Been a while since my last update, but I figured that I should get this one out to set expectations. Due to some exciting developments in my life and career, I will be very busy for the next months and on the move. As such, drawing is not a possibility for me and I haven't been able to even get out to my sketches, so for the foreseeable future there won't be any drawings from me personally. When I do get back into it as well I will need some time to warm up again and regain my meager talent.
That said, I will be still uploading commissions I've gotten when I can, but even these will be done at a reduced rate. Hopefully I can get moving quickly with my plans and get back to it, I'm eager to start drawing again and learn some new things while I'm at it. ... [ Continued ... ]
I've never really done an actual announcement about it before, but I do have profiles on other sites as well that I'm active on. I'd greatly appreciate if y'all would follow, like, and retweet my works on them to help get the ball rolling, as I haven't really been active on them till recently. For Twitter I'm regularly on there, while for DeviantArt not as much since their rules are far more limiting, HOWEVER you will be seeing a lot of my render commissions there and probably nowhere else.
Well I've managed to hit 3 million views, huge thanks to everyone that's followed me and taken interest in my art! :D A large part of why I draw is because of you guys, and it brings me no end of joy to be able to make someone else happy with my ideas. Hope y'all enjoy the newest drawing I'm posting alongside for this milestone.
On a more somber note, people may have noticed that my posting habits, already slow to begin with, have dwindled even more since my return earlier this year, and that not all of my art in that time has been quite up to the same standards. Unfortunately I've had to reign in how much I draw as lately I've lost a lot of my drive to do so with my life becoming busier, and community engagement has been very low with my art for some time now. My own... [ Continued ... ]
Well I'm doing better now after the most difficult and excruciating period of my life, I've shifted to a state that I guess is the new normal for me. With that, I'm going back to drawing. I've gotten an updated drawing program, some new drawing styles to try, and more time to draw as well, so hopefully you'll all be able to see more from me soon.
New Update: Things have slightly improved. I still won't be able to draw for a while, but there will be a time at some point next year where I'll make my return, which I will be announcing with a new blog whenever that is.
Due to a variety of events in my life right now, most of them bad ones, I will be temporarily taking a break from making art. This will certainly not be permanent, but as for how long it will last I can't say, till things get better I hope. I know that I'm not a frequent art poster to begin with, but I won't be drawing anything for probably 1-2 months minimum. The break could be a lot longer than that, but I don't imagine it will be should things improve. If they don't, expect that a year or more could pass before I'm ready to return. I will still be coming... [ Continued ... ]
The weather is starting to get hot, university finals are already forgotten, and there is more content to come (hopefully) soon! Apart from my birthday being this month, I'll also be away for most of the middle of May. However, I do have a few drawings I'm working on, so I'll hopefully be able to release some of them before I leave. With the semester being over and all as well, I should have enough time to draw and pump out more content than usual for the season.
I'm also open to drawing suggestions. These aren't requests or guaranteed in any way, but essentially if you have ideas that you'd like to see, send me a PM with the info and I'll see wot I can do with it! If your suggestion is at all similar to any of my works or favorites, it has a good chance of being incorporated... [ Continued ... ]
So I reached a million views today, and I'd just like to thank everybody that has favorited my drawings, followed me, or just enjoyed my works in general. Its been a journey for me drawing for a year and a half now, and though I've improved since I've started, I still want to aim higher. I'd like to thank all the artists that have helped and guided me, and I will continue to follow wot you have all taught me.
I've started a Tip Jar now as well:
I was considering Patreon, but decided against it because I know that I wouldn't be able to commit to it enough, and because I don't want to lock off content. For the Tip... [ Continued ... ]
So I wanted to ask the public wot they'd like to see more of from me, and which fictional characters I should use. Should I focus more on my original characters, or have more anime and video game gals? Change up the style of my vore, or stick to the same perspective? I'm looking for inspiration, so fire away below or in a PM
I have some free time for the next several weeks so I've decided to open commissions! They'll be for a limited time only, so grab one while you can. Look over my commission info prior to contacting me if you are interested: ... oreGloreX4