story plots for either a "filthy" "lesbian" or "good wife" route where sex can be involved.
Many other devs do it, they simply show sex with people who aren't the MCs. That's a way to fill some of the need for it.
Then there's the masturbation way where you show characters having fun with themselves.
All of this is possible and L&P has ignored it.
Instead L&P wouldn't even show us her tits and pussy when she showered.
That was deliberate.

If you want to bring a character to some cheating action you slowly lead him/her to it.
Sophia as a character literally begs for that. There's not much going on with her husband and she has needs.
What is done with that? Apart from the dude in the casino and club visit nothing.
It doesn't even get to the point where she is for some reason frustrated, ends up in a bar and has drunk sex with a stranger. This shit happens, people cheat on each other this way.
Hell this possible event even gives you the chance to repent. "Oh fuck what have I done." or she goes with it "This was wrong but..."

I am not a big fan of little boy incest but fucking come on what is this.
These supposed 17/18yo boys are probably scared of their own shadows.
I have no idea what L&P was thinking when he came up with them.
One of them still plays on a swing while they both can't fucking swim.
And if they were just generally inept braindead manlet morons that would be okay.
But nah they are actually scheming masterminds who'll control Sophia to do their very bidding.
Fucking lmao L&P are you okay? That's the more realistic VN you spoke about when you started?
I don't know what's more embarrassing, that these boys will control Sophia or that Sophia is dumb enough to be controlled by them.
But it's okay, they'll have huge veiny cocks with big balls so that the patreons aren't triggered.

And then there's the Lesbian route. sigh
Where do you even start? First of all I am a firm believer in the first model of Sophias sister.
She actually looked the part. Her later model does not and will not ever.
L&P didn't just give her a new haircut but changed everything about her.
And all the other women? Will that actually go anywhere ever? Will I still be alive by then?

The good wife route is where the patreon model is a curse.
You could do so much with that. "but Liam is a cuck", nah he is what L&P makes out of him.
You could do a normal 1on1 standard happy marriage, to threesomes with other women, to couple swaps, to swinging, to fucking wincest with her sister.
What we get is a story that is not developing. Nothing ever develops.
And it's not supposed to. Because the backers want small boys fucking their mothers.
That's all what it is.

Ugh so sad.


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
Man, so much frustration and anger in this thread! Say what you will, but L&P's game has definitely inspired passion from the players.

Personally, I don't mind the lack of hardcore sex in this game. When I want that I can go to just about any other game in the world. AWAM is trying for something different, and that's how I calibrate my expectations. I think L&P is going to be one of those creators that I support every so often for short periods of time. When he does good work I'll support him, and when he goes on a 4 month hiatus I'll pull back my support. I think the game is fun to discuss, and I do wish a lot of things about it were different, but don't let it ruin your day if someone loves or hates it.

Originally I had planned on following the good wife path because it felt the most appropriate for Sophia's character. But there's a push/pull in that you as a paying customer are missing 90% of the game's content if you go that route- so you're literally paying for something that you aren't utilizing. To Blockout's point, the GW path feels like a huge missed opportunity. Liam could be developed so much better on that route, and we could get a better sense of why Sophia loves him. It would also make sense that this route could have the earlier payoff for sex (and I mean good sex) because it would be in character. This is a problem that a lot of corruption games have; the non-corruption path is devoid of content. Games like this always seem ask the player to choose the character's path, but practically speaking there's rarely a reason to chose the non-corruption story because you're missing everything. I recently started playing Jessica O'Neil's Hard News and it has the same problem. If you play her as a respectable person there are only minor benefits, but it costs you the bulk of the content. It's a big resource commitment, but if you really want players to choose then there has to be exclusive content on both paths. It does seem that the GW path is about to get more attention in AWAM, but I wonder if it's going to be enough.

From a purely creative standpoint, AWAM does frustrate me. Not because of the lack of sex, but because of how long it is taking to tell a story. As a creator it feels like L&P is somewhere beyond the Point of Diminishing Returns, and is somewhere around the Point of Negative Returns. He's putting in a lot of input, but I'm not sure it's resulting in appropriate levels of output. At some point good enough really is good enough. Sometimes you just need to put the pencil down and release what you have. This doesn't mean you need to rush the final product, but it does mean you can't always wait until everything is perfect. I have suggested before that I think he should give himself a firm schedule- that way he knows what restraints he has. If the next release is going to be 1/3 of a day, and he gives himself 3 months to complete it, then he knows what he has to work with. He has to deliver enough content for 1/3 of a day, and he needs to do it in 90 days (just an example, but I think 3 months is a sweet spot). From there he can dedicate resources appropriately. Right now he's only doing half of that, he knows the scope of the release but he doesn't set a firm release date. In my mind that's a mistake because it allows him to endlessly tweak and change things and that results in delays.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2020
Whereas I'm more inclined for a GW/Lesbian ending where Sophia and Liam are still together at the mansion, Liam gets his promotion, and they both have the occasional threesome with Nathalie, possibly Vicky.

With Ellie and Jules going strong, occasionally fooling around with Sophia when Liam and Dylan aren't around. Dylan finally picks up his game, getting Marie to settle down.

Don't know about Sam yet, mainly in that to my knowledge there aren't any non-Sophia options.
That will be quite the wholesome ending and I too wish for something along those lines


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
Man, so much frustration and anger in this thread! Say what you will, but L&P's game has definitely inspired passion from the players.

Personally, I don't mind the lack of hardcore sex in this game. When I want that I can go to just about any other game in the world. AWAM is trying for something different, and that's how I calibrate my expectations. I think L&P is going to be one of those creators that I support every so often for short periods of time. When he does good work I'll support him, and when he goes on a 4 month hiatus I'll pull back my support. I think the game is fun to discuss, and I do wish a lot of things about it were different, but don't let it ruin your day if someone loves or hates it.

Originally I had planned on following the good wife path because it felt the most appropriate for Sophia's character. But there's a push/pull in that you as a paying customer are missing 90% of the game's content if you go that route- so you're literally paying for something that you aren't utilizing. To Blockout's point, the GW path feels like a huge missed opportunity. Liam could be developed so much better on that route, and we could get a better sense of why Sophia loves him. It would also make sense that this route could have the earlier payoff for sex (and I mean good sex) because it would be in character. This is a problem that a lot of corruption games have; the non-corruption path is devoid of content. Games like this always seem ask the player to choose the character's path, but practically speaking there's rarely a reason to chose the non-corruption story because you're missing everything. I recently started playing Jessica O'Neil's Hard News and it has the same problem. If you play her as a respectable person there are only minor benefits, but it costs you the bulk of the content. It's a big resource commitment, but if you really want players to choose then there has to be exclusive content on both paths. It does seem that the GW path is about to get more attention in AWAM, but I wonder if it's going to be enough.

From a purely creative standpoint, AWAM does frustrate me. Not because of the lack of sex, but because of how long it is taking to tell a story. As a creator it feels like L&P is somewhere beyond the Point of Diminishing Returns, and is somewhere around the Point of Negative Returns. He's putting in a lot of input, but I'm not sure it's resulting in appropriate levels of output. At some point good enough really is good enough. Sometimes you just need to put the pencil down and release what you have. This doesn't mean you need to rush the final product, but it does mean you can't always wait until everything is perfect. I have suggested before that I think he should give himself a firm schedule- that way he knows what restraints he has. If the next release is going to be 1/3 of a day, and he gives himself 3 months to complete it, then he knows what he has to work with. He has to deliver enough content for 1/3 of a day, and he needs to do it in 90 days (just an example, but I think 3 months is a sweet spot). From there he can dedicate resources appropriately. Right now he's only doing half of that, he knows the scope of the release but he doesn't set a firm release date. In my mind that's a mistake because it allows him to endlessly tweak and change things and that results in delays.
Similarly, I first played GW route because I thought that was what I thought was appropriate for her character. Then heard about the GW Threesome, so tried some of the lesbian scenes, which I really enjoyed, but ended up enjoying the Ellie and Patricia scenes the most.

I'm finding it curious that the GW route really seems to be getting attention just as the Morello route is starting. And the Ellie/Patricia route no longer requires skipping the sex scenes.

So I might create a save where Sophia is the GW when she wants some dick, but otherwise play the lesbian route when she wants to get off. This way she gets to stay in the mansion (And keep another save playing the purely lesbian route).

BTW, L&P's on estimate on how long the update should take was 8 - 10 weeks. Today is the 10 week mark.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2019
L&P started on October 2nd on the first 1/3 day update. It's worrying, in terms of production speed, for 1/3. But, L&P has moved, it may have been late, etc. It's his life, that's up to him. We have nothing to say about it. But if the production speed doesn't change, then going down to 1/3 doesn't help at all. We will have the real answer with the second 1/3. If it's not going faster than the current update, we're going to have to worry.
Aug 25, 2018
it's time to stop supporting this sh*t. two updates a year without sex scenes and it will only get worse. we don't get what we want. as long as the developer is supported by so many people, nothing will change

Deleted member 1023239

Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2018
it's time to stop supporting this sh*t. two updates a year without sex scenes and it will only get worse. we don't get what we want. as long as the developer is supported by so many people, nothing will change
if it is lack of support then this game soon will get abandoned mark, we don't want that, and why bothering people from supporting this game, they got their own money so it up to them to support it or not, if you're feel irritated for the lack of sex scene then search another game that fits to your preference there's plenty of them with better graphics than this game
i can suggest you the office


Jun 19, 2017
I wish L&P and StoperArt make a collaboration, as a result there would be a crossover where Sophia and Jessica meet each other. Not a full game, just add scenes to their own games towards the end as a bonus for all fans.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2020
Similarly, I first played GW route because I thought that was what I thought was appropriate for her character. Then heard about the GW Threesome, so tried some of the lesbian scenes, which I really enjoyed, but ended up enjoying the Ellie and Patricia scenes the most.

I'm finding it curious that the GW route really seems to be getting attention just as the Morello route is starting. And the Ellie/Patricia route no longer requires skipping the sex scenes.

So I might create a save where Sophia is the GW when she wants some dick, but otherwise play the lesbian route when she wants to get off. This way she gets to stay in the mansion (And keep another save playing the purely lesbian route).

BTW, L&P's on estimate on how long the update should take was 8 - 10 weeks. Today is the 10 week mark.
Exactly, her character is such that the GW route suits her more. In the filthy wife route there are so many choices which are a bit out of character for Sophia which are put in just to progress the story in the corrupt direction. A lot of porn game tropes are used in that route and sometimes the actions are illogical, but I totally understand that to progress things in that direction that's the only way. In the GW route however the choices required are according to what I believe a person like Sophia will go with.
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Oct 18, 2019
I completely agree with Rohitesh3333 when he says that Sophia's decisions are absurd and her actions are not logical. At this stage of its implementation, the game leads to a state of cognitive dissonance (rupture of habitual perception, bewilderment), when the initially declared form in the process of its development ceases to correspond to its content.
I will not describe all the inconsistent episodes (Aiden, Bennett, lesbian scene with Julia, etc.). Strangely, I now realized that after version 075, Sofia's boobs began to grow and her brain volume began to decrease). Direct dependence is evident.
Version 0.100 contains a ton of junk renders that don't matter. Empty dialogues, unconvincing arguments for certain actions.
In fact, it turned out to be a deviant family. A husband who is exclusively interested in work and who becomes insane when he starts gambling. The son, who is allegedly embarrassed to meet girls of his age, therefore in every possible way inclines his mother to intimacy. He loves her so much that he leases his mother to the main bully in the school, who mocks and humiliates her. A sister with megalomania and hatred of her younger brother wants to know the delights of lesbian love not only with her friend, but also with her mother, and for this she puts her mother under Julia. And Sophia has only three main excuses in her arsenal: for the sake of my son and family, I drank and I can’t help myself and passion covered her head over heels, so she could not resist her instincts. Neighbors and relatives are the same. They all found each other.
Mixing styles is no longer erotic, but not porn yet.
It is in vain that some fans state that forum members are mostly moaning and crying. No. They, like many, want the game to be interesting for the maximum number of people. I do not believe people who enthusiastically declare on every page that they absolutely love this game, that they are happy with the speed of updates and the development of the plot. These are either hired clappers, or they have very low requests for the game itself, when it is enough to just look at the pictures without going into the text, meaning and perspective ...
I didn't want to offend anyone. It's my personal opinion.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2017
L&P started on October 2nd on the first 1/3 day update. It's worrying, in terms of production speed, for 1/3. But, L&P has moved, it may have been late, etc. It's his life, that's up to him. We have nothing to say about it. But if the production speed doesn't change, then going down to 1/3 doesn't help at all. We will have the real answer with the second 1/3. If it's not going faster than the current update, we're going to have to worry.
This is what myself and a few others stated before in this thread, 1/3 day update wasn't going to change anything, it just means the usual update is split into 2 smaller updates but the time to do them is the same as before.

The only way the updates become faster is if L&P hires people to help, which it's very logical for L&P to never hire anyone.


May 24, 2020
It doesn't change anything because he's a milker. Else it would. He's milking this update all the way to January.
Too bad you posted it without exclamation marks or caps lock on. Otherwise I couldn't tell that you're slightly irritated.
L&P only answers to himself and probably to some high-paying patrons, if they even have any questions, coz judging by the update intervals everyone are happy with what they are getting.

You yourself may become one of those elite demigods by joining his side, donating at least $100 or more and in return bombarding the Dev with questions about updates inconsistency, lack of lewd scenes, his not ideal translation ...
Don't forget to keep us updated, preferably daily, on how progress is going once you've done that.

Jokes aside, the latest DAZ update screwed the devs significantly. Ask anyone, and they'll tell you a bunch of stories how much worse it has become: unexpected errores, random glitches, unstability of the program in general.
People laugh when you tell them that coding isn't that easy as they may think ... but it is. We all want this damn game to be completed yesterday, but life isn't that simple and sometimes you just can't rush some things out of the door as you'll make it even worse than planned.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
I completely agree with Rohitesh3333 when he says that Sophia's decisions are absurd and her actions are not logical. At this stage of its implementation, the game leads to a state of cognitive dissonance (rupture of habitual perception, bewilderment), when the initially declared form in the process of its development ceases to correspond to its content.
I will not describe all the inconsistent episodes (Aiden, Bennett, lesbian scene with Julia, etc.). Strangely, I now realized that after version 075, Sofia's boobs began to grow and her brain volume began to decrease). Direct dependence is evident.
Version 0.100 contains a ton of junk renders that don't matter. Empty dialogues, unconvincing arguments for certain actions.
In fact, it turned out to be a deviant family. A husband who is exclusively interested in work and who becomes insane when he starts gambling. The son, who is allegedly embarrassed to meet girls of his age, therefore in every possible way inclines his mother to intimacy. He loves her so much that he leases his mother to the main bully in the school, who mocks and humiliates her. A sister with megalomania and hatred of her younger brother wants to know the delights of lesbian love not only with her friend, but also with her mother, and for this she puts her mother under Julia. And Sophia has only three main excuses in her arsenal: for the sake of my son and family, I drank and I can’t help myself and passion covered her head over heels, so she could not resist her instincts. Neighbors and relatives are the same. They all found each other.
Mixing styles is no longer erotic, but not porn yet.
It is in vain that some fans state that forum members are mostly moaning and crying. No. They, like many, want the game to be interesting for the maximum number of people. I do not believe people who enthusiastically declare on every page that they absolutely love this game, that they are happy with the speed of updates and the development of the plot. These are either hired clappers, or they have very low requests for the game itself, when it is enough to just look at the pictures without going into the text, meaning and perspective ...
I didn't want to offend anyone. It's my personal opinion.
I tend to agree with what you say but two of the issues you refer to have been dealt with. There is now no "Twist in the Tale," so that Dylan has not betrayed his own mother to the school bully. If you check back in this thread you'll see (some of) the acrimony that the event generated. So, Dylan remains pathologically creepy but at least he's not an idiot. Those ever-expanding breasts have been reduced to an ample but proportonate size, much like when the game started. I've written a lot about this on F95 & again, if you check back you'll see that this has also been controversial. I took (fratboy?) criticism & facepalms in the interests of shapely, natural bosoms & proper story continuity. I hope we've seen the last of beach-ball breast syndrome suffered by so many women in the gaming world.
I do have some empathy for those who are, perhaps harshly, classed as "whiners," as they vent the frustrations we surely all feel by now. I note especially that whenever anyone complains there is always somebody waiting in the wings to answer & admonish them, as though they had committed sacrilege. Building up frustration levels is a feature of AWAM which followers must learn to live with. That being said, I also empathise with the RL challenges faced by Devs, for whom a game is obviously not the most important thing to consider but on the other hand, 'we all have our problems.'
Overall, I feel that AWAM has lost it's balance in the routes, characters, & update schedule. Let's hope for a beneficial reboot next year.
Dec 13, 2019
face it boyz, the fan art of this game is far far away better than the game itself. this game lacks sex action anda sexual vn without sex is like a soccer game played withoutt he ball: pure nonsense no matter dev's excuses. infinite teasing just to milk patreon's community always resolve in deadly boring state. i'll await fot last update but if the teasing nonsense will not stop i'll left this game for good.
Dec 13, 2019
Too bad you posted it without exclamation marks or caps lock on. Otherwise I couldn't tell that you're slightly irritated.
L&P only answers to himself and probably to some high-paying patrons, if they even have any questions, coz judging by the update intervals everyone are happy with what they are getting.

You yourself may become one of those elite demigods by joining his side, donating at least $100 or more and in return bombarding the Dev with questions about updates inconsistency, lack of lewd scenes, his not ideal translation ...
Don't forget to keep us updated, preferably daily, on how progress is going once you've done that.

Jokes aside, the latest DAZ update screwed the devs significantly. Ask anyone, and they'll tell you a bunch of stories how much worse it has become: unexpected errores, random glitches, unstability of the program in general.
People laugh when you tell them that coding isn't that easy as they may think ... but it is. We all want this damn game to be completed yesterday, but life isn't that simple and sometimes you just can't rush some things out of the door as you'll make it even worse than planned.
pure nonsense my boy! i'll tell you: i was a big patreon of the dev and i can assure you 2 things for sure: 1) the dev DO NOT listen to the patreon community or the game's fanbase, he's fucking deaf and thids will be his graveyard for his project i assure you; 2) the dev's milking the patreon community to the last drop regardless you're liking it or not.
just make 2+2 and you'll find why he will loose all patreons wery soon if he will notchange his fucking attitude with patreon community and fanbase.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2017
face it boyz, the fan art of this game is far far away better than the game itself. this game lacks sex action anda sexual vn without sex is like a soccer game played withoutt he ball: pure nonsense no matter dev's excuses. infinite teasing just to milk patreon's community always resolve in deadly boring state. i'll await fot last update but if the teasing nonsense will not stop i'll left this game for good.
speak for yourself, I prefer the official art over any of the fan art.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2017
Man, so much frustration and anger in this thread! Say what you will, but L&P's game has definitely inspired passion from the players.

Personally, I don't mind the lack of hardcore sex in this game. When I want that I can go to just about any other game in the world. AWAM is trying for something different, and that's how I calibrate my expectations. I think L&P is going to be one of those creators that I support every so often for short periods of time. When he does good work I'll support him, and when he goes on a 4 month hiatus I'll pull back my support. I think the game is fun to discuss, and I do wish a lot of things about it were different, but don't let it ruin your day if someone loves or hates it.

Originally I had planned on following the good wife path because it felt the most appropriate for Sophia's character. But there's a push/pull in that you as a paying customer are missing 90% of the game's content if you go that route- so you're literally paying for something that you aren't utilizing. To Blockout's point, the GW path feels like a huge missed opportunity. Liam could be developed so much better on that route, and we could get a better sense of why Sophia loves him. It would also make sense that this route could have the earlier payoff for sex (and I mean good sex) because it would be in character. This is a problem that a lot of corruption games have; the non-corruption path is devoid of content. Games like this always seem ask the player to choose the character's path, but practically speaking there's rarely a reason to chose the non-corruption story because you're missing everything. I recently started playing Jessica O'Neil's Hard News and it has the same problem. If you play her as a respectable person there are only minor benefits, but it costs you the bulk of the content. It's a big resource commitment, but if you really want players to choose then there has to be exclusive content on both paths. It does seem that the GW path is about to get more attention in AWAM, but I wonder if it's going to be enough.

From a purely creative standpoint, AWAM does frustrate me. Not because of the lack of sex, but because of how long it is taking to tell a story. As a creator it feels like L&P is somewhere beyond the Point of Diminishing Returns, and is somewhere around the Point of Negative Returns. He's putting in a lot of input, but I'm not sure it's resulting in appropriate levels of output. At some point good enough really is good enough. Sometimes you just need to put the pencil down and release what you have. This doesn't mean you need to rush the final product, but it does mean you can't always wait until everything is perfect. I have suggested before that I think he should give himself a firm schedule- that way he knows what restraints he has. If the next release is going to be 1/3 of a day, and he gives himself 3 months to complete it, then he knows what he has to work with. He has to deliver enough content for 1/3 of a day, and he needs to do it in 90 days (just an example, but I think 3 months is a sweet spot). From there he can dedicate resources appropriately. Right now he's only doing half of that, he knows the scope of the release but he doesn't set a firm release date. In my mind that's a mistake because it allows him to endlessly tweak and change things and that results in delays.
excellent post, yeah AWAM story advancement is frustrating but it helps when you realize the main story is the corruption of Sophia and everything that happens go towards corrupting Sophia into having sex with someone else not named Liam. GW route isn't the main story and Filthy route is, that is why I think there always be less content and missed opportunities on the GW route.

AWAM is frustrating to me as I would prefer there were no scenes with Liam at all and the whole casino story wasn't in-game. To be fair though, we can look at any VN/Game and always find something we would prefer was different.
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