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Men Fight and Win at Hit the Mat
Men Fight and Win at Hit the Mat
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Mixed Wrestling 2 Onyx vs Duncan HTM53b

11/15/11 1:43 AM10 min157 MBwmv480p
Price10.49 EUR


Onyx is ready to go as this fall gets started. She kicks and pounces on Duncan, chocking the life out of him. She decides she is going for the remote as Duncan rolls over and slams her with a low blow. Onyx is pissed as they go at each other, with rules thrown out the window. Eye rakes, and hair pulling are only a couple of the devastating things these two do to each other. Duncan, after taking some earlier goes on the offensive locking Onyx up in a head scissor, and raining down strikes on her unprotected stomach. He then works on her neck and back holding her in a modified chin lock, pressing his knee in her back. Her cries of pain are ignored, until she takes a bite out of his hand. Duncan lifts Onyx up and sets her up for another “slam dunk” body slam into a back breaker. Even racked with pain, Onyx still will not give up. They tear into each other as Duncan works on Onyx's back and neck and Onyx goes after whatever she can. Duncan, using his strength slams Onyx down again from a body slam, this time calling it a “Touch Down” as he mock his opponent. He tosses Onyx around the mats with snap mares, over the shoulder carry, and a widow's peak. Onyx is finally to submit to Duncan as the score is now even heading into the final fall. Dimensions 640 X 480 Running time 10 minutes 57 seconds.

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