Goth Girl Roommate Pulls You In Bed | [come lay next to me][cuddles][petnames]F4M ASMR
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- / yubi_va
"Why don't you just come lie next to me---We are roommates after all---I don't see anything wrong with it"
You've been living with your goth roommate for quite a while now. Although she seems blunt and oblivious to social cues and situations, at least she's nice and genuine about it. One day, you manage to go home early from work and figure since your roommates going to be out for a while, you may as well stay home and get some rest. That is until you find her sleeping not only in your room, but in your bed, nonetheless.
Script By: BP
Art by: Sugai
#goth #animeroleplay #asmr
I do not own the art. Credits to the artist.
If you are the artist, please contact me!
Hope you guys enjoyed this role play!
"Why are you in my bed." Man if I had a nickel for every time I've heard that, I would have no money.
Do not worry my brother in arms I too have no maidens. Now go forth for we have another crusade upon us! There will be many maidens, riches and land to plunder. Go west!
@@LoboNoir-vk8wf maidens are temporary. The crusade is eternal.
@@johnmurcott1273 Apologies my brother in Christ for I have strayed from the proper path. I shall go forth in the name of the lord!
@@johnmurcott1273 😰
Ain't that right hoss, ain't that right
The voices in my head are getting louder every day 🗣️🔥💯
real real 🗣️🗣️
realest shit I've ever heard 🗣️🗣️🗣️💪
Im jumping out the ninth floor today🗣️🗣️💯💯
I can't handle it anymore 🗣️🔥💯
@@Kaifunsiuduos 🗣🗣🔥🔥
I love the weird, wonderful way she thinks and sees the world, especially that teddy story. Goth audios have always been some of my favorites. Thank you very much. 😊🖤
aw thank you Dan 😭😭😭I hope I didn’t disappoint !
Yo dan, slide yo boi some money
@@-eadd3220lmao fr
yo dan i’ll make u an audio for 25 bucks 😚
Waking up with a goth girl in our room and have a conversation, and became a couple, ended with a cuddle back to sleep, amazing audio Yubi
snap back to reality
@@ThePato1234567 likewise
Came for the memes, stayed cuz im a lonely sack of shit
Same bro 😢
Fr fr
Fr tho
Yubi's enchanting voice and a goth girl character fulfill all my desires, creating the perfect lullaby for tonight. I couldn't imagine a better way to drift off to sleep.
You always do an amazing job bringing the characters to life! Hope you have a great day! :3
True, she is wierd. But she's also realistic, logical, and overall adorable. What she says seems quite wierd at first but if you listen to this script a second time around you'll see she's actually quite articulate and you voiced her perfectly Yubi. LOVED IT!!!😊💚👍
(Sorry I missed the premiere).
Thousands of years of evolution just for it to end like this 🗣️🚨🚨🚨🚨‼️‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
REAL 🗣️🦅🦅🦅🦅🔥
I've always called myself a huge teddybear, but to hear Yubi call me 'Mr. Teddy' as a petname makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Great work as always, Yubi! Take care of yourself and be well.
You need a therapist
This was so sweet! I loved the character, the plot was so nice and I loved the dialogue. The concept is really nice, and I loved the way you played this character. Amazing work❤
entering my depression arc with this one
Can't say no to a goth girl ASMR. Especially when it's Yubi 😏🖤⛓
I’ve been at a low point before…. This takes the cake tho 😅
Thank you. This is my first video of yours. I'm in a really bad place. I was losing it and this really helped take the edge off. I don't want to be dramatic and say you saved my life or anything, but honestly I was spiralling harder than I have in decades. At least I think I'll make it through tonight, so thank you.
Green please stay strong and don’t do anything that would make you regret it. I’m happy to hear I’m able to help but please fight any demons back🌷
You don't need this, you need a therapist
@@Pearlcarberthese videos can help too, a therapist is way more effective but it's not free.
What am I doing bro💀
Just wanted to remind you
Listening to a Goth girl audio,just like every guy does in his spare time,nothing to be ashamed of
I’m asking myself the same thing 😂
i’m at a very low point rn
Same here brother
I'm in love with all of the unique voices. TY for the uploads
THIS is exactly what i needed tn. Would have been nice if it was like 20 minutes long
same with breathing and heart beat
Blunt, cuddly love confession from awkward goth girl, I’m in, Yubi’s lovely calming voice, yes please!
Another marvelous upload
Great work Yubi and BP!
Lowest point of my life rn
Fuck it, we ball.
Same god bless you I pray we both get out of this hell
Loved this!!! Very comforting and peaceful!! I liked her too, really chill and sweet!! Perfection as always!!
Totally not here for a second time😅 Theres a beautiful eccentric vibe the goth girl gives off that makes me want to know more, to get to know her more, real or not. I can relate to her as well which is genuinely comforting ❤
Goths with sunglasses and a wide brimmed hat looks extremely cool... I wish it was the norm. Also her talking about the bear was super cute I can't help but smile.
Thanks for the great audio yubi!
yuhhh we sleeping good tonight 🗣🗣
Throwing this one in the “evidence that the feds are collecting” playlist 🗣️🔥
At the lowest point in my life rn
O God I clicked on this once and my recommended is flooded
I'm at an all time low💯🗣🗣🗣🗣
“I did practically confess alread so I don’t see an issue being your girlfriend” woah woah what? I think I missed a whole ass chapter of this conversation even though I was listening, that’s a leap of logic, attractive and happy sure but a leap none the less 😂 that made me say wait what out loud 😂
Thanks for this video ! You have an amazing voice as always and you did a good job :)
Nobody is going to see this but I have just found out about these asmr audio role plays and I was thinking of starting to review so this is my first one
First off I enjoyed how she seemed so real they have a side where they reveal themselves to certain people but she also showed a bit of a side where she doesn’t feel like she wants to share anything
She also does give off a feeling of unease when she is talking her slight accent adds onto this also me myself enjoy the dark but people think I’m weird so when she is talking about what she likes about the dark it made me feel less weird it also seems like you can play that part to someone who is afraid of the dark a little less scared
If you we’re going for a story going for a story that had half romance and half unease you nailed it with her voice implying the dark into her personality 4.7 out of 5
This is a dream come true...
May we be blessed with an opportunity of a good company from a goth girl.
-I got no rizz so I can only pray
(Y) S ame
This is perfection🥺. Nice work, Yubi.🖤🖤
Don't worry, Yubi - the AI overlords will never be able to replace you! We love you!
yayyyy! I am safe🥰
We dying alone with this one 🗣️🔥
All hail Mr. Teddy, the true dark lord
3:05 nice lil writing or rp idk if your referencing the trades or what but❤
hope this story continues : )
I can’t describe the mental state I‘m in rn, but it‘s definitely a low point
I felt a sleep instantly while listening this i was sick
Awww get well soon LVT❤️❤️❤️
Lowest moment in my life i
The bloodline is dying with me🗣️🗣️🔥🔥💯
Thousands of years of evolution just for it to end like this 🗣️🚨🚨🚨🚨‼️‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
"Why are you in my bed?"
Alrighty then.. picture this if you will..
I was just trying to sleep
when you came in and interrupted me
while the bed was more comfy than
the one i usually sleep on
and yes we are indeed roommates
but anyway..
thats besides the point.
I have no definitive answer to why I am in your bed..
just let me sleep.
Good one
@@mahony_gamer8461 did you get the reference?
At a low point of my life right now, Jesus pray for me.
Jesus yes you are. I'll be sure to pray for you next time I do.
@@Lorenzo_Watermann thanks brother, Lord have mercy on us.
I think that she has Autism. This common disability would help us both find a confidant.
they begging was so hard to listen to like "oh it seams it is yourer oom"
"I just assumed he maybe joined the primordial aether to become a king. And was granted an army"
"Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?"
Bruh I am going through crisis right now I fr hit rock bottom
I would love to wake up to goth yubi
Thanks yubi have a great day 🙂
that shotgun barrel looks very kissable🤣
Real 🗣️🔥🔥🔥🚨🚨🚨‼️
What i thought this was a recipe on how to make a pipebomb my friend said "oops wrong link" I am concernd for him now
After I noticed it, I can’t not stare at the blurred image of Sakuya on the wall, hung up as a poster or a painting for some reason
I am at the lowest point of my life man
7:00 “…”
“So You Do Like Plastic Crack?”
Her voice is alluring
4:15 *leaves bed angrily* I’m going to play hello kitty.
My ex would call me teddy bear. It was an incredibly toxic relationship that went on and off for like 5-6 years. It actually effected a few future relationships I've had has well.
no one cares man + affected*
Damn, it's sad, I hope you're doing well now
Good day everyone ☕️
Good day to you sir ☕
There you go again.. making my dreams come true 🖤
I clicked on it because I thought it was stupid but why am I on the halfway mark 😭😰
Yay more cuddles from Yubi 🥰🥰
Sasuke : cuddles with stocking
Wake up mortals, luffy is getting animated by WB soon.
i am so alone.
Join the club lil bro
"My dude"line seems kinda nostalgic
4:07 Why do people think that goths talk like this? (Several more examples are scattered throughout the vid, too). ☠️☠️☠️
No hate btw, the ASMR is nice!
Your accent I swear 😭👌🏼
awww 🥹🥹🥹🥹I thank you x10000 for liking my accent. it’s been an insecurity of mine 😭💖
@@Yubi You have an AMAZING accent! Why be insecure about that? Your voice is absolutely beautiful.
@@Yubi there is no need to be insecure yubi, we love your content because how much you enjoy being yourself making these for us, your accent just makes it all the better ❤️🩹
leg day hit diff
That nickname is _way too meta_ for me
"Sacrificed your sanity to the great Old ones" I don't believe she has, or else I would know *wink wink*
goth yubi is always a treat. and i definitely need to go to bed now XD. just finished watching a 2 hour movie before going to bed🤣👌. thx my dear for finishing my day once more perfectly🥰. take care💕
You also need help
9:06 I’d Prefer If You Did
I Love This Character
I Love This VA
Great Wording
I Need More
The schizophrenia worsens i think im falling back into an episode
Girl in my bed: I dont care
She mention great old one: NOW YOU HAVE MY FULL ATTENTION
“no wait this is my bed” “ this is your bed im a dumbass”
I'm loving this goth girl and her weirdness. I'm into that. Great audio
I love her
You measly embraced the dark while I was born in it
I knew I wasn’t the only one who thought of that bane quote
I was wrong, though it's you adopted the dark while. I was born in it molded by t
@@ArcaneGunCat_AH As long as you get what you were trying to say I don't really think it matters.
It's official, I'm cooked asf.. I'm never getting a girlfriend at this point
At my lowest ‼️🙏🔥
I cant do this anymore
And she calls me weird.
She can keep calling me a teddy bear though
I'm at a very low point in my life right now
Imagin actually talking to women
i wanna goth gf now 🥺
I always sleep with my closet door open threw my whole life
Awww, I absplutely love thisss :O💝💚♥
oh no 🧍♂️i'm turning 🧎♂️into a huggable teddy 🧸
I am fucking cooked
Cuddles! I love cuddles
This is why I love goth girls
Bro if I got a dollar every time I’ve heard that it would be 34 dollars (I’ve heard it for other people not me)
I really need to go to more car meets instead of listening to this thing
I need help
i cant take it anymore i wanna cuddle with a real girl instead of a pillow and cuddling asmr 🗣🗣‼️🔥🔥
Same situation.
Different outcome: I actually am a failure, you don't.
Yall are listening to this?!?!!? Its 3am I'm Working out and this randomly plays. Yall are weird
No offense btw
She's lucky the beds are in the same place, if they weren't.. that'd be a hard lesson.
What the hell did I stumble upon here
Will this be with more part you think?